
GeminiFromHell Curious Wanderer

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19 (0.007 per day)
One of the 50 states in America. Did that help?
Date Registered:
February 12, 2017, 02:06:27 pm
Local Time:
September 21, 2024, 01:00:17 am
Last Active:
May 16, 2018, 01:36:33 am
  • Profile Description:

    Hello peeps! I'm ♊GeminiFromHell♊, though ♊Gemini♊ or ♊Gem♊ works too. I love meeting new peeps, so don't be afraid to randomly follow or message. Plus, chances are that I'll answer back too.

    ✌Peace in the everywhere✌

    Um... I love RPING~ Tell me about any RP and I'll join without thinking. If you would like to RP, message me. Just here are some things you should know...
    - I'm not into romance or ships. I'll write about it sure, just with RP... I can't; I have too many expectations.
    - I won't RP other people's characters. I didn't create the character so I couldn't possibly portray them realistically.
    - I can't be on a lot. So remind me to be on. I have a lot of tests and studying to do for my classes, so something fun to do is welcome.
    - I RP in 3rd person. And usually, I RP huge ass paragraphs.


    I watch some shows on and off and would love some suggestions. Also I love music, so suggestions are appreciated.

    Shows that I watch...
    - Game of Thrones (Hold door.)
    - Walking Dead
    - A bunch of horrible British comedies that only I find amusing~
    - Spanish novellas (XD Call to my roots)
    - Vikings
    - NCIS
    - Hetalia
    - Roots
    - Hell on Wheels (Norwegians = Swedes)
    - Snap Judgement (This is actually a radio show... But still a mind opening show.)
    - Sons of Anarchy (IT LEFT A HOLE IN MY HEART)
    - Boondocks (My fecking heart and soul, niglet.)
    - Salem
    - iZombie

    Currently watching/listening to Menace 2 Society and all the pretty lil' voices in my head.

    "Kill yourself. Kill me. Kill yourself. You have a horrible sense of humor. Kill yourself."
    -The Voices in my head

    Check out  S N A P  J U D G E M E N T !

    I really, really, really love tea. It's my favorite drink. Coffee can't compare. Try me.

    A quick description of me from my parents... Enjoy!
    - Loud
    - Revolutionary
    - Grumpy
    - Confused
    - Ajole (As my cousin says it)

    Did I mention I'm a band nerd?


Professional Hoooman (Definitely not an alien...)