Author Topic: An Honest Rant  (Read 17557 times)

Offline Wyldercat

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An Honest Rant
« on: July 31, 2016, 12:52:47 am »
Alright, now I know many of ye will take this the wrong way, but this is just how *I* feel. 'Tis an opinion, and I doubt many will like it, but I do ask you hear me out.
Also, I would like to hear if anyone else feels like this, or has another perspective on the matter. I'd like to keep this mature and most importantly, HONEST if a disagreement does break out, however.

Alright, now before I get started, this is NOT a personal issue I have.

So, a few other users have brought this up recently, whether publicly or in private discussion, and honestly I'm getting tired of it. The blunt point is this:
I feel like everyone's just kissing up to everyone and acting super unnaturally nice, but with no sincerity whatsoever; and the bulk of the community just seems fake to me.
Now, I know what all of you reading are thinking. People are being nice? What's wrong with that? Well, there is absolutely nothing wrong with being polite, or telling white lies, or being friendly. It's just that, the community is based on who can butter up the nicest, and not on other actual good people who may just be too shy or blunt to make a super huge deal and compliment everyone on every little thing. I've seen users with an absolute heart of GOLD been completely overshadowed, regarded as "unfriendly" or "distant," and sometimes even some... rude things in private just because they aren't stereotypically outgoing. This really bothers me to no end.

And yes, I am aware that much of this community is young and the like, but still, if everyone is constantly slammed with compliments and praise, and being blown up for something, then no one's truly special; and it's extremely unfair to people who do something just as well, maybe even better, than those glorified members, but receive little to moderate attention for their dedication. Many of you probably think "well jeez, Twisted, you're just jealous because so and so didn't get as much attention as so and so."
I will admit, I am slightly biased, as many friends of mine were overshadowed in such a way, but this isn't the issue, but a factor in the pic picture.

Now, this big picture, as I mentioned before in the blunt point, is that people don't seem genuine. I am aware this is the internet, and it is difficult to properly decipher tone or feeling through text alone, but still; it can give off some mixed feelings if someone is everyone's sweetheart in public, but rude and or selfish when actually spoken to in a one on one. I personally have been talked down to or "shut up" and "yessed" to death by people I once considered kind.
The thing is, as difficult as it is to get truly caught up and interested in a strictly internet topic, no one seems to care about actual issues users may have and are mentioning, or something they are proud of, but try to act like they're suddenly best friends or glorify the member for the sake of a good reputation. Now this is scarcely viewed as a bad thing at first. It's good to keep up a generally positive reputation, and that is achieved through being kind and considerate, especially to those who need it. It's the right thing to do, right? Well, sometimes a good action for the wrong action could also classify as a bad action, even if only subliminally.
Now, I will admit, I am guilty of this on occasions, but as someone who's been through many of the same issues that people may have, and I'd feel better knowing that I've helped someone. However, many of the people who offer to be a shoulder to cry on are empty offers to seem like they care, however, many I know have been blatantly rejected by those who offered advice or a "safe place" to talk. I know some things are too personal, but if someone truly needs to vent; why offer to comfort them if you're just going to brush them away like it's nothing in private? The answer is simple. Reputation. Everyone just pretends to care about everyone to the ends of the earth when they really couldn't give a rats backside about whether or not the person will benefit, and it's very selfish and it bothers me.

Also, even when assisting those in need, I feel like people are just throwing out the darndest things as random suggestions that may have NOTHING to do with the actual issue, and much of the time make the problem worse. I understand not everyone is an expert, and everyone makes mistakes. However, when people barely read up on the issue and just spit out the same answers in every thread, even if it's already been stated that the said solution did nothing to help the issue, or is unrelated, it's really just... off.

Now, I know many of those reading this may be offended. It's a reasonable response to someone seemingly challenging most of the community. However, I mean nothing personal, and this is not meant as a threat, call-out post, or as a form of attention seeking. I just would like to get this off my chest, and I am curious if others feel the same way.
For those who have made it this far, thank you for your time and patience.

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Re: An Honest Rant
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2016, 12:55:40 am »
The fun part about this is, I've seen the negative affect this has on the community.
Some members are blown up to the possibility that any bluntness that is taken with its' own compliments and constructive criticism, is thought of as awful and rude.

Honestly, egos are meant to be moderate- not inflated.
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Offline Wyldercat

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Re: An Honest Rant
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2016, 12:58:21 am »
The fun part about this is, I've seen the negative affect this has on the community.
Some members are blown up to the possibility that any bluntness that is taken with its' own compliments and constructive criticism, is thought of as awful and rude.

Honestly, egos are meant to be moderate- not inflated.
Yes, I couldn't agree more. Even a neutral response to things is viewed as disrespectful compared to the masses, it seems.

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Re: An Honest Rant
« Reply #3 on: July 31, 2016, 01:01:23 am »
I honestly agree 100% with you on this. I'm not going to say that I'm any better. I've done and said things around here that have a lot of people thinking wrong about me. And it really bothers me when I see other people get passed over and ignored when they have tried their level best to help this community out and they just end up feeling that they aren't appreciated at all. And people that do all of the "good child thing" just to gain a reputation...honestly they are just the worst.

Offline Wyldercat

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Re: An Honest Rant
« Reply #4 on: July 31, 2016, 01:05:00 am »
I honestly agree 100% with you on this. I'm not going to say that I'm any better. I've done and said things around here that have a lot of people thinking wrong about me. And it really bothers me when I see other people get passed over and ignored when they have tried their level best to help this community out and they just end up feeling that they aren't appreciated at all. And people that do all of the "good child thing" just to gain a reputation...honestly they are just the worst.
Yes, I agree. All the insincerity in even the most serious threads... I'm sure we could talk a long time about this one.

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Re: An Honest Rant
« Reply #5 on: July 31, 2016, 01:09:39 am »
I don't see the point in it all honestly. Why can't everyone here just love one another and all be equally as helpful and loving without an undercurrent of lies and just wanting to be "the special one"

Offline Wyldercat

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Re: An Honest Rant
« Reply #6 on: July 31, 2016, 01:19:28 am »
I don't see the point in it all honestly. Why can't everyone here just love one another and all be equally as helpful and loving without an undercurrent of lies and just wanting to be "the special one"
It's not even about being the "special one" anymore. Everyone just wants a title, or something of the like. It's not a bad thing to want recognition, but... it's just selfish to be everyone's "friend" when really you could care less for a person, especially for personal gain.

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Re: An Honest Rant
« Reply #7 on: July 31, 2016, 01:22:26 am »
And really, why would you want recognition if along the way, you upset a bunch of people? It kinda defeats the purpose in my opinion.

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Re: An Honest Rant
« Reply #8 on: July 31, 2016, 01:25:01 am »
To be honest, I'm not really as involved in the community as I used to be, however I can sill see allot of buttering up happening.
It's always difficult to look at a community you love and point out the flaws, but there are flaws. Everything has flaws, no matter where you go.
I guess, considering the kinds of things you can see happening in different communities, we can at least be grateful that our flaw is being too nice.

And while I have never let myself be decieted by this kind of over-glorification (or have tried my best not to), I have seen the undertones of it here and there.

But, nevertheless, there are still allot of people in this community that are honest and kind. honestly kind.

This is an issue that can only be solved by the community itself. Mods and Admins will find it difficult to change this aspect, it is a hard flaw to fix, as it is a subtle and rather complex one. It's up to the people of the community to help change this.

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Re: An Honest Rant
« Reply #9 on: July 31, 2016, 01:27:47 am »
I agree with you I feel like some people(not everyone) only cares about being well known and famous when that really doesn't matter. I think people should just be honest towards each other, and they shouldn't care about winning stuff so they can be recognized, and trying to be popular. There is nothing wrong with people being friendly, and helpful, but they should also be honest to. That is probably why so many people feel left out because lots of people are trying to be a winner, and a goodie two shoes.

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