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Topics - LiesUnderOath

Pages: [1] 2
Game Discussion / Humans in FeralHeart
« on: November 09, 2012, 01:59:03 am »
Time for me to make another post here. As far as I can see, no one else has brought this subject up.

The topic this time: Human rps. They seem to be very popular in bonfire (along with horses and TLK).
Personally, I don't get why some people find it enjoyable to rp as a human, besides the obvious "Its an animal game" argument. I just dont get it. .-.
That's all I really have to say on the subject.

Anybody else care to weigh in here?

Game Discussion / Multiple Usernames
« on: October 27, 2012, 02:16:29 am »
Oh look.
I'm back with more. o.o

I have one simple question: Why on earth does everybody insist that they need more than one account?
Now just so you know, I myself have one alternate, but just the one. I use it on the rare occasion when I decide I've had enough of my group members for one day, and I need to escape them without logging entirely out of the game, or I use it to see what two different character designs look like when compared.
I can see why having the one alternate would be useful, but do you really need several? I know it can sometimes be difficult to come up with a username that's really "you", especially if the one you want is claimed already, but that can be dealt with, right? o.o"

With the recent (major) server derps, I was wondering if this fact had anything at all to do with it. If this describes you, I was also looking for answers as to why you think you need all those accounts~ x3

Game Discussion / Whining
« on: October 21, 2012, 03:35:16 am »
So I've noticed this quite a bit, and it really sort of bugs me.

Why do people insist on sputtering their real life issues all over in-game? They come on and either break some rules and blame it on a "bad mood", or they lash out at anyone who talks to them because "their life sucks right now".
I know some of it is just attention beggers, hoping that others in the game will give them sympathy or give them all kinds of attention. But for the others...just why? Do they think that by proclaiming their problems all over the internet that it will magically go away? Do they think that by spewing off to everyone (and making others mad too, I'm sure) that they'll feel better somehow? Or are they even hoping to be banned/kicked?

I logged off a few minutes ago due to this happening, someone decided to lash out at everyone who talked to them.
I just felt the need to vent a bit afterwards. .-.

This is maybe in the wrong board, but I dont think so.

Screenshots / Fay's Snapshots~ (Updated: 12/6/2012)
« on: October 15, 2012, 06:23:29 am »
Murff. Random screenies.. ::)

Stories / Without Shadows
« on: September 30, 2012, 05:06:00 am »
Murr. This will be my attempt at writing a half-decent story.
I'm pretty much writing the whole thing (other than the intro) on a whim, based on an idea I scribbled in one of my old notebooks. :I

Note: This story will be rated pg-13, for some criminal references. Nothing to horrible or gory, just a heads up though.
Notes: Any comments and such are appreciated, but I would like them to be held until after every two posts (chapters). Just to make it easier to keep up with it.

Figure it's about time I posted one of these, I've been here for a while now, since not long after IT transferred to FH. I was originally from WQ, but after that got boring, I started searching for similar games, and this site came up.

~General Stuffs~
Username: LiesUnderOath
Real Name: Alli
In-game Nicknames: Lies, Lie, Key, Kitty
Real-life Nicknames: Pickles, Zippy
Age: Born in May 1994. I am eighteen.
Current Location: The North Star state, USA.
Personality: I am quite shy. I love hanging around people, though I may not say much. Thanks to my wonderful genes, I am cursedly stubborn. I'm not very open about my emotions, I prefer to keep those under cover. I have a love of words, and english/reading has been one of my top classes since elementary school.

Colors: Deep blue, faded orange, and dark purple.
Food: Fruit. Can't say much more about that.
Music: 80's and 90's stuff, some dubstep, piano.
Books: Anything by Tamora Pierce.
Season: Autumn.
Holiday: Christmas.

Dr PepperSleep
Tree frogs

Little children
Little siblings
Daddy longleg spiders
The concept of "true love"

Music: Learning piano, singing
Art: Photography, some drawing
Writing: Short stories, poems

~Anything Else~
I have curly brown-red hair and blue-grey eyes. I have two younger brothers, two dogs, a cat, and will be getting a rabbit soon. I have no specific religion, and I don't enjoy it when others try to force it on me. I have Facebook (though I rarely check it), and dA (The-Inked-One), and may soon create an account on both FA and Etsy. The only shows I really watch on T.V. are Castle, SVU, Blue Bloods, and the Mentalist. My main characters on FeralHeart are Whiskey, Scottie, and Pounce. I add random friends all the time, so my friends list is very long. x3

Poems / ~Silent Music~
« on: September 09, 2012, 09:32:46 pm »
Note: The second poem is pretty dark. It was written for an english class, based on a book we were required to read about a woman suffering from depression who eventually commited suicide. You've been forewarned.

If only the silence could be broken
If only we had words
I would tell you, "It'll be alright"
And you'd agree
Even though it's not


:The Yellow Lady:
It's gonna be a long, long night
Emotions overcome me
I cry out in fright

The yellow lady
Watches me
Stuck in our prison
She fades away
I cry again
Here in my prison

Faces surround me
Asking, pleading with me
Saying "Don't leave"
But it's too late

The yellow lady
Watches me
Here in our prison
She fades away
I cry again
Here in my prison

I've tried to fight it
But it's too late
Now it's my last chance
The rope is in my hands
The door opens

The yellow lady
Watches me
Stuck in our prison
She fades away
I cry again
Here, in my prison


:Rhyming Poetry-Not My Thing:
To write a rhyme
Thinking up words that mix
Takes lots of time
Will put you in a fix
To some, not rhyming is a crime
While onlookers get their kicks
Though to me, a crime so fine
While you get the tiks
You're still in a fix
So sublime
Ready to hear the paper rip
Now as I run out of time
Here's one quick tip:
One last thing, and idea of mine:

There is a bit of a "trick" that makes the third poem make sense. xD


What happened to yesteryears?
When we were young
Before we knew what death was
Before we knew separation
Before all of this

What happened to yesterday?
When it was easy to smile
When we would laugh out loud
When simplicity was in place
Before everything had to change

WHat our past?
DO you even remember
Did you ever even know
Or did you forget?

I remember you
I have never forgotten
I never will
Will you remember me
or have you already forgotten
All that we shared?


:Childhood and it's Things:
Has the laughter died
Have the smiles faded
Have the children grown
Are the photos dated?

Where are you
You've left me
You've left us all
But where are we?

It seems adulthood has come
Our childhood is over
Though the memories remain
Forever and ever
And ever


:Home, Sweet One:
Listen to the sounds
The voices
Can you hear them?
They're calling for you
Whispering your name
So loud

Watch the shadows
Can you see them?
They're reaching for you
Smiling at you
Arms outstretched
Go on..don't pull back

Do you feel it?
DOn't shiver
It's only their soft touch
A gentle kiss
An embrace
Encircling you in their arms

Are you ready for it?
DOn't fear
The light is ahead
Step forward
Let them guide you
Go're going home

It's alright
I will miss you
It'll hurt for a while
But the pain will ease
And we will meet again

Do you see me yet?
I'm home

Art Gallery / Kitty's Gallery of Sturff
« on: September 09, 2012, 08:23:30 pm »
Just a few of the things I've already got flyin' through computer space. I'm more of a photographer (or a screenshot-er), though I do have some drawings nearly done that I could put up soon. <3

There's more sturff on dA, I'm The-Inked-One, if you care to look. I'll probably add more here later. :D
Sorry about the large pics, I can try to change the sizes if it becomes a problem. ^^"

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Little Things for New Players
« on: April 19, 2012, 02:25:49 am »
This is just a quick lttle idea I've thought of that might be helpful to new people. ^^

Okay, so while I love the idea of Lonely Cave being the first place a new character goes (as opposed to Bonfire) I think it can still be quite intimidating for new people. If they've never played FH before, and never heard of IT, but know the general idea of the in, might frighten them a little to appear in an empty cave with no one in sight.
So, my idea: I think there should be a nonplayer character, or a sign of some sort welcoming them and helping them get started. It could point them to the portals and explain what they are, or maybe even give basic hints like "Press E to fly" and such.

Just something small would work. ^^"

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Wolfen Howl
« on: April 08, 2012, 04:05:04 am »
Wolfen Howl

Heavy pawsteps were heard, as they padded through the forest, their teeth glinting in the light. Fallen leaves were pushed aside as they raced through the trees, coming to a fast halt atop a slight rise. A tan-coated female stepped from the throng, her ears forward, her fur ruffled by the light wind. Her green eyes glinted as she looked down the hill, to the wolves who waited below. An expectant snarling rose from behind her as she spoke, expectant for an answer from the cowering ones below them.
"Strays." The fae's voice had gone unusually soft, and her lips were pulled back in the beginnings of a snarl. "Look what you've gone and done now, trespassers! You've upset my packmates." She gestured with her tail to the wolves behind her, as their cries grew louder. Her eyes watched the trespassers, reading them. And she waited.

What say you? Will you walk among them, these descendants of phantoms? Or will you turn tail and hide from their searching teeth? It's your choice...choose well.

((Okay, I'm not a fan of typing this all again, so I'll just give you the webbie link, and you can read about us there. Feel free to apply on this page though, it's probably easier. x3))
Website of Wolfen:

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