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Messages - wolf48877

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Leaving / Re: We love you!
« on: September 25, 2018, 11:00:00 pm »
We all love you too.

FH Username: wolf48877
Character name: Lionclaw
Clan: Island Clan
Rank: Warrior
Short character description: This tom is not a cat you want to mess with. Though he's a total sweetheart towards clan members, he's hostile and cold when confronted with outsiders. He has the muscle and skill to back up his warnings and threats as well, so it would be wise to stay away. With an incredibly tall, muscular body mixed with his piercing green eyes, this tom is quite the looker and ladies tom too.
Roleplay sample: The tom's ears moved like small radar dishes, his senses high on alert for any prey that was unlucky enough to be heard. A rustle here, and a rustle there. Each one gone before he could hone in on it's precise location. As time passed, he finally located a small island lizard, hunting for flies on a warm rock. His heartbeat slowed, each muscle tensing up as he prepared for take-off. Suddenly, the tom launched himself towards the lizard. His large paws stretching out, each turning into small nets. The lizard didn't know what had hit him, his carelessness had cost him his life. With a swift bite to the head, the lizard had died. Lionclaw let out a small chuckle. "Poor little guy. Sorry 'bout killing you, but we gotta eat too y'know." Picking up his catch in his jaws, he made off towards camp, ready to greet his friends.

Introduction / Oh boy it's been awhile
« on: October 02, 2016, 02:06:48 am »
oooOHOHOHOooo boy guess who's back from being a child (I was like 12 last time I posted on here jfc I'm 14 now)
Been a while since I've touched the forums or the game itself. For those who don't remember me or don't know me, I go by Nox. I looked back on my past posts and.. wow. It was uh, embarrassing for the most part. I doubt I'll be getting into the forums again, but hey it never hurt to let people know that you're back from the dead ;)

Sent a join request and accepted your friend request~ And alright, see you tomorrow!

Ah, thank you! Although I didn't receive an invite. I did friend you though! ewe

Age: 4 Summers
Gender: Male
Species/Breed: 80% Grey Wolf/10% Malamute/10% Timber Wolf
Desired Rank: Hunter
In-game Username: wolf48877 (No spaces or capitalization's)
(This preset that he is currently wearing was a free grey wolf preset made by  Therefore, I do not claim this preset as my own! Also, if I must remove his items, then I am fine with doing so.)
Roleplay sample: Anuke padded through his pack's beloved territory. Taking in the scents and sights of it, to him it was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. He enjoyed this small break from the crowded den sight that he called home and shared with his fellow pack mates. //I wonder...Should I bring back an easy catch? I'm out here anyway, so I might as well.// He thought to himself as he continued to trot through the territory, now holding his muzzle high into the crisp air to catch the faintest scent of prey. //Come's not that early for at least a rabbit to awaken from it's slumber.// Annoyed by the fact that he couldn't pick up any fresh scents, he flopped onto the soft mossy ground like water sloshing in the river. After about 5 minutes of relaxing and taking in the forest scents, a new scent had flown into his nostrils. Rabbit. //Finally! Now, where are you hiding?// Anuke stood up slowly, making sure he was careful as to not step on any dried leaves or branches. Moving slowly through the thick underbrush as he followed the rabbit's scent, he finally caught sight of it. //Let's see how fast you can run// He thought to himself as he darted after the rabbit that instantly took off like a freight train at full speed. Dodging as much underbrush and rocks as he could, he continued to chase the small animal. //I can't keep up much longer, time to end this.// Anuke leaped at the rabbit in the middle of his run, opening his jaws widely to expose his dagger-like teeth. Slamming face first onto the now rocky surface, the rabbit's backside was firmly in his jaws. It squirmed and wiggled wildly to try and escape. Before Anuke could finish it off, it quickly turned around and sunk it's large teeth into his front paw. //You little rotten carcass! That was my paw!// He thought to himself as he violently held onto the rabbit's backside and quickly ripped it away from his paw. Quickly he delivered the final blow to the rabbits neck. His paw was bloody and sore, but it wasn't a very bad injury like he had suspected. "Well, it was worth it at least..The pups of the pack will enjoy this little snack." He said out loud as he picked up the carcass and began to pad home. (Please keep in mind that I do not always Rp with paragraphs this large, I usually only keep my rp samples large and interesting, so that is why it is like this.)

Art Gallery / Re: Fireflye's New Art.
« on: March 25, 2015, 06:43:59 pm »
Beautiful artwork~ I'm jealous :')

Introduction / Re: Dusting off this rusty account
« on: March 25, 2015, 06:34:42 pm »
Welcome back floof! It's nice to see you return~ I hope you have a great time c:

Introduction / BACK FROM THE DEAD
« on: March 25, 2015, 06:32:00 pm »
Heyo floofs~ I know I haven't been active on the forums....Terribly sorry! ;n; I've had a few issues going on in the real world, it's difficult to deal with a parents death, But I'll be better! I have in fact been active in-game, since people have been dragging me on x'D But i do have a new main character, his name is Nox.  Or Noxy-Poo x'D I can't post screenshots of him though...I'm typing this while in class at the moment. I do plan on being more active on here, whenever I get time or when my google decides to work I'll be on here c: I will try my best to help anybody out, I have FINALLY learned how to make presets. i currently have like...alot of them x'D I also wanted to say Hi to sura ouo since my messaging button apparently hates me soo HI SURA-BUM!!! huehue I'll see ya guys later, teacher is telling us to get off the laptops. BA-BYE

Introduction / ~I HAS RETURNED~
« on: November 09, 2014, 12:30:49 am »
Heyo floofs!!! Its been awhile since I was on the forums, and that was because of a tumor I had in my head, BUT the medications WORKED!!!!! I will be more active on the forums now, u might have seen me in game a fee times already though cx I'm just so happy that its gone c": welp I hope to see u soon :D. Luff ya floofs~

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