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Messages - AeroHour

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 5
Members of the Season / Re: 2024 Winter MOTS Winners
« on: November 26, 2024, 09:58:18 am »
Congrats you three! A worthy bunch!

Members of the Season / Re: 2024 Winter MOTS Nominations
« on: November 06, 2024, 09:50:46 pm »
Your Forum Username: AeroHour
MOTS Nomination(s): D-ead7dog & Ellen11v
Since coming back to FH, D-ead7Dog has been welcoming and has been a great friend to chat with. All around great person and great FH user!

Ellen11v is active on the forum and has been supportive/helpful towards others!

Nominations Counted

Introduction / Re: it is i
« on: October 21, 2024, 02:57:41 pm »
psst its me pocketmutt!
Nice to see ya :, )
Hope you're doing alright!

Game Discussion / Re: FeralHeart Tier List
« on: October 21, 2024, 02:53:41 pm »
I put them all in S tier, because they are all important parts of Feralheart's culture. ;D

Some of the stuff I was hoping might have differing opinions, like general chat and wings, but I think you have a point xD It's hard not to acknowledge everything as S-tier worthy aspects of FH!

Game Discussion / Re: FeralHeart Tier List
« on: October 21, 2024, 02:51:13 pm »
Definitely need to add more of the maps! Ficho Tunnel is a must, that was such a big hangout area! Could add like the new versions of FH maps too, like the Grounds for example! Very fun idea.

Wasn't sure if I should add new vs old maps, so thank you for the suggestion! I will include more maps when I get the chance and lyk when its updated!
But also gonna go back and edit the little pictures to include text so its easier to tell what the picture is supposed to represent because otherwise its a bit confusing and just looks like a collection of random screenshots. xD

Game Discussion / FeralHeart Tier List
« on: October 19, 2024, 03:45:48 am »

Got the idea to make an FH Tier list and wanted to share it—although I came up with a only a few things to list.

Here's the list so far:

•Bonfire Island
•General Chat
•Neon Wolves
•Ascension Island

Was hoping for more ideas to include in the list, so please give any suggestions you have!
And hopefully once there's more added to it, you guys can share your rankings.

But anyway, here's the link!

Game Discussion / Re: Anyone still playing on main serv ?
« on: October 01, 2024, 08:34:08 pm »
Hey there!
Whenever I hop on, there are typically only 1-2 people on the main maps. So, unfortunately, activity is pretty low.
But there are a few FH-related discord servers out there!
There's no official FH discord but here are some popular ones:
FeralHeart Resort:
FeralHeart Society:

Even though online activity is low, there is a sizable community that is still hanging around!
Although, the forums really are the best place to help promote activity and the overall community. So its always a good idea to utilize the forums for questions/ideas/etc

Meshes / Re: Hanging plants and tropical flowers
« on: September 17, 2024, 02:33:18 am »
Oooooo these are really good! Hanging plants would be so nice to see people use more in maps, thank you for sharing! +Floof

Ask Me / Ask Aero
« on: July 18, 2024, 12:33:11 am »
Ask me stuff cause why not!

Art by ReThornal

Ask Me / Re: Ask Kidbay
« on: July 18, 2024, 12:25:55 am »
Here's a few!
Favorite animal?
Favorite FH character you've made so far?
Any hobbies?
What are your current life goals?

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