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Topics - Loafbud

Pages: [1]
Art Gallery / Loaf's Digital Artwork
« on: July 05, 2017, 03:46:38 pm »

Ohhh snap,

when was the last time I posted here???

I miss this place, holy bananas! quq

I used to be known as TangerineHat, but I recently changed my user

to match with the other currents ones everywhere else I'm at.

I looked back at the oldest drawings I've posted on here and,

man, I gotta say that I managed to go through some improvement! ;v;

And uhhh I'm super nervous and excited for this! So do expect this to update often~

//and I'll try to start playing FH actively again, but time has crunched really hard on me, so I hope I'll get any time!

So here ya go *lobs a bunch of art*


My previous sona used to be Amosu, but I didn't like her anymore and
]replaced her in December 2016,
so I have a new sona now... Her name is Allie!

This is Allie's current appearance.

She is an Amilisk -- Amarok + Basilisk hybrid.
(basically a wolf and a wingless dragon, if you put it in a non-mythical way)

Alrighty, I think I'm done here with the main post!  When I get the chance,
I'll post more of my recent drawings as replies~

Art Gallery / Warrior Cats drawings derppp c:
« on: March 05, 2015, 12:02:05 pm »
Some feral cats for you! <3  Warrior cat drawings yays.  :P  The group of drawings are actually not draw in my style 100%... well, they ARE, but I altered my style to a more messy, scratchy, rough look that gives the characters a more "I'm a feral cat and I scratch Twolegs" look. c:  

SDFSDAFJKSAF!?!?!? I cannot draw mock-water-streak stuff grrrrr!!!!1!1

Art Gallery / Sasha LaFleur's parents :: AdGtH post
« on: February 12, 2015, 10:32:20 pm »
Hello, guys!  Do you remember All Dogs Go To Heaven?  When I was a little kid, I was a die-hard canine fan and absolutely LOVED when animated dogs would take the role of human traits and sing sticky songs that would just stick to my head like little cobwebs. <3  
Now,  if you remember or have heard of All Dogs Go To Heaven, do you remeber the firsst movie when Charlie's parents were revealed?  No, they weren't revealed as active characters.  They were shown in a book as portraits.  If you don't know what I'm talking about, Google it.

Anywhos, I've did research and never really heard of Sasha LaFleur's parents.  Are they alive?  Are they dead?  Were they part of a wealthy family or a low-income family?  Were they your average street dogs or famous dogs that sung in bars?

Well, here's my perception on how Sasha's parents might look like.

In my view, her father is Brutus D. LaFleur and her mother is Jessie K Waggins.  Brutus's breed is unknown therefore he is considered a mutt.  He was found in a junkyard and basically he and a couple of other mutts live there with him.  He's grown up with them ever since he was a puppy.  He rarely leaves the place and depends the junkyard for the food they find beneath the stinky piles of rubbish.  He's not winking at you; he's lost his right eye.  He was born with one arm.
On the other hand, Jessie belonged to an owner.  Like Sasha, she sung at dog bars and, when she does, she wears a long, fluffy thing around her neck and a feathery headwear.  She sings slow, romantic songs that lets the dogs relax and chat with their newly met or long-term mates.  Jessie's been looking for a mate ever since.  Jessie is an Irish Setter mix; she's not purebred.

Now you're wondering, why on earth does the fabulous and pretty Sasha LaFleur's father look beat up and a complete mutt?  Well, that's something I cannot answer.  Sasha's got most of her good looks from her mother.

And, in my perspective, Sasha was not the only child.  She had three littermates.

... I think I'm gonna turn this into a fan-fiction.  :-\

Art Gallery / Loaf's Art Gallery :: Update
« on: February 06, 2015, 12:01:08 am »
UPDATE :: (2/7/2015)
Updated once in a while.  I will only post a certain amount each time due to prevention of 'a long post'.  I will upload new art as a new reply to this original post. ^^


Enjoy! :3



Amosu the very independent dispersal wolf

Amosu is in a grudge 8I


A fanfic of my... fan-Clan

Stumpymask (another Warriors OC for my fan-Clan <3)

i shouldn't explain this im too scared.  :-X

Ruddertail (a Warriors OC for my fan-Clan)

Dovewing (left) and Tigerheart and Bumblestripe (cats in spaccceeeshshsh)

I would share more,  but I don't want this post to be SUPER BIG. XDD
Well, I'm outta here! c:

Art Gallery / Loafbud's Digital Art!
« on: October 13, 2014, 03:18:35 pm »
2017 EDIT// Oh my gracious, these are so olddd QnQ
I had to delete some because they made me wince a bit, and bleh XD

Art Gallery / Just a short little drawing I just drew in school!
« on: April 10, 2013, 02:07:44 pm »
Since I am now in love with a show called Gravity Falls and Vandread (and Angry Birds-the game), I've decided to share this with you guys!

I hope this is in the right category.  If not, remind me please!  Thanks!

Commissions, Trades, & Requests / I have a request!
« on: February 28, 2013, 10:49:08 am »
Okay, so you know my two demon wolf characters:  Lord Lethal and Prince Ribbs?

....>w>  Weeeell.....

I have a request! owo

It'll be freakishly freaking tangerining awesome if someone would draw those two brothers for me.  
You can actually draw one or the other, you don't have to draw both of them.  However, you can draw them both if you wish.

Let your imagination flow~  Draw them either side by side, laying down, bickering, or any of the sort.  You don't have to draw the things I said, but ya know... stuff.  They are demons, though.  Just to give you an idea.

Let me shut up, here's a picture of them.  This is all I got so far:

 Lord Lethal (His markings are like this on both sides).  He's more of that wicked, cunning, bad-tail personality.  

Ribbs is pretty simple.  Plain blue with light yellow stripes, that's all. c:  He's sort of shy, mischievous, and loyal.

If you wish to draw them, I'd be pleased to see the results! :)
(P.S. Tomorrow's my birthday :'D)

Finished Maps / Calm Park MAP
« on: February 28, 2013, 04:17:56 am »
Hello, everyone!  This is Loaf here with some great news:
I have created a PUBLIC map for everyone to use!

It is called Calm Parks.  It is a small map with a decent pond and a small lake.  Some trees, bushes, and tiny, tiny hills. o3o
Not very big, but it's comfortable. c:
Here are some screenshots:


Here's teh download and enjoy your visit!

Art Gallery / TangerineHat drawings c:
« on: January 06, 2013, 04:24:47 pm »

This is my favorite drawing on one of my favorite demonic characters, Lord Lethal.  If I was a fictitious female wolf, I would go out with him. <3  LOL I'm so weird, excuse my weirdness. XD  And you see, that username on there is my deviantart.  If you want to check it out, you can.  Now, before you think this, my gallery's not loaded with loads of wolf drawings.  Instead, I got mostly Gravity Falls artwork there. :P  I will post all my original characters there, too.  (I'm on break on DA for this week, so I won't be on.).

This other demonic wolf beast's name is Prince Mortality, the son of Lethal.  Nothing much to say about this one, derp.

Kittor the Assassin.  He has button eyes and he's gonna steal waffles off your plate (well, that's if you like waffles >3>)

LOL WHAT?  Nuff said. ;D


And behold:  My fursona, Amosu Loaf!  This reference sheet is sort of old, like last year old (so is Kittor and the other pictures, except Lethal and Mortality wolf)  Now, Amosu has a lime green and black checkered neck tie, derp.

Oookay, that is all for now.  I may post more NEWER stuff in a meanwhile.

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