Author Topic: An Average of 100~ Players  (Read 10551 times)


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Re: An Average of 100~ Players
« Reply #10 on: July 08, 2020, 04:16:41 pm »
Thank you so much for your response. I apologize for my leaving comment earlier.

Now! Considering your comments. I've heard about the new update, and I am a little frustrated about it. I won't give explicit details on who told me what and details about said update. I understand where y'all are coming from though with it. I'd be willing to give my input within PMs if you'd want?

As for activity of staff, I do agree that the moderators have been on more. I was just stating my suggestions for those who cannot be on actively because of said business. I understand Hiatus, though they can only be on it for so long. The reason why I suggest this is to gain new moderators and new opinions. I am not saying to replace certain moderators, I(and probably FH) just want some new faces.

You're all good. Frustration happens sometimes and in that frustration a lot of times things can get heated. I will 100% take your input through PMs so I can share them specifically with the other staff members if you're willing to share them.

I can understand that. Sometimes the staff members prefer to have a specific spot (forums over game and vice versa). I'm not sure if anymore moderators will be added soon. But I can say that the staff team has been larger in the past. Either way, I'll try my best to remain active as possible for you guys and I know the other staff members do too.