Author Topic: The Shadow Fox's Characters  (Read 1571 times)

The Shadow Fox

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The Shadow Fox's Characters
« on: December 29, 2011, 06:26:12 am »
so far only 1 that i often use in playing feral heart but i will have more :P

Name - Shadow Fox

Nick Name - Shadow

Gender -Male

Age - 2  1/2 (in fox years thats like 17 years old)

Species - Canine - Fox

Mate - No One

Personality -  He's quiet, doesn't really like to talk much. He is friendly but not that friendly, He's always wanting to show that he's the best ...though he's very mystirious... anyways his past wasn't so great though.

Bio - " though i was abandoned i fought my way to a pup i wasn't so skilled at things. I didn't hunt well and things like that. I ran from bigger preditors, hiding from the cold under bushes. But as i grew i became more fierce and brave, learning each and every day, becoming faster and stronger. I did relize being alone isn't the best choice. I was alone walking across the arctic region, the blizzard was blinding, but thats when i saw something - something big it had dark red glowing eyes and its fur as white as snow it's teeth as sharp as thorns. But then it dashed off in a flash - but it didn't leave it came straigt toward me. I unleashed my claws ready for it, but it's streanth was massivly strong. It pinned me down digging it's claws into me. I yowl in pain and terror...It THOUGHT i was dead, but of corse i wasn't. It walked away. Leaving me in the cold frozen snow, Blood spilling out my mouth, the claw marks deep with pain... no one their to one. Everything went black. But once i woke i was in the lonley cave and it wasn't a dream, something - someone was their...but who. I recovered later on...but let me tell you something once you have gottrn to know your adventure has only begun..."

Pic - just look at my avatar (not exaclly how he looks but VERY close)

((Red eyes, Black pelt, grey under fur, grey mane, red markings, grey tail tip))
(i would show you the accual picture but when i press the prt sc botton nothing happens(
« Last Edit: December 29, 2011, 06:41:44 am by The_Shadow_Fox »