Author Topic: what kind of roleplays do you like?  (Read 3728 times)

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what kind of roleplays do you like?
« on: December 31, 2014, 10:14:48 pm »
I wanna make my own but I have no clue what to do .u.

personally i like literate/semi-realistic lion prides/fox skulks/wolf packs/etc with map(s) and a website. also they have to have a plot too!!! like a prophecy from a medic foretells destruction or the group was once large and powerful but had to leave due to man/etc. realistic but not to the point where you absolutely have to act a certain way or have to give your characters only certain markings/colors, and literate where a minimum post is about 4 sentences, and not baby ones! ((this might be because i have higher standards and wow, the roleplay system has changed since i've been gone - what happened to all the threads in the groups section? x.x))

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Re: what kind of roleplays do you like?
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2015, 01:49:25 am »
I personally like wolf packs, but not the mega-packs with like 100+ members. I like being situated in a pack (or any roleplay I participate in) with about 15 or so fairly active members. I enjoy a little structure in the plot progression of the RP, but I also like a little spontaneity, so that each member can incorporate their own plots and backstories, and it's not just the leader pulling the strings. You seem to put a lot of effort and planning into your RP groups, which is great for long-term groups, and encourages strong bonding among the members. Keep up the good work! :3
« Last Edit: January 01, 2015, 01:51:25 am by ~Zealot~ »
It's been three freakin' years and I have no idea what I'm doing.

Offline kaczuszka

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Re: what kind of roleplays do you like?
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2015, 11:21:08 am »
I personally like Semi-real (no neon colours, but any Markings are aloud) and literate (without wolf speak)
I always go with wolf packs since I don't necessarily like felines that much. Hmm, I like the packs
To be big, but not too big because then you wouldn't know who came inactive. Also big is good because
Whenever you go online somebody from the pack is probably on as well!
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Re: what kind of roleplays do you like?
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2015, 08:23:46 pm »
I'd have to agree with all of you on most of your points. I really like canine, mostly wolf, roleplays that are literate and semi-realistic (not defining character appearances, but character actions).
I don't mind large packs with 100+ members - in fact I love them - because most of those players are usually not all online at once. This allows the flow of the amount of players online to consistently change, allowing a large community to mingle and not die off so quickly. If a certain plot needs someone, yet they fall inactive, the role can easily be filled by someone familiar and trustworthy. It also gives more options to the roleplay plots.
For pack plots, I never like to have a giant plot that has to effect everyone. It ends up relying on too many players at once to be active, and if someone misses something important, they loose interest and fall inactive. From my experience, I prefer packs with "themes". This allows the members to pace themselves, but keep interested in what's going on. Themes don't often require everyone to be online at once and lets the members kind of choose what happens in the flow of the roleplay.
Here's just a preference of mine - packs that make the players prove their rank. Of course someone can join and say, "My character is an experienced fighter!". How do we know that? How many players have they actually fought in the roleplay, not who they said they fought in their history? Their character could very well be an experienced fighter, but they might not be an experienced fight roleplayer, which could cause problems in the future.

Here's a quick summary:
- Packs
- Literate
- Semi-realistic (defining character actions, not appearances)
- Large amount of players
- A set theme
- Smaller plots that the players create through the roleplay
- The need to prove one's rank

Those are just my opinions. Everyone has their own. ^^;
Remember that any kind of group can work out, no matter the type or plot, if the creator stays active and consistent with it. I'm sure your group will turn out to be awesome!
« Last Edit: January 14, 2015, 08:27:12 pm by kululupuppy »

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Re: what kind of roleplays do you like?
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2015, 10:32:29 pm »
I sometimes prefer to RP with one person, or with two or three people. Everything's going nice and fast, while in some wolf packs, especially if they're big and many members are active, RP-ing might become a mess of words if people don't pay attention to the order of the posts. Also, there may occur many types of roleplaying and literacies in a big group and not everyone is satisfied with that. Some people type abnormally large posts, long more than two pharagraphs, which personally to me is a bit annoying (I'm not trying to offend someone, I'm just stating my own opinion and you don't have to agree with it) because the player can describe just one action at a time so the roleplay goes faster. I would accept two-or-more-pharagraph-long posts only when I'm roleplaying with a single person.
I, as a foreign player (not english), also don't really approve wolfspeak. Those twisted words and really long sentences often confuse me or make me give up roleplaying. I prefer clear, understandable english so
everyone could understand. I also don't really like groups that are too literate, 'strictly literate', I feel like I just HAVE TO use more uncommon, creative words, which might be a bit hard for a person whose native language is not english, like myself. Of course, this is only my own opinion and I'm not saying people shouldn't RP like that. Everyone is supposed to RP however they want and I'm just stating my opinion.
I usually struggle finding a person to RP with, because most players are looking for groups with maps, plots, rules, websites and etc. These groups to me are a bit too obliging. Yes, I would join a group like that if I have a character that is meant to be in a group, but what if I have a loner character and still want to develop them after all? I want to develop my loner characters quickly, so I tend to look for RP buddies when I feel like RP-ing.
So, summing up, I prefer roleplaying with a single person than joining a group, because the RP goes faster and is not as obliging as a group RP, although it depends and if the group is really good and tempting I'm joining without hesitation. I prefer the group I'm joining to be rather small and simple (although I might sometimes feel like joining an extra-realistic group which is very detailed in everything). I strive to avoid wolfspeakers and want to roleplay with people who use understandable english.
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Offline kaczuszka

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Re: what kind of roleplays do you like?
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2015, 10:35:32 pm »
Hmm, I prefer literate, semi-real wolf packs.
I never like having them to big that it all comes out of hand, I would prefer 40-50 members at the most; with most of them being online. (Of course not all 40 of them) like 10 or so.
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Re: what kind of roleplays do you like?
« Reply #6 on: January 14, 2015, 11:04:05 pm »
Honestly I'm up for any role plays, though I don't usually enjoy humans as much.

Now I'm a bit picky when it comes to groups because I like to mess around /a lot/ and I know some people don't really appreciate that. I'm a huge doof when it comes to OOC.
So the owners and members definitely have to have a sense of humor.
Wolfspeak is a huge no for me. Some think it makes them sound cool and professional but to me they sound really stupid. Another thing is long, descriptive posts. Sure, I like more than two paragraphs, though anything more than four paragraphs is a bit out of hand and annoying to me, especially if everyone role playing is posting 4+ paragraphs at a time.

I never really join mapless role plays because of two reasons;
1.) I can't stand to RP in Flourite or any of the default maps, it just bothers me for some reason.
2.) I have a low tolerance level for trolls, and would most likely get yelled at for cursing at them or something.

So mapped role plays are better for me and for a lot of people.
I can't stand super duper strict role plays with like a million rules, especially dumb rules like not being able to say the smallest of curse words. I understand this game is for ages 10 and up, but seriously, I gotta let off my steam with some cussing sometimes!

So, I think a quick summary of the RPs that I like would have to be..
- Lions, wolves, horses, warrior cats, etc (Really anything but humans)
- Literate / Semi-literate
- Mapped
- Realistic / Semi-realistic
- Not too strict with rules
- Gotta be just a lil' funny so I can fit in
- A decent amount of players (At least 10+)
- Little to no wolfspeak
- Gotta be able to cuss ;)

These are only my opinions though, Everyone has their own.
Hope this helped you out a bit, and good luck with creating a role play!

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Re: what kind of roleplays do you like?
« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2015, 12:36:05 am »
Moony and Hooli, your statements on wolfspeak are totally agreeable.
I always feel nervous when sharing that I'm not a fan of wolfspeak, since I've been in a situation where I had to nod out of a roleplay because I couldn't understand what they were saying. They sadly got incredibly offended. There are also a couple of wolfspeakers in the pack I'm currently in who are amazing players, but have that one roleplaying preference.
I forgot to add that I too enjoy groups where the players are mature enough to handle swearing and a slight sense of dark humor. Being able to tolerate one another maturely always makes the community within the group closer and more understanding of one another!

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Re: what kind of roleplays do you like?
« Reply #8 on: January 15, 2015, 02:03:22 am »
I prefer realistic role-plays over all sue to it feeling more natural then me trying to come up with powers, or other unrealistic things in a character. I agree with the statements of not being a fan of wolf speak, as i'm not much of one either. Don't feel nervous about saying your not a 'fan' of it, thats your opinion! Be free with it.
Reasons I prefer realistic:
- Better roleplay in my opinion
- More ability to go with a real effect
- More comfortable to roleplay in.

Short post I know, but ay, got my facts out dar cB

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Re: what kind of roleplays do you like?
« Reply #9 on: January 29, 2015, 02:10:43 am »
I'm more or less willing to have my characters interact with almost anything else so species does not matter to me, and as long as I can understand whats being said I don't care much about (Air quotes) literacy. My preference is for smaller role plays and I'm really fond of one on one role plays as long as the focus is not romance, I'm looking to have glorious adventures and deep character interaction not cheap, rushed romance.