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Messages - OnionKnight

Pages: 1 ... 17 18 [19]
Game Discussion / Re: If your characters came to life how would you react?
« on: November 02, 2016, 04:44:31 am »
I'd be a mixture of emotions ranging from shock, to joy and even fear depending on the character. xD

Game Discussion / Re: How did you come up with your characters personality?
« on: November 02, 2016, 04:42:28 am »
Typically I create the design [color, markings, eye color, height/weight] and then I look at my character and think about it. Personally I enjoy roleplaying big hulking characters with soft personalities. The gentle giants. Or smaller characters with sass and pizzazz xD I've got many characters though, with many personalities that don't fit those two categories. 

Game Discussion / Re: How did you come up with your characters name?
« on: November 02, 2016, 04:34:15 am »
Google LOL! Or I button mash and mix and match letters into something that sounds neat.

Game Discussion / Re: Things you did as a newbie
« on: October 31, 2016, 10:41:44 pm »
Take IC drama personally, OOCly. [Rip I know, the worst kind of person.]
Joined literate roleplays, and felt inferior because I was more semi-lit so I never RPd.
Created ugly characters tbh.
Created multiple edgy "demon/cannibal wolf" OC's that were black with red eyes.
and more. xD

Honestly, whenever I create characters its rather...At random. I'll play around with the character creation for awhile with a few words in mind:

Realistic - Canine - Bright eyes
Semi-Real - Canine - Dark Eyes
etc etc..

I'll try out different colors or markings until I find something I like, that looks good and works. Even then after the character has been created I consider it a rough draft, due to the fact the more I look at my characters the more I wonder how one character or another would look with this marking, or this tail, or these ears etc etc.. That, or I'll create random characters off-FH using free linearts on DA, and even them a majority of them never see the light of day on feral-heart. I've got a million stored characters I swear.

Game Discussion / Re: FH Warrior Cats... is THAT dying?
« on: October 31, 2016, 10:20:19 pm »
I don't think it'll ever truly die on FH, at least personally I don't.
I've noticed that EVERYONE wants to make their own WC roleplay, though, and that results in a gazillion "Sparrowstar TCL"'s and no warriors or people willing or wanting to join another roleplay. That'll never end though.
People also go through bouts of Warrior Cats fanaticism and then then no desire to RP it. It comes back.
Any roleplay with active and dedicated staff is bound to thrive for at least a little while, and Warrior Cats [along with Wolf Packs and Lion Prides] have become something so close to the core of what FH is that even if it slows down for awhile I have a hard time believing it'll 100% die for good.
That's my two cents though. c:

The Light of a New Age

"On which side will you be when darkness strikes?"


Literate - Mapped - Sited - Skyped [Optional] - Semi-Real/Realistic - Active - Friendly Community
 Plotted - and RPS Required

Now then, if those tags suited your roleplaying tastes! I'm glad to have caught your attention. ;) LoANA is a devoted community of warrior cat roleplayers who enjoy working together as a community to enhance the roleplay itself. You'll find many plot suggestions and quite a bit of worldbuilding suggestions were suggested by members themselves, which the staff team took into consideration and then implemented into the roleplay. Speaking of the staff! Here they are!



Forum Moderators:

In-Game Mods:


LoANA's staff team works well together, and we hope we'll be able to work with some of you guys in the future as well coming up with roleplay adjustments and improvements! Anyways, I'm sure you're interested about the clans too, aren't you? Well our clans are slightly tweaked in an effort to have a unique impact on the roleplay itself. Due to this, we have included some "tribal" ceremonies within our clans. I'll link all clan information [and the four clan history] below. We try to ask that our members do their best to follow the clan guide's we've posted, as some clans have specific requirements. Of course, we aren't going to forcibly restrict a player's wishes, but we ask you work with us in order to come up with some sort of compromise which works all around.

Four Clan History:
Breezeclan Information:
Streamclan Information:
Caveclan Information:
Leafclan Information:

Please keep in mind that our clan-worldbuilding is always a work in progress, and if you happen to join and have any ideas to post them in the Suggestions board on the website!

Did our clans interest you at all? If yes, great! If not, thats okay <3 Not every roleplay is everyone's cup of tea. If we piqued your interest enough to the point where you're considering joining, we have an application board. Post your application and check back on your application every so often to see whether it has been accepted or not. I would also reccomend reading our rules to make sure this is 100% the roleplay for you:
Here is the application board:

We hope to see you sometime in-game! We really are just a bunch of wrinkly, for the good of the clan derps. <3 However, please note LoANA is on a temporary hiatus until July 10th. Two days left to go <3 We needed to take a bit of time off while we implemented some changes to the roleplay, and sorted through some things. However, soon we will be back in action and ready for some more roleplay fun! Don't let this stop you, though! We're always welcoming of new members, hiatus or no hiatus. c: It's only a day or so away.

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