Author Topic: Book I'm working on  (Read 2781 times)

Offline BlueLegend

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Book I'm working on
« on: April 11, 2011, 01:18:17 am »
I'm writing and publishing a book, but since the first chapter isn't done, I will post the prologue.


 The Tower of Charlam stood proudly, piercing the sky as one, little snowflake fluttered slowly down, and landed softly on the Tower's hard floor. Another fell softly down, and two more. A flutter of snowflakes fell, and soon the sky was crying tears of snow. The snow fell not too fast, like a blizzard, nor not too slow, more like... a little dance as they waved in the sky and fell. The sky was cloudless, and gray darkness crowed the air as the snowflakes fell. A small, little light glowed as it rested on the Tower, and although it was a little light, it lit up the Tower. The meadow of snow around it shared the blue light, which would slowly turn from green at night, yellow at morning, red at day, and blue again at dusk. And, as the snow gently fell to the ground, a gray wolf slowly sauntered up the tower. The coldness made his eyes sting, though he forced himself to walk to the top, where the blue light shown at it's brightest. It blinded his eyes, and the wolf had to cover them with his paw. The blue light shone, and the wind blew stronger and stronger when the light got brighter and brighter. After the wolf's eyes got used to the light, he looked at the light... and it made him feel as if he were in another world. Slowly, he reached one paw after another, and the light got brighter. The wind blew stonger now, and the snow turned into a blizzard. As he got closer, the wolf swore he could hear the voices shouting in the light... yelling... screaming...crying... singing. Soon it turned into a hum, the wolf could hear it now. A low hum, and he heard the voices singing a song, a song of death can be near, and peace can be far, though love will always be by you. The wolf could hear them now. At first, they sung in a language which none could understand, but as the wolf listened, he slowly understood. He reached one paw into the light... and rays of blue suddenly exploded out, and the spirits of the voices were loud enough to hear. The rays of light were the spirits circling him, singing their song of love. They circled around the light, and now the wolf's grayish pelt turned into a blue as the light shone on him. This did not stop the wolf. The light was pulling him, like the gravity, forcing him to come closer. And as the paw reached down the voices stopped, the light suddenly turned dim, and the light dissapeared. The wolf turned around, and saw a small creature staring at him. The creature was a young one of it's kind; the wolf was sure it would get bigger. The creature was reptile-like, and smelled of smoke, as if it had been around fire it's whole life. The creature had a small light in it's hands. The light! The wolf struggled to free the light from the creature's hands, but suddenly it squeezed the light, the light grew dimmer, and dissapeared. The creature had killed the light. Snarling, the wolf lunged at the creature, and bit deep into it's neck. The creature was strong enough to shake the wolf off, and he slammed into an arch. Growling, the wolf lunged onto the creature, and the force made them both fall off the tower. As they fell, they locked on to eachother, still in their bloody fight. The wolf ripped open the creature's chest. Roaring in pain, the creature threw the wolf off, and it fell to it's death. The creature fell until it landed on a sharp rock, peircing it's heart.

How do you like it? I plan it to be a series. I'm thinking about calling it Tears and Blood, but i'm starting not to like that name.


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Re: Book I'm working on
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2011, 01:33:48 am »
I like it! Very descriptive! MUST HAVE WHEN ITS FINISHED!!
(^ ^) This is Bunny. Copy Bunny into your signature to help him achieve world domination!

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Re: Book I'm working on
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2011, 06:35:29 pm »
Amazing <3
Luv it :3
Cant wait to read more! 0:

Offline GemWolf

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Re: Book I'm working on
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2011, 08:49:16 pm »
Oooh, I like it. <33

Offline BlueLegend

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Re: Book I'm working on
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2011, 10:49:46 pm »
I finally got the first chapter done! (warning: some language in this chapter)

Chapter 1

 "Then what happened?" asked the pure white wolf pup Silver.
 "Well, Samikulak did not get the light, and died." Replied her mother.
"Why did he have to die?" Asked Raven. Her mother looked as if she was trying to find the answer. "Because SpiritFur chose him to die." Mother looked at all the pups, making sure they understood.
 "I don't like SpiritFur now," Said Raven. Mother's eyes turned wide, and she almost gasped at her comment. "Don't say that! Of course you love SpiritFur." Mother paused, and her shock acted as if it ran away, and faded into darkness. "No matter what happens, SpiritFur will always be with you."
 Mother looked at Bramble, who was laying down in the corner of the den, looking in the oppisite direction. "Stupid wolves and their precious SpiritFur," he muttered.
 "Bramble, you're a wolf too!" Silver yipped.
 "Bramble, SpiritFur loves you." Said Mother. Bramble rolled his eyes. "Bramble," said Silver, "Why don't you ever listen to mom's fantastic stories?"
 Bramble muttered something no one could understand. Then he said, "Because they are stupid and unreal."
 "Actually," said Mother, "my stories are real. Samikulak and his pack were real, the Warriors of Gympotok are real, and even the evil force of the Farchels were real." The pups stood in disbelief.
 "Really?" Yipped Raven. "I thought they were fake, too."
 "No they are real. Very real. And they protected wolves from the army of Farchel."
"Then..." said Silver, "What happened to them? Are we still in danger of the Farchels?"
"No, Silver, they died a long time ago. There was a big, big battle between the two armies, and they both killed each other. Ones that survived the war died from wounds later." Mother explained. Silver and Raven imagined the two armies, the blood on the battlefield, along with the dead bodies. They imagined as the survivers lost their health everyday.. and eventually died. "How long ago was this?" Raven asked.
 "A long, long, time ago." said Mother.
 "Was that creature thing real?" asked Silver. "Yes, but they are extinct. They are called Dragons."
 Bramble rolled his eyes. His fur was dark brown, and very hard to see.
 "Now," said Mother, "you pups can go outside if you want. Just remember, don't go to far from my sight."

 Silver watched as her siblings played outside. Some of them took naps in the soft grass, with warm sun rays beaming on them. Others were playfighting or chasing butterflies. Silver saw Bramble playing with a rock, rolling it to the side and kicking it. He was muttering something, but Silver could not hear, though she imagined it was something about his life turning upside down, and was completly horrible. Bramble was always like this. Silver wished he would cheer up.
 One of the puppies spotted Bramble playing alone and whispered something to his sister, and she chuckled. Silver watched as her brother started stalking Bramble, taking soft steps and hiding in tall grass.
 Bramble started clawing at the rock when suddenly he was pinned to the ground. The force of his fall made the rock fall into a nearby stream. Bramble reached out his paw, trying to grasp the rock and the water, but his sibling was stronger and made Bramble feel as if he was frozen. He screamed as the others laughed.
 "Oh, I love watching a little helpless creature trying to escape my grasp," said Bramble's brother. A grin grew across his face as Bramble tried to fight back tears. He closed his eyes while the war was faught, and when they opened, his eyes were red and bloodshot with anger. Silver watched helplessly as the others laughed.
 "espeically if it's a wolf pup, just like you." Bramble's fur was dusty with dirt; the dirt had stuck to his fur when he tried to escape from his brother's paws. Silver's anger shook within her the louder their brother's laughter got as Bramble tried to squirm his way to freedom. The laughter was almost unbearable now. Silver's eyes were more bloodshot than Bramble's, and teeth ached to bite deep into her brother's scruff so it would stay sore for the rest of his life. He deserved that. After all her brothers and sisters had done to her brother Bramble, after taunting him and mocking him and sometimes even hurting him, they all deserved to have all their fur torn out and their guts chewed on, and their spirits to be burned in hell. After watching all that had happened in the past, Silver had anger build up in her body like lava in a volcano, and everytime the anger built up in her, the lava wanted to escape from the volcano.
 And now, the volcano was erupting.
 Screaming in anger, Silver charged to her brother's rescue and pinned her brother, Logan, down. She clawed his belly and bit his throat. Silver's father had taught the pups how to hunt by biting deep into the throat and breaking the air pipe, which, if not eventually, would kill the animal idmediatly. Silver seemed to be the only one to use their father's hunting skills.
 Silver did not want to kill the pup; she wanted just to cause pain, so she bit deep into the pup's throat, trying to avoid the airpipe. Logan squealed in pain, and when Silver saw a drop of blood fall from his mouth, she let go and snarled. That was too much. Silver never wanted any of her brothers or sisters to die.
 "Now you know how Bramble feels!" Logan gasped for air, and Silver wondered if she had hurt her sibling, but Logan got up, and made small, faint, wheezing sounds. He did not say anything and walked away. The others followed, and Bramble quietly walked the other direction. Silver frowned and said to herself, "Thank you, Silver, from saving me from those bullies. Why thank you, Bramble." and followed.
 When Bramble realized Silver was following him, he almost snarled, hoping that it would scare her away, but then he realized he was a runt. "Why are you following me?" he said, turning around to face his sister. Silver stopped. "I- I thought you needed some company." She said.
 Bramble ignored her and found another rock to play with. When he flipped it over he found a cricket, but it hopped away before he could kill it. Bramble grunted and kept playing with his little rock and completly ignored Silver.
 "Bramble?" She asked. Bramble kept playing with the rock. "Bramble?" Silver kept saying his name until her brother quickly turned around and snarled, "WHAT?" His eyes were red with fury. Couldn't she just leave him alone?
 Silver jumped back, alarmed, and said quietly, "Don't you ever want someone to play with?"
 Bramble didn't answer right away, and after a moment he said, "I've got this to play with," and flipped his rock to the side. Silver almost laughed. "No, Bramble! I mean, a rock might be sorta to play with," Silver paused expecting Bramble to yell at her to leave him alone. "but I mean, don't you ever wish you could play with another puppy instead of sitting around playing with a little rock?"
 Bramble ignored that question and kept playing with his rock. Silver just stood there waiting for an answer. She will just keep standing there until I answer her question. So he said, "Sorta..."
 "Then let's play something!" Silver yipped. Bramble sighed and said, "Fine." He grunted and asked, "What are we playing?"
 Silver giggled and said, "Let's play Hide and Seek. I hide and you will seek!" She ran away and found a hiding spot, but while waiting, she realized that Bramble wasn't counting. She walked back to him and realized that he looked confused. "Don't you know how to play Hide and Seek?" she asked. Bramble shook his head.
 Whoa, Silver thought. our siblings have been giving him such a hard time that he doesn't want to play with anyone, and so he doesn't even know what Hide and Seek is.
 "It's easy," she said. "Someone seeks and everyone else hides. The seeker closes his eyes counts to ten and then when he is done counting he has to find the other pups."
 Bramble frowned. "It doesn't seem like a fun game," he said. "No, it's fun! Very fun! Just try it!" Silver yipped. Then she thought of how this game could cheer Bramble up. "Plus, your so small, no one will see you! See? Being a runt is good!" She said.
 Bramble ignored her compliment and closed his eyes. "One... two... three..."
 Silver ran faster than the wind and found a rock. She hid behind it peeked out to see Bramble counting. "seven...eight...nine...ten." Silver hid again when he said ten and waited. He began searching the sight and if he saw any white movement he stopped, and looked at it closely to see if it was a living creature. Silver wanted to be downwind at first so Bramble couldn't smell her, but since this was his first time playing, Silver made sure he could smell her scent, but she still kept quiet. Bramble started sniffing. "Nice try, sister! I can smell your scent!" He yipped. He ran right to the rock, but then the wind moved all of the sudden. Her scent started to fade away, and Bramble got confused and ran the oppisite direction. Not looking where he was putting his paws, and tripped over a rock and fell.
 Bramble got up and looked at his paw pads, they were covered in red. He let out a tiny squeal of pain and looked at Silver angrily. "Can we please play a game that does not include moving?" He growled.
 Silver smiled. "Of course!" She sat down and she drew four lines with her claws, making nine boxes. "Let's play Tic-Tac-Toe! Do you know how to play that?" She yipped. "Sorta..." Bramble murmered.
 Silver yipped. "Great! I'll be sticks and you be rocks!" Then she put a nearby stick in the middle box. Bramble put a rock in a box on top of the middle box. They kept playing until the boxes were filled up. No one had won.  
 "Well," Bramble said. "That was... fun, I guess." That white dork has no idea what "fun" is! "Tic-Tac-Toe is very fun! It's my favorite!" You know what my favorite is? They didn't say anything, for there was nothing really to say. Silver got up. Get out of here!
 "Bramble," she said. "I know what would really cheer you up."
 Bramble's ears perked up. I can tell you what would cheer me up! Turn me into a "normal" pup! Make sure I am actually loved! Can't you see how miserable life is when you're this small and no one loves you? No, you don't because you're one of the "normal" pups, and you think anyone who is different in some little way is a devil, from hell. You're the devil! All of you are the devil! Go back to hell, where you belong!
 "What?" Bramble murmered.
 "Tommorow, I think we should-"
 "Pups! It's time to come in! Your father has just caught us a nice Caribou! Come and eat!"
All the pups growned and sauntered to the den. Silver forgot all about what she was going to say; she was hungry. Bramble walked to the den, and didn't bother to take cover from incoming rocks thrown by the other pups, and walked in to eat.
 He wanted to eat. Bramble didn't care about what he and Silver would do the next day.

How do you like it?

Also, I'm starting not to like
Tears and Blood as the title for my new series. If you can think of a better title, can you post it here?

But i'm not changing the title of the first book. I'm gonna call this first book
A Darkness Rises.


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Re: Book I'm working on
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2011, 07:00:02 pm »
Wow, your writing is very powerful, I like it!