Author Topic: -?- wip - please do not post -?-  (Read 2208 times)

Offline Flatsoda

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-?- wip - please do not post -?-
« on: July 15, 2014, 04:17:44 am »

This thread is a work in progress. Please do not post yet.

Everything you have ever known has withered away into nothing. The entire planet has been wrecked with disease, famine, death; there is no possible way of it ever recovering, not in your lifetime. You hope that there are survivors out there. A part of you doesn't - everything and everyone has turned against you. No-one trusts anything. You were taught for a good portion of your life not to trust, and not to feel curiosity. To be numb and blind to the terrors around you. Where to hide, and where to stay. Never to go anywhere except "home." Unfortunately, your little corner of the world is being slowly torn apart by infection and corruption.
At least you had gotten through the beginning of it.
Now, here comes the worst part.


Welcome! This is a post-apocalyptic roleplay where you take on a role of an animal in a large city/urban area destroyed by the Infection. Please read the entire thread to understand it fully.
IMPORTANT! If you cannot download maps, presets, items or marking packs, this is not the roleplay for you.

-?- Rules -?-

1. All 'literacy' levels are accepted! We are here to enhance your role-playing skills, and will not focus on silly mistakes. However, please keep one-liners to a minimum, and do not write a novel! Refrain from using chatspeak as well.
2. God-modding, power-playing and mary-suing/gary-suing are behaviors that are often looked down upon and make roleplay unfair for others. Please refrain from doing this; you will be told if you are doing so, and asked to stop doing it.
4. Please make your character look realistic. This means no rainbow-colored or neon-colored animals.
4. Absolutely NO cyber-bullying, racist slurs, sexist slurs, swears, and descriptive mating. Please keep this roleplay kid-friendly.
5. Fun is a must!
6. IMPORTANT! Official roleplay days are Friday & Saturday, 3pm est/edt. Here is a timezone converter.
7. IMPORTANT! Other roleplays may be held at different times! However, if I am not there, they must be recorded in order to be added to the plot/recent. If you have a recorded roleplay (copy-pasted onto a document, using notepad or microsoft word) please post with it as an added attachment. If you do not submit them, they will go ignored!
8. If your character is infected, they do not get special powers! Unlike other infections, this one does not grant your character anything positive; they don't have super-speed, eagle-eyes, etc. Infact your character WILL SLOWLY DIE!
9. Please ask for permission from me for your character to be infected. If it is okay with both the infecter and infectee, go right ahead!
10. No more than 2 characters per player. If one of them has died, you are more than welcome to make another.
11. We do understand that there may or may not have been a zoo in the city. However, you may not play as a lion/wolf/bear WITHOUT PERMISSION. A limited number of wolfdogs are accepted. Please stick to domesticated animals; cats, dogs, etc.

-?- Official Media -?-

Mass Markings
Mass Markings (Aug 22)
Pawesome Items Pack


-?- The Infection -?-

This disease is like no other. When your character has been infected, it will not be noticeable for a few days at the most and a few minutes at the least. It will begin with a weak mental breakdown; insomnia, paranoia, and hallucinations. Over the course of time it will brood in your character's body, causing symptoms of the flu, common cold, pneumonia, stroke, and seizure,  eventually rotting their organs to the point of death. It is shown through boils/blisters in the fur or skin, frothing at the mouth, and bloodshot eyes. If an infected is wounded, a frothy, thick, green substance will leak out (along with their blood). There is no known cure, and there is no way to escape it.
Symptoms usually last for about 15 days but some have lasted for up to 3 months.

There are three main to contract the infection. There are many more.
.1 Close contact with the infected
2. An infected has wounded a non-infected
3. Non-infected has drank from/eaten polluted substances

When an infected dies, they stay dead.
When a non-infected dies, they also stay dead.

-?- Operation Pharmacon -?-

Operation Pharmacon was the human's failed attempt at keeping the infection at bay. Pharmacon means poisonous medicine; scientists had started to develop a 'medicine' that cured the infected, but had unwillingly killed them at the same time. Unfortunately the humans had died out in the area before it was further developed, and now some of the animals in the city have taken over the operation and modified it so it could work as a functioning clan.
All in all, this is the roleplays 'main' group.

Laws of the Clan

1. Never doubt your leaders decisions.
2. Work is to be done without question nor complaining.
3. Curfew is 9pm (sunset). Any members of the clan found wandering past curfew will be punished.
4. Stay indoors at night.
5. Treason, betrayal, dishonesty, murder, and deception are acts that will lead to banishment or death.
6. Respect those above you.
7. Infected will be killed upon sight and will not be taken in.


Leader. A self-explanatory rank; the one who makes the decisions. He/she has utmost power in the clan.
Commander. The one with the plan; he/she controls the clan if the leader is absent, and organizes (search/etc) parties.
Medic. One who knows various medical practices and procedures. Self-explanatory.
Kin. Those in the clan below the medic/commander/leader; the meat of the clan, and those who go out in parties and such.
Omega. The scapegoat. The one in the clan whom has committed a crime. Depending on the severity of the crime he/she may be banished from the clan temporarily or permanently. They must work their way up to their previous rank.

« Last Edit: July 16, 2014, 08:43:12 pm by Flatsoda »

Offline Flatsoda

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:?:wip - please do not post:?:
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2014, 04:17:52 am »

-?- Operation Pharmacon -?-


- Leader -

Gender: Male
Age: 27 years (15 dog)
S.O: Hetero/straight
Specie/Breed: Wolfdog; German Shepherd/Gray wolf (relates more to a shepherd physically, but more to a wolf mentally & emotionally.)
--- Blunt

     James strongly believes in work without doubt.
Should someone be doing something that they shouldn't be, it is punishment.
Should someone question their stance, it is a threat to be kicked out of the clan.
He is straightforward about his opinions and views and is not afraid to downgrade or humiliate a lower rank.
 He is firm and confident, and is not afraid to show it. He is not a pushover.
--- Malign

     James does not care for anyone.
He does not care for you, your friends, or your family.
He only cares for a cure for the Infection, and he will not regret killing an innocent whom is in his way.
He has an unwitting hate for Infected and will kill them on sight.
--- Soft-centered

      James, like all other animals, is perfectly capable of love and affection.
However, these feelings are more often than not suppressed.
If he is being affectionate to you, take it as a blessing.
--- Vicious
      James has probably seen more bloodshed than any other.
The constant living in death and destruction has turned him cold, and he is bent on spilling blood.
He does not know the emotion 'regret'. He will not hesitate to kill another.
--- Intelligent
     All the while he is left alone, his mind is constantly ticking.
The dog himself is a ticking time bomb waiting to burst with a new plan.
His plans are intracate, deep and more often than not let him walk away winning.

History: James was born in a puppy mill and never received the love and affection of a mother. Instead, he was raised by the cold hands of selfish workers that enjoyed beating the innocent and had no trouble killing a pup if they were 'defected'. Luckily for him he survived, and in no time he was taken in by a soldier. The soldier had lived in the city, and carefully trained James to be loyal to him and only him, where to go, where to stay, and where to hide. This was 3 years before the Infection had taken over the city. The soldier and his companion were oblivious to the disease and it wasn't long before a case was found; the soldier along with many more were recruited by the government in Operation Pharmacon in order to keep the city in control. James had witnessed so, so many deaths; of other soldiers, of other animals, of other humans; yet, he was indifferent to them. If his master was not wounded, he did not care. He was trained for his master only. He spilled blood for him. He even let him put a tracking collar around his neck while he roamed the streets.
However, his world came crashing down when his master (the soldier) had been wounded by an infected.
James watched his master crumble to the ground and die. Taken aback by the sudden tragedy, he fled while the Infection sunk deeply into the city. He stepped out into the light for the first time in 12 years, and has not seen a single alive soul since. He deeply remembered his past and what the humans called it; Operation Pharmacon. A small spark of hope drifted in his soul as he claimed himself leader of it.

Misc: His tracking collar no longer functions but he cannot take it off.  

- Commander -


- Medics -


- Kin -


- Omega -


This thread is a work in progress. Please do not post yet.

« Last Edit: July 16, 2014, 08:56:00 pm by Flatsoda »

Offline Flatsoda

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:?:wip - please do not post:?:
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2014, 04:18:18 am »
-?- The Strays -?-

The Strays are survivors whom do not seek shelter and protection from Operation Pharmacon. They may have been banished, or they simply do not agree with the clan's views/rules/etc.
The Strays can form survivalist groups themselves, however they will NOT receive help from the clan if a banished animal is with them.

They are called Outsiders if they are not with a current group; if they are, they are simply called Strays.


- Strays -


- Outsiders -


Gender: Female
Age: 18 yrs (1 cat)
S.O: Bi
Specie/Breed: Abyssinian
--- Steadfast

--- trait

 words words words
--- trait

 words words? wordswords words!
--- trait

 wordswords words words...!
--- trait


This thread is a work in progress. Please do not post yet.

« Last Edit: July 19, 2014, 10:52:27 pm by Flatsoda »

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:?:wip - please do not post:?:
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2014, 04:18:26 am »
This thread is a work in progress. Please do not post yet.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2014, 08:12:09 pm by Flatsoda »

Offline Flatsoda

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:?:wip - please do not post:?:
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2014, 04:18:37 am »
This thread is a work in progress. Please do not post yet.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2014, 08:12:23 pm by Flatsoda »