Author Topic: Hallucination's Guide to Literacy  (Read 5594 times)

Offline Hallucination

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Hallucination's Guide to Literacy
« on: May 08, 2012, 02:49:47 pm »
Hello, I am here to show you some things about literacy, and what most roleplays want to see in their members. Let's begin with the types of roleplaying.
There's first person, something barely used.
There's second person, which is highly unused.
And then the good old third person, which you may see much.


First person, being literate, would look like this: I walked through a lonesome valley, darkness fleeting into every corner.
Second person is only used in books that are putting 'you' in the scene of everything. Using it on FeralHeart would basicly be playing for the other person.
Third person is addressing the character you use and/or are talking about. A sample would be like this:
Anyname sat down, his/her eyes focused on the great unknown beyond the valley, the sun illuminating the steep and rocky edges that surround the deep abyss below.

How to Improve

The main objective of roleplaying literate, is act as if your writing a good book the someone would read, like a best seller. Use descriptive words to give a good visual effect in the 'reader's' minds.
For example, everyone that roleplays like this: -Kills, claws, bites- That is not a quite style of 'major' roleplay at all. Apparently, according to EvilSock, it is used highly in begginers, but otherwise, I believe you should try to break away from this after awhile. In most cases when you talk, you use these: " Those surround the words you are saying, diving it from the rest of the words. For instance, here is a sentence using those: Anyname stared over at the other animal, eyes focused. "You travelled long, countless hours..." He/She said, curious of where the animal came from.
Here is what the sentence would sound like without them: Anyname stared over at the other animal, eyes focused. You travelled long, countless hours... He/She said, curious of where the animal came from.
That's very confusing, is it not? Another huge thing about literacy is grammar. Without proper grammar, it makes sentences hard to understand. There is a word in describing an object's location, usually. Their is used in possesive form. They're is used only for the contraction, 'they are.' Next is capitalization. Capital letters always go at the begining of a sentence, pronoun, and also I. A pronoun announces a specific person, place, or item and events. For instance, you can see I start my every sentence with a capital letter. A good example of pronouns are this: "Me, Simba, and Scar are going to Bonfire Island to the Annual Bakesale to get Granny's Homemade Cookies." ((I don't know why I chose that sentence, it just sounding god to fit everything in. Lol))
 Always try to  use proper grammar, you can sometimes annoy people and confuse them with misspelling, wrong capitalization, and misplaced homonyms.
I will be adding more as soon as I come accross such information, hope this helps for now. Be sure you check back. Next thing will be a section on Godmodding and Powerplaying and how to break that habit if you use it.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2012, 09:58:48 pm by Hallucination »

Offline EvilSock

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Re: Hallucination's Guide to Literacy
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2012, 05:50:59 pm »
Nice tutorial, despite the fact that there are already some perfectly explanatory ones on here.
But, I see a few nitpicks that I feel an irk to criticize upon since 'grammar' is important to you. Maybe you can even add it to your tutorial.

Firstly, your sentence: Let's begin with the types of roleplaying
There is no apostrophe in 'lets'. An apostrophe is to used to show ownership or posession 'Maxwell's shirt was blue'. Apostrophes are also commonly used in contractions for 'it is' or 'it has' when it becomes 'it's'. E.g. 'It's very sunny outside today'.
'It's' is NOT used to indicate the posessive form. E.g. 'Every dog has it's day' would be incorrect. What you're saying is: 'Every dog has it is day.' Does that make sense to you? No. No it doesn't. Remove the apostrophe, and the sentence is cool again.
Edit: Screw the 'let's' thing. I got it wrong, being as it's a contraction for 'let us'. My mind was scrambled, excuse me.

Now, moving on from that, I'd like to highlight a section of your 'example' posts: Anyname sat down, his/her eyes focused on the great unknown beyond the valley, the sun illuminating the steep and rocky edges the surround the deep abyss below.
'The surround the deep abyss below'? What? For a literate sentence, that made absolutely no sense. This is an exmaple of a fragmented sentence, where words needed for correct grammar are missing out. Part of me thinks this was a simple typo, but I digress...
The correct wording for this scene would be: Anyname sat down, his/her eyes focusing on the great unknown beyond the valley, the sun illuminating the steep and rocky edges that surrounded the deep abyss below.
Ah, that's much better. See how nicer the sentence flows without switching between tenses and the like? Moving on!

'For example, everyone that godmods and/or powerplays, or roleplays like this: -Kills, claws, bites- That is not a style of roleplay at all' On the contrary, this is indeed a roleplay style; commonly called 'scripting' or 'speed', and is favoured by most beginners. Godmodding can also be found within LITERATE and ADVANCED roleplayers, so bashing one style is pretty ick when the latter can be just as bad.

I also found a few more grammar errors in your post, but I'm too lazy to continue highlighting. Make sure to do your research before you consider putting these types of things up, you never know, a Sock may decide to come along and critique it. I'm watching you.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2012, 06:20:02 pm by EvilSock »

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Re: Hallucination's Guide to Literacy
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2012, 09:27:42 pm »
I will fix all errors, thank you for informing me, Evil.


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Re: Hallucination's Guide to Literacy
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2012, 09:34:35 pm »
Sock was a tad wrong. "Let's " is fine. As I assume you meant it as  "Let us".

Offline EvilSock

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Re: Hallucination's Guide to Literacy
« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2012, 09:52:16 pm »
@Fish: I edited my post soon after I discovered my mistake, actually.

Offline Hallucination

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Re: Hallucination's Guide to Literacy
« Reply #5 on: May 09, 2012, 10:10:40 pm »
Yes. The problem is resolved.