Author Topic: "Go back to Bonfire" Vent warning.  (Read 7398 times)

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"Go back to Bonfire" Vent warning.
« on: April 16, 2016, 08:20:34 pm »
Hey there, Feral-heartians.

Today I have something very important to discuss with you! I know it's a topic
many people tend to avoid but I'm sure I'm not the only one thinking this anymore.

This, my friends, is about the "Go back to Bonfire" debacle.

How would a Veteran Feral-hearter describe Bonfire? In one word, chaotic.

And it's inhabitants? Let's just place them into classes (y'know because everyone loves doin' that!)
Noobs, Newbs, Mate-beggers, Parent-beggers, illiterates, trolls, TLK fanatics, drama-llamas (the list could go on!)

Now, people that frequent Bonfire Island know these descriptions aren't necessarily true
for every inhabitant of that map. Usernames like @skreel were often seen frequenting Bonfire Island
and they did not fit into any of those classes. Funnily enough, we could even make a joke about how
'rare' it is (apparently) to find anyone that majority of Fluorite's inhabitants call "Literate". It would go
something like this.

"What do you call a Literate on Bonfire?"

Why do you think that is? I remember the days when there was no such thing as Lonely Cave and the
first thing a new character or user would awaken to was the VIBRANT island of bonfire! And I swear by
you, had I not been tossed into the Bonfire Barrel, I would never have been the player I am today. I
know some of you are probably thinking "That's not a good thing." having probably met me in one of
my more argumentative states. In fact, I'm 90% sure this will result in a user taking everything out of
context, like things usually go when I try get a point across.


Why is it that EVERY SINGLE TIME someone does something that's considered different to the majority of
Fluorite's frequenters, someone is bound to pipe up "Go back to Bonfire". Whenever someone is not nearly
as literate as people at Stone Bridge, or as 'Ancient' and 'Wise' they're told to go to Bonfire. Why is it that
Fluorite cannot tolerate the idea of a 'Pup center' or 'Mate Center' without immediately thinking 'Bonfire'?
Why can Lion King roleplayers not frequent the lovely Fluorite map without being told off at least once by
someone who feels they're not worthy enough for Fluorite so they belong on Bonfire.

We're a community game guys. Why do you make people /different/ to you feel like they don't belong in the
same map as you? Why the heck are maps classified to certain types anyway? Ascension - Hetelia(?) Ficho (Russians/
Polish/Pokemon) Bonfire - Noob Central. When did that become a thing?

Yes, Ficho hosts most of the Russian and Polish users of Feralheart, but that does not mean that it is solely a
Russian/Polish place, and so whenever someone of that 'class' steps out of their map, they're casually guided
or rudely told to go back. I don't understand it?

A lot of the arguments that I've seen happen on Stone Bridge and have sometimes been a part of, will
somehow always, at some stage, reach a point where someone is accused of being derogatory of something.
Whether it's race, gender, sexual orientation etc... Not very friendly topics for a game that, let's face it, has
some rather young people on. Not very friendly for a game that strives to be welcoming of everyone. Anyway,
during these arguments it will always come up about how someone CAN'T say/do this or it's derogatory towards
this/that. People get extremely passionate in these discussions and will continue to go on about how wrong it is.

Bare with me, I spend a lot of time on this game and I'm very good with remembering users and characters. So
it never ceases to amaze me, that I see the same users that preached anti-hate towards blah blah blah, telling a
user, different to themselves, to "Go back to Bonfire"? Why can that illiterate person not stay in Fluorite? What
harm are they doing? Do you think they're going to infect you with their inability to utilize more than one
sentence in an RP sample? Is it that serious?

I hope some of you are realizing where this is going! "Go back to Bonfire" is basically being derogatory to certain
types of users. Something that so many users on Feralheart preach against yet fail to uphold. Look, I understand
where some of you are coming from, "It'll be easier to find people of their own 'level' sort of thing" but still, that
shouldn't be something we resort to.

I'll admit, I used to do it quite often, until an argument I had about 2 years ago where someone actually told me
how contradictory I was being. It hit me. It's not right. Now, the only time I ever send someone to Bonfire is if they
ask me where they could find something like a "Horse Roleplay" or a "Mate Center" because yes, they are about 100%
more likely to find things of that nature there. Why? Because they're forced there.

I did an experiment using a very old account of mine the one day, I was pretending to be a 'Noob' and not even
the annoying sort, I was probably told, in total, about 13 times to go to Bonfire, and only about 4 of those were
in a gentle manner, where a user probably believed I was struggling and wanted me to make friends that wouldn't
be pretentious and use words like "Tassle" or "Flag" for Tail. 9 of those 13 times, I was told in the rudest of ways
to go away, go to Bonfire, because I tried to participate.

I'm invoked to make this post because today after a heated discussion gone wrong, where I was amazingly accused
of being derogatory towards myself, I was told to "Go to Bonfire". Guess I missed "Logical" in the list of people that
supposedly "belong" there. And here I thought, "How ironic" that someone just told me not to be derogatory towards
a certain ideal (of which I belong to) and then proceeded to class me in with the regular crowd that are often thrown
Bonfire's way.

I don't think people understand that it's actually a bad thing! We tell people to go to Bonfire because they're not literate
or they're behaving immaturely etc... but never stop to think, "What would that be like?" It's basically like being sent to
a Warzone because you like Apples and not Bananas.

Guys, Bonfire is actually an AMAZING place. I frequent there, and I meet so many amazing people there, from all kinds
of 'Feralheart classes', like "Newbs" and "illiterates". I have heard many stories about how people ended up there. And
majority don't point to random exploration, it points to things like them being forced out of roleplays in Fluorite, being
told they belonged there because they weren't 'Literate' etc... etc... I don't think many people realize that they are
sending people that are absolutely gorgeous and flawless characters in real life, to an Island that many of the Veteran
or more so-called 'High end' players deem as a loony-bin.

Just because someone Trolls, doesn't mean they're immature, sometimes people do something because they simply want
to have fun.

Just because I "typ lyk diz" or roleplay like "-Bob went to sleep- -Bob had a good dream-" doesn't mean I'm not good enough
to be considered literate.

Just because I want to find a mate for my character or a home for my pup doesn't mean I'm desperate and annoying. You
know, Pup Centers limit the chances of woe-is-me backstories that we've all seen and heard THOUSANDS OF TIMES. You're
not so original because your parents died.

Stop assuming everyone is!

I have met some of the best people, some of my closest in-game friends on Bonfire Island. And let me tell you, they didn't
want to discuss politics with me, they didn't befriend me over how literate I was. We bonded because we were comfortable.
We were able to talk about things like our least favourite cheese and not feel like we were being criticized for our lack of
'intelligent' conversation, which HAPPENS. I don't even think some of you realize you do it!

If Fluorite is the high-end upperclass neighbourhood of the game, where everyone drives a fancy Mercedes and goes to
the Country Club to play some golf, then Bonfire is that small, overlooked neighbourhood where everyone knows
everyone, there's a crazy uncle, a grumpy old man and a lady that always bakes pies for the children and tells them
stories. Bonfire is the neighbourhood where everyone can go to one house for a BBQ and have a good night without
feeling out of place.

Everyone there is so different and that's why they mesh so well together! To the untrained eye it's utter chaos, but to those
who look deeper, they'll find that it's super organized chaos. Yes, there will be fights. But there are fights over lesser things
that happen in Fluorite yet most people there think they're 'above' Bonfire.


They are cast aside when they try make friends with people from Fluorite, but they never once sit around and tell anyone
different from them at Bonfire to "Go back to Fluorite", they try befriend them and make them feel welcome. Something
Fluoritians could learn.

So next time you're thinking "Go back to Bonfire" try have a discussion with that person, BE FRIENDLY, you might find
you'll have a pretty great friend at the end of it. And whenever you feel you're superior to anybody in-game, go and take
a walk to Bonfire, sit there for a moment, and I hope you feel bad for ever thinking you were better than those people.

Just remember, Bonfire is where this game started, we all came from there, by virtual blood we are all Bonfirians. Even
those who are new to Feralheart.

"Go to Bonfire" should no longer seem like an insult to people's intelligence, "Go to Bonfire" should seem like they're
giving you some of the greatest, life-changing advice, "Go to Bonfire" shouldn't be said with malice and hate anymore.
It should be said in a manner that's friendly and not contradictory.

We all started somewhere, not one of us can claim that we have never been through a stage where someone could
tell us to "Go back to Bonfire", so stop acting like your fleas don't bite just because theirs do.

Thank you.

Squee out.


PLEASE NOTE (for some of you that want to fight and argue and find fault)

- Not every patron of Bonfire can be classified as stated above. I'm not saying they're all like that.
- I'm not saying all Fluoritians are pretentious.
- I'm not saying "noobs" can't survive in Fluorite
- I'm not saying Bonfirians are all stupid
- I'm not saying all Fluoritians are smart.
- I'm not saying all Fluoritians are mean.
- I'm not saying all Bonfirians are good.

You get the point.

I'm not going to have any arguments with anyone over this post. THIS IS MY OPINION ENTIRELY AND I AM ENTITLED
TO IT LIKE YOU ARE ENTITLED TO YOURS. Don't come here and tell me my opinion is wrong because you don't see it the
same way. If you haven't seen this happen, that's good for you, doesn't mean it doesn't happen.





If you do something considered "Bonfirian" and someone tells you to "Go back to Bonfire" how about you tell them to
go back to *insert whatever map name here*.

Bonfirians. You are beautiful.

Fluoritians. You are beautiful.


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Re: "Go back to Bonfire" Vent warning.
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2016, 08:38:25 pm »
0___0 I find that so true.

You see I spend most of my time in either Fluorite or bonfire. And I do see people like that
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Re: "Go back to Bonfire" Vent warning.
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2016, 09:07:16 pm »

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Re: "Go back to Bonfire" Vent warning.
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2016, 09:17:37 pm »
Welp, there it is

Even though I never experienced the whole "go back to Bonfire" deal or have really seen it anywhere, I can see exactly what you mean. However, I've seen plenty of "younger player" groups up in Northern Fluorite and there are many "literate" people who hang out in Southern Bonfire. This of course is no excuse for the discrimination there is for the young players/nubs, but sometimes they do fit in. I've seen some kind group leaders in the past who allow any "literacy", and will happily teach the younger members how to become a better roleplayer. There are lots of snobbish people in the game, but there are also lots of kind and patient people. I've always loved Bonfire because most people there are really sweet, and it also gets really fun and crazy there sometimes<3 (Like, really, who doesn't enjoy seeing a random car running around?) As much good as there is in the game, there is bad, but all communities face this problem. The younger players have every right to sit in Fluorite (or any other map) if they wish to do so, and I agree, they shouldn't be told to leave because they appear "nubby". Not much can be done about this issue because there's discrimination everywhere, even in the real world, and getting people to change is certainly no walk in the park. However, if you ever see someone being excessively rude towards a younger player (or really any harassment in general, for that matter), silently screenshot the conversation and report them

I can totally see what you mean, and never be afraid to stand up to a younger player if they're getting "yelled at" and don't be afraid to talk to them afterwards. Just simple acts of kindness can go a long way! You never know, you could totally make that fluff's day and give them a better impression of the community, especially if they're new. Bonfire is a wonderful and crazy map, and is part of a lot of people, and it truly is a shame that it has this "stereotype" now, but it's probably one of the kindest maps and is certainly the most social

I see possible issues with this thread, but I'll leave it open for now. This is pretty interesting, and kudos to you, Squee, for having the guts to post this
Farewell everyone<3

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Re: "Go back to Bonfire" Vent warning.
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2016, 09:23:37 pm »
I honestly could not agree with this post more.

I have seen a few of those "Literate pup looking for parent" movies in Flourite, and I'm 100% positive that they got at least one "Go back to Bonfire" whispers. I will admit, when I was a bit younger, I would think some of them to be parent-beggars, but never tell them. I do hope that more people see this.

The FH class of roleplayers called "illiterate" are everywhere, not just Bonfire. Quite recently, my group was listening in on a roleplay to see if they were a literate group that could be in on our plot, and two "illiterates" were fighting a "literate." Of course, we left when we were noticed, but this just goes to show that "illiterates" are everywhere.

Why is "illiterate" derogatory, as well? It is their style of roleplay, and while sometimes is in incomplete sentences where the dictionary definition is 100% accurate, if someone roleplays like "-She pounced on the mouse-", they are still saying what they did. Just because it's not in prose doesn't mean you can't still tell a story.

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Re: "Go back to Bonfire" Vent warning.
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2016, 09:25:55 pm »
"If Fluorite is the high-end upperclass neighbourhood of the game, where everyone drives a fancy Mercedes and goes to
the Country Club to play some golf, then Bonfire is that small, overlooked neighbourhood where everyone knows
everyone, there's a crazy uncle, a grumpy old man and a lady that always bakes pies for the children and tells them
stories. Bonfire is the neighbourhood where everyone can go to one house for a BBQ and have a good night without
feeling out of place."

Very well said. Although personally, I never really noticed people saying this that much, me not being so active and hanging out in Bonfire 99% of the time. It really is quite a nice place, though, since it's small and you can see a lot of what's going on. In Flourite, it's very spread out. You can have more private rps and stuff without many people coming across you. But honestly, I kind of like the small space on Bonfire more. All I can do is just sit down, invite my friends to a party, turn off Local, and rp and talk with them that way. Or maybe just whisper and turn off Local.

But anyway, because I haven't seen this happen a whole lot, I'm not sure if I should, or even could form a full opinion. (Unless you're talking about ignorance in general. //rolls up sleeves// BL) One thing I think why things seem to be so separated, though, is just simply the fact we're human beings. Young human beings, at that, since there's definitely a lot of teenagers and kids on this game who might not know any better than not to "stereotype", for lack of better word. ^^' I'm pretty young myself, and who knows, even I might accidentally stereotype/group sometimes. Even older people may. But I just think that maybe, the older might think better for it. Some of them.

The point is, though, is that people do often tend to group people together. Sometimes I can kind of see why, /depending on what they're grouping/, (Again, for lack of better word Dx) but sometimes it's kind of strange. Like stuff like this especially.

I don't quite get why people in this community separate everything so much. (Not all of them, again, but they definitely exist as you guys mentioned.) What's going on? At least there are some people, perhaps even more than one might realize, who are better than that. I appreciate that. When I was illiterate, people stuck up for me in front of a whole group before. I will never forget what they did.

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Re: "Go back to Bonfire" Vent warning.
« Reply #6 on: April 16, 2016, 09:37:37 pm »
I see possible issues with this thread, but I'll leave it open for now. This is pretty interesting, and kudos to you, Squee, for having the guts to post this

Thank you! I really don't want to step on toes but I really need more people to understand this concept. I couldn't just continue to watch good people get treated terribly.
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Re: "Go back to Bonfire" Vent warning.
« Reply #7 on: April 16, 2016, 09:50:24 pm »
Oh yeah, I find it so true. Actually I was thinking about it many times. I am Polish and sometimes I go to Ficho, because some of my friends like to be there. But we don't consider it as an "Our place". Nice thread ^^ You had to write much xD

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Re: "Go back to Bonfire" Vent warning.
« Reply #8 on: April 16, 2016, 09:55:34 pm »
This really hit home with me. I never ever though of it that way. Granted, I never, EVER called anyone "illiterate" or called them "Noobs" on FH itself, but like, I'll be in a skype call, and the minute someone starts begging for a mate/parents, or can't spell everything correctly, I will automatically go "Oh god, another illiterate noob!" And I need to stop doing that, even if they don't know I'm doing it. I myself used to be a noob, a mate begger, and heck, I still type like a 1st grader, so I have no place to say ANYTHING. This post really hit me, and now I look back at all the people I made fun of, and for that, I am sorry. You are absolutely right when you say all of these things. FeralHeart should be on big family, not like an normal public school with "cliques"(is that how you spell that? Probably not.) We should all be glad to be a part of this community, and we should welcome everyone with open arms. We shouldn't discriminate others. Heck, if anything, everyone on FH can learn something from the next person. I have met some of the sweetest people on Bonfire, and I consider them my closest friends. Without Bonfire, I probably wouldn't have the friends I do now. This is why I stay on Bonfire 90% of the time. Because once I think about it, it really is like a family reunion there. Dysfunctional some fights, so drama, but in the end, even if the others don't agree, we are all one. If other people see this, maybe they will get to thinking about it.

*rolls away*

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Re: "Go back to Bonfire" Vent warning.
« Reply #9 on: April 17, 2016, 02:40:19 am »
I must agree. Honestly telling someone that they "belong in Bonfire" is a common example of a place being used as an insult. Yes, there is a fairly large population of younger, "cringier" members due to its easy access and TLK resemblance, but it's just a place, and so are Flourite, Ficho and South Pole. It's a bit similar to the "go back to playing bots" insult in pvp video games in the way it's used, and I don't particularly like seeing it.

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