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Topics - ObsidianBlade

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Other Mods/Creations / Obsidianblade's wiggle me bones animation mod
« on: November 07, 2020, 05:54:31 pm »
Replaces all locomotion animations for feline model
Replaces dance animations with 'emotes' (aggressive stance, submissive stance, and friendly head rub)

Beta test these for me, feedback appreciated

Download here:

preview it ingame here:

Another version of the mod that keeps the original dance animations (but all new locomotion, roar, stretch)

Game Help / Animations help getting them in game
« on: August 30, 2020, 07:06:40 pm »
Hello I am trying to test out some animations I made in game but for the life of me I can't figure out how to get them in.

I have the blender extension for converting into ogre .mesh files working/in blender  but I can't get the mesh-to-xtml (text) tool from ogre working.

I didn't modify all of the animations and the run cycle I made is under a different name. I need to copy/paste the animations over to the new feralheart mesh files so the game dosen't crash because of the new tail slider and because of the run animation I made. However I have no way of converting my mesh files into text files that I can edit because I can't figure out how to install ogre. Everything I have tried has failed.

Is there anyone I can send my mesh files to fix them for me or is there anyone who can help me out by sending me a fully compiled/built ogre so that I can do it myself and tweak the animations as needed?

I can't get the converter to run properly either and I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I get an .xml formatted skeleton file with one animation in it when there should be several animations.
I'm using a newer version of the converter that's compatible with blender 2.8 because the older version does not recognize I have python installed (newer versions of blender have python packaged with blender) and I have no idea how to troubleshoot this.

I got the xml converter tool from another user on here but whenever I try to run the command prompt it crashes without letting me type in any commands.

I'm struggling with all of this, I'm happy to send my .blend files to anyone who can help.

Much appreciated -

Terrains overhaul mod:

Black butler UI and portals:

Preset making resources:
- Suit and tie with all the bits

My presets (so you can see them in-game)

Free to use preset
Naruto scrolling preset:

Wiggle me bones locomotion animation set
Replaces all locomotion animations and replaces the dances with emotes (a aggressive stance, submissive stance, and a friendly head nudge)

Download here:

Obsidian's emote collection
WIP run cycle

WIP walk cycle

Crawl cycle

I'm happy to receive criticism over these animations :>

All downloads and descriptions through my DA page, nice and virus-free.

Game Help / Map problems - crashing
« on: April 24, 2015, 01:58:20 am »
Hello, I just recently made a map for my roleplay group, and a large majority of the members seem to have issues with it. I put a lot of items into the map (it's a town/city map), and I know that this is probably the most likely cause. It seems that the amount of lag the items generate makes the game frequently crash when using the map. Users frequently get bad tokens when they try to enter the map. Though usually the map works if you immediately log back in on the same character, it often takes several tries for some members to get the map to finally load. I tried removing the collisions in the more frequently used items, but this does not seem to have much of an effect. These problems are prevalent even if the user has a high-end, newer computer (their computer can run Skyrim perfectly fine). Might anyone know any quick solutions for this? I would rather not have to edit the map greatly, I have spent a lot of time and effort creating it. Is there a limit to how many meshes a map can handle? Does creating custom weather and sky files compound the problem? It uses six textures, and I have preset sync and ambience mods - and I'm not sure if that affects performance either.

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