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Messages - starkwolf

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Forum Games / Re: First word to come to your mind
« on: August 06, 2019, 08:38:31 pm »

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Chat command based RPG mechanics
« on: August 06, 2019, 08:33:20 pm »
So, now that we have access to the source code again, I think now is the time to suggest something I have wanted for a long time. TL;DR, next paragraph and bottom two paragraphs.

It would be awesome if the chatbox could be used for RPG mechanics, preferably with customizable stats. Stats would include, minimally, an attack and hp stat with some sort of roll system to limit predictability. However, I would love to see attributes like agility, perception, movement, and possibly magical stats

This would be entirely isolated to the chat, and would have no impact on the physical appearance of any characters or the game world. Thus, participation is entirely voluntary.

I have two ideas for customizable stats

1) Attributes tied to appearance

+Things like damage, speed, agility, make sense naturally if well implemented

+Easy-ish to program

-Difficult to balance in an immersive way

- Specific appearances may become optimal for a specific builds/adventures.

Some ideas what this may look like:

Longer tails increase agility, with shorter tails having a different benefit (magic maybe?)

Bigger animals get a bonus to HP and attack with a proportionate debuff to magic and agility.

This is of course super flexible, but one gets the idea. It could either be in blocks as large as three groupings (small, medium, large) or since it would be run automatically every tick might be countable.

Second idea: a special stats page added to character customization:

+With stats either not tied to appearance, or not as closely if mixed with the above, it allows for greater player imagination

-Would probably take longer to make

-Clutter for the players that don't use it, which may be many.

-More capacity for strange designs to break immersion

This is more straightforward: capabilities are listed on sliders on a page. This may involve ability checkboxes that give boosts and penalties simultaneously, sliders with a point cap, or a number of other possibilities.

How I imagine various potential abilities being used:

/attack"[name of character]": attempts to lower target HP. Remaining HP will be displayed

/movestart: Displays a movement score, and places an anchor for the following command:
/movecheck: Displays how many movement points remain between where your character is on the map now, and when /movestart was inputted, if negative you have to move further back if your group is playing in a turn-based manner.

/usemagic"[ability name]": multiple processes are calculated together based on how the magic ability works, including mana depletion, hit checks, status affects, and so forth, all listed in chat.

/applycondition"[name of condition]": Informs player that a condition has been applied to their character via chat. Has no physical impact and no internal list is kept, so it comes down to the player to willfully RP this.

/rest: restores HP and provides some other bonuses potentially.

Out of character commands I imagine:

/ignorerp"[player name]": Any attempt by another player to initiate an RP interaction with you will be ignored. They will receive an "invalid target" response in chat, freeing up your stats to RP with who you want to RP with.
/rpon: Allows these chat commands to be used
/rpoff: prohibits you or other players from using these abilities until turned on
/creategame: creates a new adventure, with all stats at default. By default, you will be "GL," a position that allows you to create NPCs and do other things a D&D DM could do (not all things, but could be built over time)
/invite"[character name]": Invites a specific player's character to join an adventure. Will need to re-invite if they switch characters. They will accept or decline with a pop up.
/kick"[player name]": kicks a player from an adventure. No physical impact, but their chat commands will be ineffective.
/listconditions: Lists conditions placed on your character (like paralyzed, slowed, etc). For player's referance only.
/removecondition"[name of condition to be removed]": Applied condition will no longer be listed under /listconditions. 

Game leader commands:
/createnpc"[desired name of npc]": Game leader creates an NPC by entering numbers for a series of system generated prompts to assign stats.
/"[desired name of npc]"[desired action NPC takes from the first list]: Takes an action as listed NPC

Of course, these are all just ideas. If the only command we get is /attack which deals a randomized amount of damage, preferably (though not necessarily) with a randomized chance to miss altogether, I would be happy. For the time being, HP could be listed in the bio. All of these are just my fantasies of where we could go from here with chat commands.

The central idea is that our 3d characters could be used as miniatures, like in a board game, and it would give us a convenient, universal tool to implement mechanics that would make for convenient, table-top RPG -like combat in its simplest implementation, or down the road could transform FH into having the capacity to be a chat-based pen-an-paper-like RPG too complicated to implement as a real RPG, made easy for players with all the record keeping and attack calculations done by the computer, making it far easier than even D&D. And it is all voluntary, the chat can simply be ignored if a player does not want to engage with these mechanics.

Forum Games / Re: Slap Your Keyboard :D
« on: November 11, 2018, 03:29:22 am »

Guy has a sane elephant ;o


Really? Freddy, you got Jimmy heated now.

I guess you could say his jimmies were rustled =D

Game Discussion / Re: How Old Are The Floofs In FearlHeart?
« on: November 11, 2018, 03:26:39 am »
I call the 20+ age group the "FH Boomers", kinda like the first huge wave of youngsters to swarm the game. It seems that a lot of the older members, such as myself, have grown up with the game and decided to stay. However, our numbers seem to dwindle down every so often due to life. We're getting older and starting our own lives. It's bittersweet to think that many of us grew up with one another. ♥ c: Hopefully, the youngsters that we have now can do the same. ♥

Yeah, I wish I had been on more. I remember you, sortof, but it would have been cool if I was on longer to be with this group more.

Forum Games / Re: Slap Your Keyboard :D
« on: October 30, 2018, 02:20:41 am »

"Never mind, cod does feel gross" said Zebra.

Forum Games / Re: First word to come to your mind
« on: October 30, 2018, 01:59:57 am »

Game Discussion / Re: How Old Are The Floofs In FearlHeart?
« on: October 30, 2018, 01:58:40 am »
I remember back when old age polls had the number a lot younger. I think it is a certain age group growing up with this, with few older or younger than that. I think this game now is mostly made of veterans. An interesting poll would be "how long have you been playing FH?" as a follow up.

Forum Games / Re: First word to come to your mind
« on: February 09, 2017, 10:09:56 pm »

Game Discussion / Re: How did you stumble across Feral Heart?
« on: February 09, 2017, 06:38:30 pm »
How did you first come across Feral Heart?

YouTube. I was desperately looking for some sort of wolf game, came across this first.

What was your ?input? when you first joined?
I liked it, if you mean my opinion. I don't know that I really contributed that much if that is what you mean. I have always just barely tolerated the fact that there are absolutely no built in combat mechanics. But, I needed something. Eventually I tried WolfQuest, but at the time it was very buggy, and there are things that I strongly prefer about this to WQ.

Most memorable moment:
I have a few memorable moments about just RPing with people in general maps. Had a rather interesting one with one of my characters.

Game Discussion / Re: What if I said I could remake Fh if I really tried?
« on: February 09, 2017, 04:53:35 pm »
First, we need to determine what about FeralHeart is causing this die off, and fix it. I honestly don't think the graphics are even part of the problem. Some people like good graphics, sure. But as an art style there is something appealing and relaxing about the way FH is.

I can think of a few things:

1) Distribution: Right now, if something isn't on Steam, or a similar service, a game generally isn't going to be found in the first place. We should really try to get something like this released on steam, and if possible try and subtly influence a few influential YouTubers to promote it on their channels.

2) Gameplay options: You had already mentioned fixing this with a survival mode, which would be great. However, that niche is already pretty well covered by the now-revived WolfQuest. However, it is intended as an educational game, and I think if you had a sortof blend between this and something like Tokyo Jungle, you would be in good shape. You would just have to make it 18+.

3) Dev team. Kovu leaving the project really did this game in. So much could have been fixed up if the team had access to the source code. If you want to make it yourself, go ahead. If you want a team, that can speed things up, but be careful to not have a team member leave and leave the rest of the team helpless. Just share all the necessary information ahead of time, so if someone does leave you can replace them.

4) Find your niche. Wolf survival is already pretty well covered by the restart of WolfQuest. Shelter is already popular on Steam. Find something that makes your game stand out.

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