Author Topic: Kent's Artwork Thread  (Read 2146 times)

Offline BXRXW

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Kent's Artwork Thread
« on: February 16, 2012, 04:06:49 pm »
I will be posting some of my artwork I am the most proud of now and then in a new reply, don't feel like posting everything.
To view more artwork of my character, Kent Laiton, please click here.
Kent is my only character. Actually, he's more than just a character to me. He is my Alter, or Soul-Self.

[Click on the image for the fullview drawing, to see details]

The dragon wolf stood there on trembling legs, to rise against his own fears. A vicious snarl flashed across his maw as he thought he saw the dragon in the small lake that cursed him in his past, but it was merely his own reflection. Kent shook his head warily and stared at the shining emerald, which seemed to be his only hope to keep him going... To defeat his phobia of caves and of the dragon.

I had this picture in mind for quite some time, and I still have no idea how it flashed in my mind or where it is inspired from, but I just had to draw it. I am pleased with the result, but it isn't exactly the same as I had in mind. I wanted to go for a realistic look, but the fur and scales... I just don't really like how they turned out. But I can't complain much, I did as much as I could for now and I would just need to practice a lot on drawing realistic fur and scales. Despite of that, the background and the pose look quite a lot to the picture I had in my mind.

This took me around four days to work on, and I guess it isn't much of a surprise drawing the fur ate away most of the time. But I am okay with the result, it just could've been better I suppose.
Anyway, I hope you all like it!
« Last Edit: February 16, 2012, 06:50:14 pm by Kent »