Author Topic: Tricks (Tricksters of FH)  (Read 1612 times)

Offline SnowWolf5552

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Tricks (Tricksters of FH)
« on: February 15, 2013, 09:51:08 pm »
Tricks are both male and female.

Fur: Vaires from white, red, grays and blacks.
Lightly colored(Light gray, white, brown & silver) tail tips.
Slightly lighter underbelly.
Eyes: Red, orange, yellow-green and blue(Young pups.)
Mating Season: Late winter & early spring.
Life span: 29 to 40 years.

When pups are born(In litters of about 4), they are blind and helpless. Their mother (Called a Kodi)cares for them until eight months, when they are in their early stages of the "Yearling" phase. One or two die through this process, sadly.

They reach mating age and maturity at 3 years.
The pups leave each other, cutting their last bond as siblings.

Females: Often black and red. Usually white or silver tail tip. Red or yellow-green eyes. Builds vary.

Males: Often black, gray and white. Light brown/gray tail tip. Orange or red eyes. Builds vary.

By the way, they can turn to humans. Race varies.


Name: Kuro Oni Lonai
Gender: Female
Scent: Mint
SO: Bisexual
Mate: N/A
Crush: N/A
Lover: N/A
Siblings: Nakushita(Living, residence unknown.)
Family: N/A
Appearance: Dark gray fur. Black markings. Red eyes.
You can find out more in-game.

Name: Akuba Kodiak
Gender: F
SO: Bisexual
Mate: N/A
Crush: N/A
Lover: N/A
Siblings: N/A
Family: Unknown
Appearance: Gray-black fur. Black markings. Red-orange eyes.

I would make my friend's character a Trick, but I need her promision.



« Last Edit: February 17, 2013, 01:51:18 pm by SnowWolf5552 »