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Messages - peachbreeze

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 24
Your accent sounds sexy o3o Thanks for the tutorial, bruh.

Finished Maps / Re: Peach's Map Corner(Requests Closed for now)
« on: June 13, 2013, 05:15:04 pm »
Roffu, you /have/ to provide the link, or else I can't really use them ;-;

Request/Find Meshes / Re: Needing some REALISTIC city mesh's
« on: June 13, 2013, 01:21:29 am »
And Muser has a few untextured ones, they are models, which is up for download.
Theirry has a building pack which allows you to make your buildings how you want.
You have to click the link he gives you to get there or just skip over to page 24.
SilverTW has a giant tv if you want that for furniture in your buildings, lol.
I believe Jayfeather55 has some useful stuff like food, and a haunted mansion pack, and Nobiax's Plants (Has some good plants that would give a scary effect).
He even has corpse meshes~
Ooh, and glave has stuff like... Garbage! Do I really have to post the link? Fine. . .
Your welcome!

Hope I helped~

EDIT: Oops, didn't see the Glave part in your post. Sorry.

Username in Game RustBucket
Signature or Art Siggy
Realistic or Unrealistic Realistic
Fur mask or no fur Mask Huh?
What animal Wolf
Special Details
Nik is a small male wolf.  He has a brown pelt with patches of blurred white and cream.  His ear tips are dark brown.  His underbelly is off white.  He has green eyes.

A fur mask is like the fur mask you see on your characters.

Sure, I can make these for you.
Before I do Loki, brittnie, as in 'not too realistic' do you mean you want the rest realistic butyou want the markings glowy as you showed?
I could infer thats what you meant, but just pm me ;)

I decided to take some art requests and signature requests. All art is copyrighted to me. If anyone uses it and claims it as their own they would seem like a total arse. Here are some examples of art I made, and I hope you enjoy.

(No Name)
Time spent: 1 Hour
Program: GIMP 2

Time spent: 2 Hours
Program: Photoshop CS5

(No Name)
Time Spent: I forgot o-o
Program: Photoshop CS5

Requesting Form:

Username in Game
Signature or Art
Realistic or Unrealistic
Fur mask or no fur Mask
What animal
Special Details

Art Gallery / Re: my first gimp wolf XD
« on: May 29, 2013, 12:56:24 am »
Welp. That picture just made my day :)

Dun give credit to me, theirry taught me first T^T
So I decided to share it with you guys ^^

I dont think it matters what version, and it sure isnt free. If you really want it, I guess you can poke around the internet for a crack. Its not very legal, but everyone does it ;)

Open 3ds max and have a new project (duh)

Now, what I do is I get a sphere instead and kinda use it to sculpt. You get it by going to your 'tool box' and simply clicking the sphere button. Click and drag out to create it, you can scale it also.
The numbers show you the order. First, second, third.

And then you should have a sphere like this (Color varies):

Okay. Now, before you go to the modify tab on your toolbox make sure your sphere is selected.
This is what it looks like when your on the modify tab.

The red circle is what you click to get there.
Go to the modifier list and click edit mesh.

Now that you clicked edit mesh, click vertex under selection.

So, your sphere has alot of fancy blue points around it. Dont panic, they are nothing, really! Just your vertices that allows you to pull out and in and up and down.

Scroll down your tool box and click soft selection. If there is the words and a little plus sign next to it, click on the plus sign and a new drop down will come. Click use soft selection, look:

Select the check box. Make sure it has a check, lol.
Left click and a huge list thing will come up. Dont panic, all you need to do is select 'move'.
You should see a red, green, and blue arrow.

Click anywhere on the sphere. Its okay if the vertices turn rainbow, thats good!
Let me demonstrate what they do~ Blue pulls it up and down.

Red and green pretty much do the same thing.
Pull left and right, forward backward.

Ex is up there~
Ill make an apple for example~ Im using the verticies to move the verticies around.

Theres your apple-ish.  . . . Figure ^^"
"Oh nu, Peachy! Wheres teh steam!?"
To add new objects go to your toolbox's tabs and create. I will use a cylinder as the stem. I will use the same process as the apple to distort it. (Ill fix the apple up, too. .)

I changed the colors.

Any questions? Ask on the thread. . .
Im below a begginer LOL Thats Why I made a simple apple.
Have fun, explore with what you can do with the vertices! <3

I wont spend my time on some fnacy text that takes forever to read.

This is a warrior roleplay and staff posistions are closed.
Website: www.

I give you permisiion to sign up, but please contact me in game if you want a higher rank. Please be active. If you cant, thats okay because we all have an outside life. Leaders must stay active though. Inactivity would have to be reported and why.

The map is beautiful, and contains three clans (One evil) and a tribe.
The site has absolutley everything you need to know. You can join and you dont even have to roleplay and make a character and join, you can post your warrior cat art and Fan-Fictions ^^
Thanks for considering!

No problem, I actually think I can get it done quickly.

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