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Topics - Miles101

Pages: 1 [2]
Discussion Board / Your favorite online game?
« on: January 09, 2011, 05:11:56 pm »

So, what is your favorite online game? Is it an RPG? A puzzle game? Platformer? What do you like to play?

It CANNOT BE FERALHEART! Yes it's awesome, but we've all played at least one other game that we thought was fun.

Mine would probably be Poptropica... xD It's addictive.

Introduction / Hey thar
« on: January 06, 2011, 11:53:43 pm »
Hi there, I'm Uzuri ("Beauty" in Swahili; name of my planned FH character) :D I lurked on the IT forums for months for FH news, and now that the client is out and the game soon playable, I'm finally introducing myself. I really love animals, so this game is just what I needed. I also play a wolf simulation game known as "WolfQuest". I'm Andoria (name of my wolf) over there, if you've seen me (since many people found out about FH through WQ). I'm a nice person and form bonds quickly, and everyone here seems excited but paitient, so I think we'll get along xD I hope to see everyone in-game when the server goes back up. Again, my salutations!

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