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Messages - Airibelle

Pages: [1]

I was curious as to if it is possible to change my username with the help of an Administrator? I notice that registration is still not available and therefore I cannot create another account. The reason why I am requesting a new username is that I wish for it to match my deviant-art account and I also believe it sounds very feminine, considering the previous owner was my younger sister.

Thank you in advance.

News Archives / Re: November Update 3/11
« on: November 04, 2012, 12:13:19 am »
Thanks for the update Red. Also, congrats to those who one the preset contest. Might I add they were amazing! :D

News Archives / Re: October Update 1/10
« on: October 29, 2012, 08:03:01 pm »
Thank you for the update Red. Also, congratulations to those whom placed in the video contest!

I have begun to notice that the vast majority of members in FH make up the 16 and below range in age. However, I myself am 20 years old and it has come to my understanding that more and more older aged adults are entering the world of Feral Heart. In addition to the other various statements from the previous posts, I would disagree to the statement relating to being able to assume that just because you are deemed a literate individual, does not mean that you are older in age. I have seen several highly intelligent ten to thirteen year olds completely blow you away with their role-plays and their all around mature behavior. All in all, I believe that the difference in ages for all FH members is a wonderful mix up.

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