Author Topic: A Guide to Character Development [COMPLETE]  (Read 3897 times)


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A Guide to Character Development [COMPLETE]
« on: December 29, 2013, 06:47:54 pm »
written by Calliph

Table of Contents
  • Introduction
  • What is Character Development?
  • Examples in Media
  • Pros n' Cons



   'ello. this is more or less a guide constructed by me that might help you guys get a better understatement of character development and thus utilize it in roleplay, writing, and the construction of more interesting characters. as the table of contents states above, it will explain exactly what character development is, some examples in the media, what to do and not to do, and finally: some pros, and some cons. i might not be the best person to write something like this, i'm more of an observer when it comes to the subject and have written only three characters that have actually been developed over time- but let me tell you, they felt like in-the-book, smackin' dazzlin' 'this could be shipped on tumblr' characters. i'm in the process of writing more not tied to any roleplay, and i also feel really good about them. so i hope this guide helps and please ignore my lack of grammar up here, it'll be used below i swear.


What is Character Development?

   Character development is basically one of the most important factors to the creation of a character. It more or less 'propels interest', you see. Because when you look at a character, sure, yes, you look for basic personality traits and what-not, alongside appearance, and maybe the cause for certain actions. But only a few look back at what actually happened in the past that wasn't written for the sake of another part of the application being filled, but was instead actually existent; it actually happened, it was a part of the Character's past and from there it has lead up to who they are now. Thus the most interesting or enjoyable characters often are those who lead up to something, be it good or bad; greater or lesser. Maybe it isn't thrown into every roleplay. But if you're searching for suggestions that may help you with improving your character, this process should definitely be considered. Character development can be carried out by following the few basic suggestions below.

  • If a roleplaying character, use past groups to your advantage. Start from the beginning of the character's life.
  • For 'fast' development, a roleplaying character should possess relationships with other characters who put them through (or they put themselves through) tough or interesting situations. This will provide for them to learn, make decisions, but remember to span this out over a time.
  • Time is key. So take the key and use it. You have to 'develop' for a reason.
  • If writing a book/screen/other character, depending on the situation and whether or not the Character has already have a sort of 'prequel' establish, make the journey long. Days or weeks aren't going to realistically cut it in most situations. Think to yourself: would I change if I were them in this course of time because of what has happened?
  • Side-plots, oooh side-plots are key if you want to speed up the character development that is faced. The more conflicts placed in front of the character, and the more solutions they come up with means the more change- whether their personality makes it so its just a slight change, or if its a more majour change.
    • Characters, whether you are roleplaying or not, and depending on their physiological state, don't realistically transform into something else because of another death or devastation. Don't rush things along too much, now!


Examples in Media

  In order to gain a better understandment of what well-thought out, enjoyable, and just plain good character development may look like, here are a few examples- possibly known or possibly not, of some characters I know of that have developed brilliantly over time. Whether they were written, appeared on a television or movie show, or were in a Broadway.

From the television series Supernatural, Castiel: angel, human, then angel again
has undergone a sort of development that could only be titled as 'becoming human'. I'm not
going to go into too much detail for the sake of spoiling, but let me tell you: over the course
of time and his own actions as well as his own interactions with other characters: he's definitely
not the same as he was when he first appeared.

From the book and Broadway Wicked (she made appearances in other books too, but let's
keep this simple) is probably one of the most plain-out developed, enjoyable, and interesting
characters I've ever seen. I can remember when she set up a meeting between a boy and her
roommate, and through the entire thing made sassy remarks (oh ho, the joy in that!). After
other things that have happened? She's not that person, but she definitely holds the uncaring
attitude she formerly did. Not going into too much detail because this is a character you should
really experience by yourself, and spoilers if you're going to see the Broadway or are reading any
of the books.  

The Doctor
Pictured above are eleven out of the twelve Doctors- missing Peter Capaldi as the twelfth, to specify.
Nonetheless this, my friends, is the most long-term, over-time and extraordinary example of character
development you shall ever lay eyes upon, because over the course of fifty years has this time lord from
Gallifrey been developed: fifty years of adventuring with companions as interesting or even better than
the Doctor, fifty years of traveling in a big blue box called the TARDIS and let me tell you, with regeneration
aside but memories included, he's definitely not the same, and everything he did do lead up to what he
currently is now.  

Sorry its art, I wanted an example more accurate than the movie's lesser-looking, red-hoodie wearing 'R'.
Art belongs to upperstories on deviantART. But, onto the actual subject of this character; he has a similar
transformation to Castiel, who was mentioned above. He turns 'human', but he's definitely not an angel
at the start. Originally being a zombie, but  after devouring a young man named Perry's brain, he connects
to Perry, who  is surprisingly reaching out to him through that. After rescuing a girl named Julie, he also
protects her from the other, less humane zombies. He breaks away from being just, 'dead', basically.


Pros n' Cons

Inconveniences you may find while thoroughly developing a character over time may include:

- the amount of time it takes if roleplaying
- it may not always turn out 'right' if you are aiming for a sense of mental realism here
- when roleplaying, the tale does not always go as you wish for it to be told
- requires more planning/making sure people don't 'screw up the process too much'.
- when switching to another universe, it may be illogical for the character to know past acquaintances.

Good things you'll encounter may include:
- character may turn out better, considering planning was done over time
- when role playing the experience with other players often allows you to make new friends at the same time
- if writing a book/script/whatever, people may find the character more likable/interesting because of how they changed
- you'll have an actual backstory with more than just other characters when joining a roleplay.
- history? you've worked on it. you deserve to write that complex thing down, because it really happened!
« Last Edit: December 31, 2013, 10:19:19 pm by Calliph »

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Re: A Guide to Character Development [COMPLETE]
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2014, 04:26:44 pm »
Nice guide, Calliph, the short detail about the areas and small examples included will be a good help to those wanting to have a better glimpse at character development.   
Image © Mikita Kavalenka

Offline Acarmica

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Re: A Guide to Character Development [COMPLETE]
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2014, 03:27:48 pm »
Lovin' the guide! It's very well done, formatted and interesting ^w^
In game name is also Acarmica, hope to see you around! Don't be afraid to walk up to me and say hi, i love meeting new people C: