Author Topic: Looking for CoFounders!  (Read 6601 times)

Offline Kyugima

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Looking for CoFounders!
« on: July 23, 2012, 07:45:34 am »
  I was browsing through the forums when I saw some people discussing how the usual hunt eat sleep survive kind of roleplay's are boring. So I thought to myself, I'll make a roleplay that doesn't revolve around that! And so, I have thought and thought and planned, and I have an idea in mind. Genetically mutated dogs, created to fight some invading force or something. What they are fighting against hasn't been planned out too thoroughly yet. It's not a completed idea just yet. But it'll be more about battles than surviving the wilderness, based in a city. I hope to keep it a small group of course, I don't think there would be too big of a group fighting to save the world XD

  So, you may be wondering why I am asking for co founders? Well, simple really. My In game Roleplay's never get very far. So people who are willing to work hard in helping it become a reality are needed. Knowing that there are people interested before the Roleplay actually starts would be good as well. I also need some people to help bounce ideas off of. To help me plan things out, give opinions and feedback.

  I'll probably only ask for two or three co founders of course, I don't want too many, and one would be too few XD I won't accept just anyone for co founder position as well, I need to know you are trustworthy, and that you are good with these things, not just someone coming along and saying yes to everything or whatever XD Also, please note there will be no big cats involved. the humans want creatures they can control and know are loyal to their master. Meaning big cats are out of the picture And domestic cats are not a very idea for fighting big baddies XD

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Re: Looking for CoFounders!
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2012, 05:45:28 am »
Hmmm... I need to get more attention here. Well, might as well include more information on what this RP will hopefully be about. Remember, I'm still looking for people to help me run it and get it working! This isn't the proper thread, that isn't up yet, but an advertisement for co founders!


The species for This role play is a genetically mutated dog. they tend to come in natural colours, with any coloured eyes. They can either have natural markings or unnatural markings, which can either be natural or unnatural in colouration. If you are going to create a character, the darkest I will allow for the pelt if you are going black, is 10,10,10. Anything under that just looks weird and wrong. 10,10,10 allows for you to still see the fur markings while still being dark in colour. They are large creatures, so try and boost their height up. They also have horns, which I will find a good item pack for that will be necessary for people to download, else they will not see the horns and will not have the horns. More will be discussed with the co founders, who will be able to help add touches to the species for this roleplay. this species will NOT be allowed to have wings.


The Roleplay will take place within a unnamed city (willing to take name suggestions though!) that is being attacked by a strange force. The main base for the characters will be the place where the species is created and held until they are needed, and the city will be cut into small parts so that people don't get too laggy in the map, which will have skyscrapers and such. there will also be more suburban areas and everything, I hope to make the place big. At first it will start out small, and I will add sections to the city over time as I work on the different parts.


This roleplay is a battle to save the world kind of roleplay. Creatures are coming from somewhere, unknown at this point in time, and are trying to destroy everything. Humans were unable to fight these creatures. they needed a different type of weapon. The species in the roleplay was created by humans, a genetic mix of creatures, predominately dog, designed to battle these creatures. They know wonder an evacuated city, battling the creatures, stopping them from leaving the city, for now. No one knows why the creatures are unable to spawn outside of the city, perhaps this strange condition will change in the future?


I hope to have this be somewhat organised at least. there won't be specific ties to join the roleplay to actually roleplay, what will happen is simple. You can go into the map at any time, and roleplay whenever you want. You can battle lesser creatures on your own or with others, patrol the city, explore, whatever. But on occasion a large stronger one will arrive, a time will be set for it's arrival, and a huge battle roleplay will take place. People will come at this set time to battle this larger creature, which will take a while to defeat, and need a lot of cooperation to take down.

So, if you want to help me run this roleplay, just apply here!

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Avatar: Sameth
Signature: Kyugima, Rimfrost, Deafosho


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Re: Looking for CoFounders!
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2012, 01:48:53 pm »
Am interested in helping in a way, haven't ever really participated in a city-esque roleplay that lasted. Also know how hard it is to get things going without people behind you. Am not sure what you're wanting in the application for co-founder process, but can assure generally stick towards projects I get on board with.

Offline Kyugima

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Re: Looking for CoFounders!
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2012, 02:07:27 pm »
Well, I don't really want much in the way of applications for this position XD I just need to know you're trustworthy (I'm not going to give this position to someone I know is no good in game, just joined, or is no good in forum of course XD)

I just need good people I can get along with, who can put forward some good ideas, help out where it's needed. All my previous attempts at starting role-plays have failed, and this time I am really going to put a lot of effort into it. this is a roleplay I haven't just thought up in a couple of seconds, it is something that a lot of effort will be put into. Which is why I need some co founders, people who've done all this before. Even if it is just being in another in game RP before.

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Avatar: Sameth
Signature: Kyugima, Rimfrost, Deafosho


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Re: Looking for CoFounders!
« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2012, 02:13:37 pm »
Am in for it if you'll have me then

Usually the better preparation the better, took us two months to get our roleplay full ready, so can understand where you're coming from

Offline Kyugima

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Re: Looking for CoFounders!
« Reply #5 on: July 25, 2012, 02:39:03 pm »
  I'll happily have you if you really do wish to help out XD

  And yeah, I think those were my faults the last times I have tried to put RP's up. I do intend to try and put thought into them, but then I get impatient and put them up before I probably should, and just end up  stuffing things up. This time this Rp, before I even mentioned it here on the forum, has had quite a bit of thought put into it.

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Avatar: Sameth
Signature: Kyugima, Rimfrost, Deafosho


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Re: Looking for CoFounders!
« Reply #6 on: July 26, 2012, 01:45:36 pm »
Sure thing; just tell me what I'd need to do.

Offline Kyugima

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Re: Looking for CoFounders!
« Reply #7 on: July 26, 2012, 01:53:08 pm »
Well at the moment, I want to figure out more details for the species. they need to have things that differentiate them from normal dogs other than the increased size and horns, or they might as well have just used real dogs to fight the enemy. I'm thinking boosted strength of course, but there should probably be more to the species. Also more guidelines for when people get to create the character. Differences between males and females I think, or perhaps just one gender... I'm thinking the creatures would be genetically sterilized as well, the people who created them would want to control the numbers.


Also, embarrassingly enough, up until yesterday I thought you were a girl, when I saw the boy thing on your info >.> I am so stupid XD

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Avatar: Sameth
Signature: Kyugima, Rimfrost, Deafosho


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Re: Looking for CoFounders!
« Reply #8 on: July 26, 2012, 02:08:25 pm »
Suppose you could use some of the customization features in character creator. Like with the different shaped ears? Maybe one gender could have one, the other a different shape. Don't think you'd want to limit markings too much, so you can't really work much with that, unless you'd like to set colour boundaries for  each gender. One allowed darker markings than the pelt, the others lighter.

Friendship over dood.

Offline Kyugima

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Re: Looking for CoFounders!
« Reply #9 on: July 26, 2012, 02:15:32 pm »
:'0 I'm sorreh!

And yeah, the ears would be a good idea. As stated in my second post, I already have some limitations put in place, the base colours must be natural, and there can be unnatural coloured markings, and I'm also thinking of finding a good item pack with horns, but I am having a lot of second thoughts about the horns thing, as the issue with different placing can be a real issue :/ Perhaps size can be another factor between males and females, that's pretty normal in most species.

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Avatar: Sameth
Signature: Kyugima, Rimfrost, Deafosho