Author Topic: Make Feral Heart great again!  (Read 4292 times)

Offline Abbas_B

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Make Feral Heart great again!
« on: September 30, 2017, 10:18:56 pm »
So, I've been thinking today...

Many of us have various levels of fondness towards this game - whether you like it, casually enjoy it or simply love it. It is very much the reason we play it. Personally, I adore being able to hop on Feral Heart whenever I feel the need to unwind and relax, and just have a chat with whoever pops up on my screen about pretty much anything. I love being able to have such detailed levels of customization for my character, being able to join groups, record my own clips and so much more...especially in a video game that's centered around the idea of roleplay.

Another thing I love about this game is how it manages to bring people together. Whether it's a pack or a pride, people shape all sorts of bonds in this game. Sometimes, ones that last beyond original expectation. Which is great! All the more reason to return to the game - interact with friends, your pride, or your pack, and most importantly, roleplay. Letting your imagination roam wild & free, and discussing various ideas with different people. I love being able to log in and find numerous people to talk and roleplay with, or just goof around and explore the different environments FH offers. It's one of the best features of the game, in my opinion - the fact that it is laid back and relaxed. You want to explore the map with your buddy? Go ahead. You want to chill by the waterfall and just talk, undisturbed? Not a problem.

On a more serious note, however - I think this game could use some serious advertisement. My opinion is that developers should show off the game more, get it out there for the new (potential) players! Another thing I enjoy about the game is the beautiful simplicity it has to it. A few good camera angles showcasing some of the landscapes FH has to offer would be a good start! Perhaps including some examples of the extensive customization, too. A trailer or two, on an official YouTube channel, for example (advertised video) would be a good idea, I believe. I know FH has a Facebook page (or rather a couple, in fact) but all of those pages share a mutual flaw; nobody has been posting on them for years. And that ain't a good thing. Twitter wouldn't be a bad idea, either! Discord channels, even. I think that a combination of social platforms such as those listed above, with some aid from being sponsored/promoted, would raise your guys's fanbase. I don't know exactly how much, but I do believe it is worth a shot.

Another thing I could discuss is, last but not least, moola. This game is free to play. The content within it is generously offered for free to us all. I am not advising you guys to take that away from us, but rather dwell on other options; such as a deluxe membership monthly subscription. It doesn't have to cost a fortune. Something around 10 $ a month would be a good start, I think. You guys could offer the premium members extra content - things such as, peeks into further updates to Feral Heart, exclusive wallpapers or concept art, even more body model designs (besides wolves and lions; think other animals that would fit in, such as tigers or snow leopards, perhaps), quick customer access in case something goes wrong with their game, stuff like that. (Also, I know you can basically customize your character to the point where it looks about 80% like a cheetah/snow leopard/most felines out there but that is done a lot through markings and such. I'm talking about  new body designs. Or if not, perhaps, think bigger. Elephants? I don't know.) This is only one concept that popped up in my mind (for now), but I could see it working out. Providing you guys advertise the game properly, get people interested; some people wouldn't mind spending reasonable amounts of money for premium membership. I am aware of the fact that there's also the issue of the server(s) being too populated, resulting in glitchy/laggy gameplay. My response to this would be acquiring better server management. I know it can be costly, but it is a necessary if you guys are looking to expand - and it ties into my previous point about receiving financial support from the fanbase. Perhaps implementing a server browser? I have seen that tactic used in many multiplayer games. It could be people hosting their own servers, on the maps you guys provide, for their own purposes ex. meeting new people, casual roleplay, novella styled roleplay, you name it. People can get quite creative. However, if a premium membership system were to be implemented (and actually work) there is an important factor to consider - standard customers. Not everyone will be paying for premium content. It should be something optional that does not impact the quality of gameplay to an absurd degree. That is how games wither their players away; through transforming from a free, fun experience into a play to win/pay to play one. That is how games lose players. Through ignoring the individuals who do not wish to pay and offering them inferior service (buggy/laggy servers, slow updates, etc.) The method I have implied would require a good bit of thinking and planning (a bit of consumerism), but if implemented correctly, I think it could really help the game grow.

That's just me, throwing my 2 cents in there.
If you guys have anything to add, feel free to do so.
- Abbas Bennett,

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Re: Make Feral Heart great again!
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2017, 10:41:58 pm »
Moving this to game opinions and ideas

And you have some lovely ideas here! Unfortunately while the Youtube channel sounds like a great idea, we do not have a lot of staff right now and it would be difficult to manage it when we're already busy with three websites (FH, FH dA, and FH Tumblr), a game, an upcoming patch, etc

As for the monthly subscription, I don't think it would benefit us that much, actually; I don't think anyone would be interested in purchasing it =0

And for the new models/species idea: the staff do not have the game's source code so we cannot make any changes like that to the game, unfortunately

These are lovely ideas, but I just don't see them working. I hope I didn't discourage you<3
Farewell everyone<3

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Re: Make Feral Heart great again!
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2017, 03:27:44 am »
Honestly, I just don't see Feral Heart as the type of game that would be worth a monthly subscription. I love the game and all, but a lot of the reason I've stayed involved is because of nostalgia and the community. Feral Heart just doesn't have the aspects that would make it a game people would want to pay money for. It lacks upgrades, special items, and a lot of things that other paid for games have. Heck there are other free games out there that have so much more than Feral Heart has, including flash games.

Feral Heart is a game close to a lot of people's hearts because of nostalgia reasons, it's free, it's already hard to get registered, there are so many glitches and issues, it's far from a professional quality game. A new player, someone who hasn't had the chance to make bonds and really see what Feral Heart is about, wouldn't be willing to pay a fee. I've been on Feral Heart since before General Chat was banned, and I've made so many memories, but even then if it became something to pay for, I would drop it in an instant. Too many games now are cash grabs, and Feral Heart just doesn't have any of the components to be one of them.

The idea of Feral Heart was to have a family-like community, and having to pay for it will make it so many players probably will stop playing. The economy is harsh, heck I could blow through 400 dollars just on groceries if I actually had to buy them, and that's the entirety of my pay for a month. Not to mention bills, etc.

People pay to play games that offer a lot of features, has a good constant upkeep, has hardly any holes in the security, and with Feral Heart having been hacked so many times, they could easily lose any money they receive from the players.

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Re: Make Feral Heart great again!
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2017, 04:04:11 am »
I gotta say, this was something I wasn't expecting. I really like how you touched upon the ideas and the different aspects to go about when it comes to actually expanding the game and getting it out there more. Nice to see that members are doing what they can to help the game and the community grow <3
As for my thoughts on the whole matter..
I'm not gonna lie, I agreed / felt iffy on some parts, so I'll go by paragraph to share my opinion though c:

- The Advertisement
Now, it would be interesting to have a Channel, solely on Feral - Heart.. but as Kiki mentioned above, that would include a lot of time and effort.. plus another thing a staffer has to maintain as well. Currently, there isn't enough on Staff and they're already handling anything FH related. DA, Facebook, Tumblr.. etc. Having a channel may be just as hard to maintain and to keep it up to date. Of course, time consuming and someone willing to keep it updated and checked on to read and possibly answer comments, clear up confusion, etc.
With that being said though, there are some players that are, in a way, already promoting the game. Music Videos being a popular one ( especially with effects and the presets and the locations, etc ), Vines being another one and just streaming some silly gameplays. Some users managed to even find the game that way because it appealed to them. So in a way, the advertising is covered. Don't want to overdo it because it could bring members in with the wrong idea. Some might think that there's something major, new, exciting, etc happening to the game when,
we as the community, can only offer and do but so much without the Source Code.

- Money
Oh boy, this one would probably be the longest one... bare with me. Lol.

So, you brought up the whole money thing... While, that can be beneficial to the game, it can also break / ruin the overall experience.
It'll end up being another cash grab sort of game and it might draw old players, players that have played since the beginning away..
Now, paying premium to see sneak peeks of upcoming features and all of that, doesn't really seem fair. We as a community should be able to view content that's a part of a game that we all enjoy or came together as. There shouldn't be restrictions or limitations because as said above, money isn't easy to come by. It'll probably make the ones that do pay.. feel like superiors while everyone else is inferior.

The only way I can see it being used is probably for more servers but even then one that's more experienced with that sort of knowledge would have to find the time and day along with patience just to teach someone else how things ran and how to maintain it if something were to happen... Once again, needing a lot more staff to monitor the game chats and all that sort of thing and that's just not possible as of now with the current number of staff.

With that being said, if we were to go through something like this without the Source Code it might come off as like False Advertisement and this game could get in trouble.
Plus, there's the fact that even if we were to tell them the truth, it might not be enough to have the money involved period. It may come off as just another free game on a website or players might not understand what the point of it all really is... Because that's just how the world works... and how the media can be. Bringing in so much hype for something and then only for them to receive something like this? They'll probably feel cheated or think it's pointless and there will be numerous backlashes because of it.

Lastly, with the whole thing on how we have to login now and because this game has been hacked before in the past, it might just bring in a whole new wave of people trying to take said money and that will be pretty disheartening.

All and all, I'm missing some points already, but I've typed up enough. My thoughts on how Feral - Heart is already is just fine. It's actually worth the free play already. We can have up to multiple presets on one account / computer compared to other games where you have to pay or win some competition for a free slot... which is pretty unfortunate but again, they have more access and stuff like that at there disposal. Registration is already hard to come by, albeit, it has been opening more frequently than before which is a good thing for players that have been waiting for years to play this game and that's okay as well. Don't want to overload the server of course because of what we have now.
At least we still have a community that enjoys the game for what it is. It's slowly getting better, we continue to support, love and cherish this game for years now, we have a numerous amount of floofs that are talented when it comes to making all these sorts of animations for the models that that we do have now and making these gorgeous maps... just, a community that's pushing past limitations and doing our part to keep the game up and running along with the staff.
So while your idea is interesting and I'm not gonna say 'Oh it's never gonna be ... bladdity blah' I do like how you're putting the game out there and wanting to help with it's development. It's members like those that make the game and the community worth being in.

So once again, very interesting idea c: <3 Keep it up ~!

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Re: Make Feral Heart great again!
« Reply #4 on: October 01, 2017, 07:16:08 am »
Another thing I could discuss is, last but not least, moola. This game is free to play. The content within it is generously offered for free to us all. I am not advising you guys to take that away from us, but rather dwell on other options; such as a deluxe membership monthly subscription. It doesn't have to cost a fortune. Something around 10 $ a month would be a good start, I think. You guys could offer the premium members extra content - things such as, peeks into further updates to Feral Heart, exclusive wallpapers or concept art, even more body model designs (besides wolves and lions; think other animals that would fit in, such as tigers or snow leopards, perhaps), quick customer access in case something goes wrong with their game, stuff like that. (Also, I know you can basically customize your character to the point where it looks about 80% like a cheetah/snow leopard/most felines out there but that is done a lot through markings and such. I'm talking about  new body designs. Or if not, perhaps, think bigger. Elephants? I don't know.) This is only one concept that popped up in my mind (for now), but I could see it working out. Providing you guys advertise the game properly, get people interested; some people wouldn't mind spending reasonable amounts of money for premium membership. I am aware of the fact that there's also the issue of the server(s) being too populated, resulting in glitchy/laggy gameplay. My response to this would be acquiring better server management. I know it can be costly, but it is a necessary if you guys are looking to expand - and it ties into my previous point about receiving financial support from the fanbase. Perhaps implementing a server browser? I have seen that tactic used in many multiplayer games. It could be people hosting their own servers, on the maps you guys provide, for their own purposes ex. meeting new people, casual roleplay, novella styled roleplay, you name it. People can get quite creative. However, if a premium membership system were to be implemented (and actually work) there is an important factor to consider - standard customers. Not everyone will be paying for premium content. It should be something optional that does not impact the quality of gameplay to an absurd degree. That is how games wither their players away; through transforming from a free, fun experience into a play to win/pay to play one. That is how games lose players. Through ignoring the individuals who do not wish to pay and offering them inferior service (buggy/laggy servers, slow updates, etc.) The method I have implied would require a good bit of thinking and planning (a bit of consumerism), but if implemented correctly, I think it could really help the game grow.

Although it may seem like a great idea that can really help the Staff provide members with more content and future updates, I do not agree with this, and here's why:
The idea itself, would lowkey be going down a path to becoming another Animal Jam, but 3D. As someone who is definitely not a fan of paying for memberships to access all of the cool stuff of the game (as I believe it to be unfair, whether or not it's "the only way" doesn't matter), I love FH as it is by giving the cool stuff to all of the community rather than the minority that actually pay to see the best contents of the game.
If this was implemented, I believe it would only cause all the more frustration amongst the younger generation who cannot afford, and whose parents will not pay for, said membership. I wouldn't spend money on a game to see all the good of it, as I'd much rather be impressed on first gameplay by seeing it all as I progress throughout. Not to mention; what would actually be the objective with people paying for a membership? To see more, play as more, and set rather strict limitations of what the non-premium users can play as? It would vanquish the creativity of FeralHeart altogether. People would have to resort to only lions and wolves, while all of the VIP users would end up as snow leopards, coyotes, and whatever the game would have on offer. To be given such limited creativity, would cause the decrease of members who do not wish to pay just to have access to more maps, items, markings, and potential models and addons. If you know about/have played Star Stable Online and know of the fact that you have to have membership just to access the rest of the game, it's really frustrating for other members who legitimately have enjoyed their experience thus far and wish to continue, but only to be stopped and informed they have to pay... $10 a month? It's especially irritating when, after a while, you stop playing but still have to provide that money towards a membership until it expires or you end it yourself.

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Re: Make Feral Heart great again!
« Reply #5 on: October 01, 2017, 05:15:16 pm »
Moving this to game opinions and ideas

And you have some lovely ideas here! Unfortunately while the Youtube channel sounds like a great idea, we do not have a lot of staff right now and it would be difficult to manage it when we're already busy with three websites (FH, FH dA, and FH Tumblr), a game, an upcoming patch, etc

As for the monthly subscription, I don't think it would benefit us that much, actually; I don't think anyone would be interested in purchasing it =0

And for the new models/species idea: the staff do not have the game's source code so we cannot make any changes like that to the game, unfortunately

These are lovely ideas, but I just don't see them working. I hope I didn't discourage you<3



For the YT channel, I think you guys could recruit/host open admin recruitment whenever you see fit , and see who sticks. There's people out there who can be quite dedicated, especially to causes they really care about. And if you guys go that far, you might as well establish an official FH Facebook and Twitter page. I honestly believe that some exposure is better than none. It's all about finding people who really wish to make this project better.

PS. I think people would pay for it, granted it was done right & they received attractive exclusive content that comes with the premium membership. Though again, it's a mechanic that would need a good bit of fine tuning, so to speak.


- Abbas Bennett,

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Re: Make Feral Heart great again!
« Reply #6 on: October 01, 2017, 05:18:55 pm »
Another thing I could discuss is, last but not least, moola. This game is free to play. The content within it is generously offered for free to us all. I am not advising you guys to take that away from us, but rather dwell on other options; such as a deluxe membership monthly subscription. It doesn't have to cost a fortune. Something around 10 $ a month would be a good start, I think. You guys could offer the premium members extra content - things such as, peeks into further updates to Feral Heart, exclusive wallpapers or concept art, even more body model designs (besides wolves and lions; think other animals that would fit in, such as tigers or snow leopards, perhaps), quick customer access in case something goes wrong with their game, stuff like that. (Also, I know you can basically customize your character to the point where it looks about 80% like a cheetah/snow leopard/most felines out there but that is done a lot through markings and such. I'm talking about  new body designs. Or if not, perhaps, think bigger. Elephants? I don't know.) This is only one concept that popped up in my mind (for now), but I could see it working out. Providing you guys advertise the game properly, get people interested; some people wouldn't mind spending reasonable amounts of money for premium membership. I am aware of the fact that there's also the issue of the server(s) being too populated, resulting in glitchy/laggy gameplay. My response to this would be acquiring better server management. I know it can be costly, but it is a necessary if you guys are looking to expand - and it ties into my previous point about receiving financial support from the fanbase. Perhaps implementing a server browser? I have seen that tactic used in many multiplayer games. It could be people hosting their own servers, on the maps you guys provide, for their own purposes ex. meeting new people, casual roleplay, novella styled roleplay, you name it. People can get quite creative. However, if a premium membership system were to be implemented (and actually work) there is an important factor to consider - standard customers. Not everyone will be paying for premium content. It should be something optional that does not impact the quality of gameplay to an absurd degree. That is how games wither their players away; through transforming from a free, fun experience into a play to win/pay to play one. That is how games lose players. Through ignoring the individuals who do not wish to pay and offering them inferior service (buggy/laggy servers, slow updates, etc.) The method I have implied would require a good bit of thinking and planning (a bit of consumerism), but if implemented correctly, I think it could really help the game grow.

Although it may seem like a great idea that can really help the Staff provide members with more content and future updates, I do not agree with this, and here's why:
The idea itself, would lowkey be going down a path to becoming another Animal Jam, but 3D. As someone who is definitely not a fan of paying for memberships to access all of the cool stuff of the game (as I believe it to be unfair, whether or not it's "the only way" doesn't matter), I love FH as it is by giving the cool stuff to all of the community rather than the minority that actually pay to see the best contents of the game.
If this was implemented, I believe it would only cause all the more frustration amongst the younger generation who cannot afford, and whose parents will not pay for, said membership. I wouldn't spend money on a game to see all the good of it, as I'd much rather be impressed on first gameplay by seeing it all as I progress throughout. Not to mention; what would actually be the objective with people paying for a membership? To see more, play as more, and set rather strict limitations of what the non-premium users can play as? It would vanquish the creativity of FeralHeart altogether. People would have to resort to only lions and wolves, while all of the VIP users would end up as snow leopards, coyotes, and whatever the game would have on offer. To be given such limited creativity, would cause the decrease of members who do not wish to pay just to have access to more maps, items, markings, and potential models and addons. If you know about/have played Star Stable Online and know of the fact that you have to have membership just to access the rest of the game, it's really frustrating for other members who legitimately have enjoyed their experience thus far and wish to continue, but only to be stopped and informed they have to pay... $10 a month? It's especially irritating when, after a while, you stop playing but still have to provide that money towards a membership until it expires or you end it yourself.

Interesting points.

Perhaps the introduction of ads wouldn't be such a horrible idea, then. As long as they're not obnoxiously intrusive and irritating.
- Abbas Bennett,

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Re: Make Feral Heart great again!
« Reply #7 on: October 01, 2017, 05:31:59 pm »
PS. I think people would pay for it, granted it was done right & they received attractive exclusive content that comes with the premium membership. Though again, it's a mechanic that would need a good bit of fine tuning, so to speak.


Granted, while that might be a good idea to help the game, you have to keep in mind that as the same time, even if were to do such a thing, the consumers might still feel cheated because they're receiving the same type of content over and over.
As said before, we lack the 'Source Code' to further develop the game and add in all of these sort of fancy models, more content, the works. Where Feral - Heart is now, it's worth its value as of now.
One can say, why not simply just start fresh / over and rebuild it?
Well, that also take a lot of time and work. Without the original / stable code, we might end up losing Feral - Heart in the process. It might not be how we remembered it, update or not and that's something players might not want to give up because for Nostalgia purposes as mention above.

And as for the premium membership, it does seem a bit unfair for the ones that don't have the funds available to get into all these sneak peeks and exclusive content. But since we're currently limited, the only thing I can see the whole 'Premium Membership' thing being is just a way of people that are able to pay, having Status over the ones that simply can't. Younger audience ( Because yes, they're out there on this game,
regardless of the age ), might not be able to pay which requires them to get their parent's permission. If the parent's saw where there money was going, they might not even consider it because to them, they don't think it'll be worth the investment if there's nothing new brought to the table.

So, as said before, I don't think that Feral - Heart is worth having those sort of features. It truly won't seem fair to the others that wish to help this game and even get a say in for what should be added, what shouldn't be, etc. If the ones that are paying for this sort of thing gets to see it first, that's possibly only a small handful getting to view the content and such, leaving possibly the majority out of the question.
Personally, having money included in this, doesn't seem like the greatest ideas as of now because of what's already being offered right now.
We get all of this for free anyways and that's actually great to me.

But again, you do bring up some interesting points and I'm not here to discourage your ideas whatsoever. c:

Keep on traveling across this road called 'Life.'

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Re: Make Feral Heart great again!
« Reply #8 on: October 01, 2017, 07:40:45 pm »
PS. I think people would pay for it, granted it was done right & they received attractive exclusive content that comes with the premium membership. Though again, it's a mechanic that would need a good bit of fine tuning, so to speak.


Granted, while that might be a good idea to help the game, you have to keep in mind that as the same time, even if were to do such a thing, the consumers might still feel cheated because they're receiving the same type of content over and over.
As said before, we lack the 'Source Code' to further develop the game and add in all of these sort of fancy models, more content, the works. Where Feral - Heart is now, it's worth its value as of now.
One can say, why not simply just start fresh / over and rebuild it?
Well, that also take a lot of time and work. Without the original / stable code, we might end up losing Feral - Heart in the process. It might not be how we remembered it, update or not and that's something players might not want to give up because for Nostalgia purposes as mention above.

And as for the premium membership, it does seem a bit unfair for the ones that don't have the funds available to get into all these sneak peeks and exclusive content. But since we're currently limited, the only thing I can see the whole 'Premium Membership' thing being is just a way of people that are able to pay, having Status over the ones that simply can't. Younger audience ( Because yes, they're out there on this game,
regardless of the age ), might not be able to pay which requires them to get their parent's permission. If the parent's saw where there money was going, they might not even consider it because to them, they don't think it'll be worth the investment if there's nothing new brought to the table.

So, as said before, I don't think that Feral - Heart is worth having those sort of features. It truly won't seem fair to the others that wish to help this game and even get a say in for what should be added, what shouldn't be, etc. If the ones that are paying for this sort of thing gets to see it first, that's possibly only a small handful getting to view the content and such, leaving possibly the majority out of the question.
Personally, having money included in this, doesn't seem like the greatest ideas as of now because of what's already being offered right now.
We get all of this for free anyways and that's actually great to me.

But again, you do bring up some interesting points and I'm not here to discourage your ideas whatsoever. c:

Appreciate the critique.

I still believe the promotion concept could work, though. Even if on a smaller scale. I think that having an official Twitter & Facebook would help you have a wider reach to people who already play, or are even interesting in getting started on FH. Not necessarily Discord as of now, but perhaps getting some official pages set up on those networks would expand your reach, even without spending money. In regards to the admin issue, as I have stated above; you guys could host open recruitment for admin positions, and see who sticks. There's plenty of dedicated people who, I'm sure, wouldn't hesitate too much to join the team and help you guys out with whatever needed.

Another thing that could be monetized is the introduction of ads? I think this could work, were it implemented correctly.
Many people hate being spammed with ads - it's dreadful. However, a balanced amount of ads throughout the game, I think, could work. I wouldn't mind watching an ad as I wait for the login screen. Or as I'm trying to enter a different environment (i.e. a cave). As long as they're not intrusive, you'd be surprised how many people aren't frustrated with ads, as present as they are in our culture nowadays.

I'm not telling you what to do, though. That's all up to you.
These are mere suggestions.
- Abbas Bennett,

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Re: Make Feral Heart great again!
« Reply #9 on: October 02, 2017, 06:55:28 am »
Appreciate the critique.

I still believe the promotion concept could work, though. Even if on a smaller scale. I think that having an official Twitter & Facebook would help you have a wider reach to people who already play, or are even interesting in getting started on FH. Not necessarily Discord as of now, but perhaps getting some official pages set up on those networks would expand your reach, even without spending money. In regards to the admin issue, as I have stated above; you guys could host open recruitment for admin positions, and see who sticks. There's plenty of dedicated people who, I'm sure, wouldn't hesitate too much to join the team and help you guys out with whatever needed.

Another thing that could be monetized is the introduction of ads? I think this could work, were it implemented correctly.
Many people hate being spammed with ads - it's dreadful. However, a balanced amount of ads throughout the game, I think, could work. I wouldn't mind watching an ad as I wait for the login screen. Or as I'm trying to enter a different environment (i.e. a cave). As long as they're not intrusive, you'd be surprised how many people aren't frustrated with ads, as present as they are in our culture nowadays.

I'm not telling you what to do, though. That's all up to you.
These are mere suggestions.

True, But I think you're overlooking what I'm bringing up on the main point. We don't really have the 'Source Code' and without said code, the game can only go but so far. After awhile, it'll still be like, 'What's the point?' The code actually hands commands that, if implemented correctly, can bring in more structures, have models, fancy addons, etc. On top of that, the true creator that still has the code is somewhere out there. Staff would probably have to get permission and not only that find them if they wished to further develop this game.
As for the ads, you'll be surprised by how many actually think that ads are pretty annoying. Constantly popping up before a loading screen or whenever they change maps, regardless on how helpful it is. Even on games, ads actually can steer people away. Especially lengthy ones. You and a small handful might like it, but it depends on the audience as a whole.
Also, yes, there are some dedicated people out there that can assist the staff, but that's still time out of the 'teachers' hands as well as energy and patience. Of course it's not going to happen overnight and there is a lot of effort / procedures that would have to go into doing certain tasks as well if it needs to be done in a certain way. Maybe when more people are at the ready to learn and have bundles of time on their hands, then yes, it might be worth it.

All I'm saying is, having the game promoted to such hype when we're currently running on... might bring in some players with the wrong idea.
If you're going to bring this much hype to a game of any kind, be prepared to deliver and match the hype. Some players might think there's going to be changes made, some might actually enjoy the experience and if it does bring in a whole wave a players, it could overload the servers. Last I checked, Feral - Heart is only running on the one server. If there was a whole wave of people jumping into the game and only hanging out at the grounds? Yeaaah...
Plus, the maps are smaller for the most part that can also cause issues for a majority of players as well.

And I know you're not telling me what to do, for I am just another member doing my part for the community along with others but you do have good suggestions and maybe the Staff have even acknowledged them c:

These are just my reason as to why the whole advert thing can cause problems. Not discouraging or anything, just taking it in from another viewpoint.

Keep on traveling across this road called 'Life.'

Discord: Haku - Haku#74O7