Author Topic: Writing in voice?  (Read 10842 times)

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Writing in voice?
« on: June 11, 2014, 02:08:58 am »
With my years meeting the Feral Heartians, I've noticed quite often people, including myself, tend to write in their own vocabulary or, as I call it, "voice". You're making yourself sound like something, or someone, in a pirate (aye, ye', yar) or, perhaps, adding a bit of southern (y'all, m'self, bein') to your chat, or something of a completely different manner. To be honest, most of the time you never sound like the way you are trying to sound, but perhaps hinting off your personality..? For another example, I'm trying to sound like Maleficent or how she would speak in general, take notice I'm not cutting off the last consonant or vowel from the ends of my words. What's your "voice"..?
« Last Edit: June 11, 2014, 02:10:39 am by Re. »

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Re: Writing in voice?
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2014, 01:02:03 pm »
I wouldn't say that I've ever tried to sound like someone or something whilst typing, but I've noticed I do tend to have a certain 'style' to my writing. Though it changes a lot and depends on the situation in most cases.
I'm not sure if anyone's ever understood me when I do this but I tend to create my own words in a sense since I don't exactly talk really formal irl and a lot of the time my accent tends to slur some of my words. For example, i think the most used word that I do this for is 'iunno' which is kind of my slurred down version of 'I dunno' xD

Or there's other times I want to show that my tone of voice is changing I end up typing half of a word in capitals like 'nooOOO' rather than it sounding just like a flat and plain 'nooooo', if that makes sense.. ;D;

Although I would say that I get highly influenced by others and the way they type so I'll accidentally pick up little traits or habits without realizing it. ;u;
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Re: Writing in voice?
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2014, 05:33:35 pm »
Tbh, I think I come off with a bit of a southern accent when I talk. I use ya, yup, ain't and wanna way too much, kinda reminds me of sandy cheeks XD.  But I also use really stupid sounds while talking to people like eh, meh, psh, you get the idea. So i really am not sure what else i would sound like.

And thats the same with me. Some people ive talked to for so long i have picked up there misspellings and how they format a sentence x3.


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Re: Writing in voice?
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2014, 06:02:07 pm »
I know that I sometimes type in the way I speak, and that other people do it too. Not really sure why xD If it's an informal piece of writing, I'd use slang, and maybe cut off the 'g's at the ends of words or 'h's at the beginning of words. Like, "doin'" and "'ave", because I sometimes slip into a northern English accent when speaking.
But if I'm writing something formal, like something informative for example, I do type in proper English; not cutting off my words or using colloquial language.

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Re: Writing in voice?
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2014, 06:06:48 am »
Neh. Perhaps on very rare occasions or a few words here 'n there.
I mainly tend to find it annoying to read when people write in some sort of "accent" other than when they're roleplaying.
For the people who aren't familiar it, it can get difficult to understand or read.

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Re: Writing in voice?
« Reply #5 on: June 13, 2014, 08:09:05 am »
Sometimes I would imagine an Irish or Scottish accent in my posts, or just to make it slightly shorter, I'd add "yer", "ye", "ey", "eet", or anything really. I might even leave out a letter or two just to create a sort of funny accent to my posts, whether it be in IC or OOC since it's so fun to mess around with it.

I'm not sure if I exactly imagine it all ze time ('Ze' is another example) but hey, at least I get to type funny words. >D

So really, I can't be too sure if I'm writing in my own voice. I'd mess around with it a tiny bit in real life, but not as much.

Offline angelre0702

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Re: Writing in voice?
« Reply #6 on: June 13, 2014, 03:26:20 pm »
Aye, Ressy, you have a good point and of one I haven't thought of before. ~
I'm not sure why I, and other people, do it either xD..
Southern? Ha, I'm from Alabama.. I know alllll about those accents.
Aha, keep putting emphasis in 'yer words..
Irish sounding chick, aye?
Thanks for all of your feedback, beasties.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2014, 03:35:21 pm by Re. »

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Re: Writing in voice?
« Reply #7 on: June 13, 2014, 09:06:44 pm »
While role-playing, I have a more petite, formal style, whereas my OoC can range from who I talk to at the moment.
In Local, I use more of a formal usage of words, but with friends I get a little loose with my typing, becoming lazy if you will. One second I'll be typing like "Yeah, I guess so.))" to "no i dont really))" within seconds, but it just really depends on who I'm talking to.

I don't exactly have a "style," if I may, but if a petite, careful typing counts, then i suppose that'd be my style.

I just type how I talk, really. It's serious around other people but goofy around my friends.


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Re: Writing in voice?
« Reply #8 on: June 14, 2014, 03:56:39 pm »

Oi blud!
You got a spare grout init?

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Re: Writing in voice?
« Reply #9 on: June 16, 2014, 09:20:48 pm »
The way I type changes with my mood a lot. I often type "in character" when writing as well. Adds a lot of personality to your writing.
I also tend to type much better when talking to people I don't know, and I've been getting careless when typing to friends. I never used to get careless while typing. What is happening to me?? ?(???)?
Haven't played FH since it was released! :D