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Messages - Dark Greyodon

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Game Discussion / Re: Illiterate People
« on: March 05, 2014, 07:07:53 pm »
I totally agree. It's also not really any other user's business if a non-literate group is RP'ng happily with each other (my sister is non-literate, so I accommodate her and make my RP's very short and simple whenever I play with her, and I have had a couple of people come out of the blue and tell us to RP better).

If a non-literate asks for help, help them (please don't teach them wolfspeak) and be nice about it. Don't be an immature brat and call them "NOOB!!!11" or talk down on them because they're not as good as roleplaying as you.

If a non-literate DOESN'T ask for help, and they're not trying to join yours or someone else's literate/semi-literate group, leave them alone, it's not your responsibility to make sure all users RP in a way you consider acceptable.

I have this problem a lot. I RP as a gerbil fairly often and people frequently come up to me and 'EATS GERBIL U CAN'T ESCAPE".

I mean

Yeah okay I get a huge wolf/lion/tiger/whatever -could- eat a gerbil in one bite pretty easily. But I'm not RP'ng with these people and I'm usually talking to someone else when they come up and "eat me" and then expect me to be dead, get annoyed when I tell them to go away, and keep talking/rp'ng with someone else.

Game Discussion / Re: 'Rules' Of FeralHeart
« on: March 05, 2014, 07:24:58 am »
Oh jesus some of these are gold

32. Horses can kill wolves in one "claw"
79. Simba has 5,00,000 twins in Bonfire
80. Saying Official after your name makes you the real one.
81. Dire Wolf doesn't mean "a large extinct species of wolf" anymore. It now means "a giant wolf with a black pelt and neon markings that can kill anything."
103. It's perfectly normal for unborns wreak havoc on anyone who goes against them.
117. When someone asks quietly for a mate/1x1 roleplay in General, judge them personally and call them a mate beggar, 'cause it's the cool thing to do.
118. Be sure to scream "STOP SPAMMIN" whenever you see two isolated movie clips made side-by-side.
164. Someone attacked you? Tear their throat out, no miss.

Number 164 is legit

Game Discussion / Re: Realistic or Neon?
« on: March 05, 2014, 05:58:31 am »
I really like them all. Sometimes I like making hyper realistic animals and other times I put some pretty colors together and make some kinda fantasy canine/feline looking hybrid. Whatever floats your boat, though I may slightly prefer realistic and I usually join realistic/semi realistic RPs.

One thing I will say, I HATE the elitist users who harass other users for making characters that aren't /their/ taste. I remember I was in some big hyper-realistic wolf RP and they would just insult random passerbys all the time if they had an "unrealistic" look and man did that agitate me.

Game Discussion / Re: Pokemon on FeralHeart.
« on: March 05, 2014, 05:40:00 am »
I like Pokemon chars, especially when they look like the Pokemon. The talking like a Pokemon is a little annoying just because I don't know how to respond, but hey whatever.

Game Discussion / Re: Mate centers
« on: March 03, 2013, 02:34:01 am »
Yes..mate centers can get difficult. There's just so much already in little Bon Bon, and everyone crowding in one place and spamming the chat for a mate and turns makes it unbearable.
But if it's organized enough and there isn't 100 people at the mate center, it can be fun.

New players can meet new roleplay partners and get familiar with roleplaying in Feral Heart.

I do enjoy the concept of having a mate. I like raising cubs/pups/whatever baby animal with them and having an RP partner.
I also don't think Bonfire is the place to find a mate, as it's such a tiny area with so many people.
I think the South Pole would be a good place for that, as it's spaced out like Fluorite but not jam-packed. If the strategy was improved or if it was explained to new people, that would be nice too, rather than "you understand it or you get harassed".

Game Discussion / Mate centers
« on: March 03, 2013, 12:34:43 am »
So today I decided to RP with my younger sister who began discussing "wanting a mate". I decided to take her to Bonfire, where there is usually a "mate center", as I know asking for people in general about mates will get you a lot of angry comments. When I got there, there was no mate center--only a LARGE (at least forty) group of characters complaining about the mate center leaving.
I decided to make a mate center, and I was bombarded with people asking me if "it was their turn" and "could they go now" and as laggy as Bonfire is, I could barely reply to them and didn't know WHAT they were talking about.
I just told them to go ahead and go up if no one was in the center, because it was so slow and I couldn't respond to most of the people asking, nor could I even see what was going on as the only way to avoid lag on Bonfire is to look up or towards the area with the least characters so I just started saying "yes" to everyone who asked if they could go up.
I started getting a lot of comments about "how I was the worst mate center ever" and the amount of people insulting me for my system was getting so bad I just left and started a new group, under my own system where you just wait until someone asks you to be their mate. Of course, when I explained this to people who came over to join me, I got a couple of comments saying "that's not how mate centers work, idiot" and I just decided to stop and tell my sister she wasn't getting a mate.

I now have a few questions for those of you on the forums...

1. WHY are mating centers taken so seriously

2. Aren't mates not allowed on FH? Or is "mating" simply not allowed?

3. Why are people at mate centers unusually rude and impatient?

4. Why is the system of "taking turns to ask for a mate" taken so seriously and why does it cause a lot of rage when you attempt to change it despite it difficult to manage in large groups?

5. Did I do something horribly wrong without realizing it or is the whole ordeal just as ridiculous as I think it is?  :-\

Game Help / Re: Unable to find terrain for maps
« on: February 14, 2013, 05:35:24 am »
I may have a few solutions to fix this problem but I would like a little more detail firstly ;) So after saving maps you eventually get this message when you try loading it again in Map Maker? Or does this message appear when you open Map Maker?

It appears when I try loading it again in map maker. Not immediately after, I can usually save it a few times and come  back to it, but eventually it just ends up poofing and I can't get back on it.

Game Help / Unable to find terrain for maps
« on: February 14, 2013, 04:59:17 am »
I have been making maps lately and everytime I do, FH eventually cannot "find the terrain.cfg" file. What is going on and how do I fix this?

Game Help / Need help with final steps of exporting my map.
« on: January 18, 2013, 02:23:42 pm »
I have successfully exported my map but I now have two remaining things to take care of.
How do I export my music to where others can hear it, and how do I get it up for download?

P.S. I appreciate everyone who has helped me when I wasn't sure of what to do. Thank you everyone.  ;D

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