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Messages - Wildcat26

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Don't worry I'm going right now to fix it, it's not bad just a couple re-textures :3

Age:x:2 years old
Personality:x:He is a strong willed and stubborn but yet kind and loving serval.
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?:x:He wouldnt mind but, Servals usually are loners in only family groups.
Mate/Offspring:x:None yet ;3
RP Sample:x:Haruka padded through the smooth hills of the valley. His senses at mostly peace until he heard the cracking of a twig behind him, he jumped around his golden eyes focused on a bush. The bush shook then out leapt a fellow serval. It was a female-paler serval too. He still kept his lips pulled back in a fighty snarl as she spoke "You must be lost because, This is my turf boy." He responded with a flick of his tail and a glint of his eye. Her voice put clear thoughts in his head she was lookin for a fight and he was hot tempered so he would surely accept. She got down into a pouncing stance and leapt at him, He turned quickly her claws only just missing him. He then leapt back a strong whirl of his claws dug into her thigh. She let out a small grunt and bit into his paw, He heard a small crack but it was only them tumbling down the hill in a whirl of kicks and cries of anger. When they stopped they were at a watering place, He charged at her knocking her into the water. She leapt up clawing at his facer leaving a long scratch at the top of his forehead.
All done hope you liked it and I hopehes accepted im also going to put my cub, Navis application in here to, She Ivory and Zhaos cub ^^

Name:x:Navi APV
Offspring/Mate:x:Not even born yet.
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?:x:She is a lion so its natural for her to live in a pride but she aint born yet so...yea
Personality:x:She is a bubbly and humorus cub. She retains a feirceness in her like a bear with a hive on its head from her father though.
RpSample:x:She tumbled down the hill to her sisters, She let out a mew "Hey wait up!" They scampered ahead only looking back at her, She was the runt so she was the smallest of them. She sighed going into a walk as her mother caught up to her. "Hey you alright?" She smiled kindly her voice sweet and melancholy. "Im fine." She muttered a frown on her puffy face. "I can see somthing is wrong little Navi." She chuckled scooping her up by the scruff and taking her to a nearby rock. She sat her down and began to lick her. "I just said im OK mom." She said in a sheepish voice. "Oh dont lie Navi. Just because your small doesnt mean your small on the inside why, i beleive your personality is HUGE!" She exclaimed in a soft voice, Navi brightened up "Really?" She asked. "Really." Her mom said. "Thanks mom thats just what I needed now im gonna go after my sisters buh bye!" She sprinted off, kicking up dirt behind her. "What a cub. her mother smiled.
 -------Hope im accepted! =D

Lil sorry, here's my phrase XD
APV Has 2 islands navy. Typing this from my IPod touch so I can't rlly do colors ATM. :)

Ah know all about how funny using your Ipod to get on here is! lol

Accepted. :3

So when r the days that we are rping?im sry i missed the official meeting! I was grounded 4 a week -_-
Oh and i sent a join request in-game

Right now we are looking at Saturdays and Sundays for official RP days. But You can RP anytime if there are people in the map. :3
It's ok, sorry to hear you were grounded. x3

And alright, I'll add you when I get on later. :3

I think I'm going to make a preset for Art...not wild dog enough for me right now :P

Kool :3 Looking forward to seeing it. And yeah it's kinda hard making AWDs on here. x3

Age:x:2 years old
Personality:x:He is a strong willed and stubborn but yet kind and loving serval.
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?:x:He wouldnt mind but, Servals usually are loners in only family groups.
Mate/Offspring:x:None yet ;3
RP Sample:x:Haruka padded through the smooth hills of the valley. His senses at mostly peace until he heard the cracking of a twig behind him, he jumped around his golden eyes focused on a bush. The bush shook then out leapt a fellow serval. It was a female-paler serval too. He still kept his lips pulled back in a fighty snarl as she spoke "You must be lost because, This is my turf boy." He responded with a flick of his tail and a glint of his eye. Her voice put clear thoughts in his head she was lookin for a fight and he was hot tempered so he would surely accept. She got down into a pouncing stance and leapt at him, He turned quickly her claws only just missing him. He then leapt back a strong whirl of his claws dug into her thigh. She let out a small grunt and bit into his paw, He heard a small crack but it was only them tumbling down the hill in a whirl of kicks and cries of anger. When they stopped they were at a watering place, He charged at her knocking her into the water. She leapt up clawing at his facer leaving a long scratch at the top of his forehead.
All done hope you liked it and I hopehes accepted im also going to put my cub, Navis application in here to, She Ivory and Zhaos cub ^^

Name:x:Navi APV
Offspring/Mate:x:Not even born yet.
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?:x:She is a lion so its natural for her to live in a pride but she aint born yet so...yea
Personality:x:She is a bubbly and humorus cub. She retains a feirceness in her like a bear with a hive on its head from her father though.
RpSample:x:She tumbled down the hill to her sisters, She let out a mew "Hey wait up!" They scampered ahead only looking back at her, She was the runt so she was the smallest of them. She sighed going into a walk as her mother caught up to her. "Hey you alright?" She smiled kindly her voice sweet and melancholy. "Im fine." She muttered a frown on her puffy face. "I can see somthing is wrong little Navi." She chuckled scooping her up by the scruff and taking her to a nearby rock. She sat her down and began to lick her. "I just said im OK mom." She said in a sheepish voice. "Oh dont lie Navi. Just because your small doesnt mean your small on the inside why, i beleive your personality is HUGE!" She exclaimed in a soft voice, Navi brightened up "Really?" She asked. "Really." Her mom said. "Thanks mom thats just what I needed now im gonna go after my sisters buh bye!" She sprinted off, kicking up dirt behind her. "What a cub. her mother smiled.
 -------Hope im accepted! =D

Both of your apps look good, but you forgot one thing, the pass phrase that you must post with your app, showing you read everything.
Once you fix that you are accepted. :3

Accepted Maddie! And nice preset :3

Do you have DA? If so you can take some screenshots and submit it to the preset folder on there along with the download link. :3

Sure can! The download link is there for you to include it in the fourm. c:

I will put it up along with your app on the forum. :3
If we get enough presets, we're going to make a download pack with everyone's presets in it at once. :P

Accepted Maddie! And nice preset :3

Do you have DA? If so you can take some screenshots and submit it to the preset folder on there along with the download link. :3

A list of claimed dens will now be posted under the den claiming app, and a 2nd choice field has been added to the den claiming app!

Scrubk and Steak accepted!

Evelynn and Lizzy your den apps have been accepted!

User name: IvyWolf
Character name: Alexi APV
Screenshot: (I possibly will be changing her apperance into a preset soon, though.)
Species: Ethiopian Wolf
Gender: Female
Age: 4 years
Description: A Ethiopian wolf with a white underbelly, pastelish cream eyes, fire like ears and back tail tip and nose. Eyes grey,
and quite fluffy.
Personallity: A bit cruel, not very kind, Ignorant, Will protect her friends, a little insane, thinks she is "The one", a little clumsy.
History: Unkown, she isn't one to share her past.
Mate/Offspring: None
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: She would like to join a pack, but doesn't mind being alone.
Your character is best at?(Optional): Swimming, Sneaking, Hunting.
RP sample: Alexi looked up into the blazing sky, her eyes squinted. "Huh, sunny day then.." She muttered with a moody tone. She leaped off the rock and
looked around, eyes still squinted. Today was boring- who and when could she tease anybody? She ran through the trees, fully focused on running.

Looks good, but you forgot one thing, a passphrase you must post with your app to show you read everything. Please read again and edit it in, once you do you're accepted. :3

Den claiming and group applications are now open!
Look under the Applications post on the first page of the thread or here on DA for complete info:

Goon and Foxfang, accepted!

I did not get a pm
I did read what you put up on DA tho :D

I send it to you on DA. :3 The forum was being stupid x3

User name: Scrub
Character name: Nukilia APV
Species: Aardwolf
Gender: Female
Age: 3 years
Description: Her looks were common of any other aardwolf, a dirty grey coat with stripes and dark markings on her face and tail. Her neck was long, making it easy for her to forage the ground for food. She was an insectivore.
Personallity: She wasn't very vocal, much on the quiet side. Nuki was very polite and respectful; she was quite prudent. Not a judgemental kind, she tolerated others and other species, but remained wary for safety.
History: Curiousity got the best of her when she strayed off too far from her gang, and although she could find her way back she kept running into danger when trying to return home. For now, she seeks safety.
Mate/Offspring: None
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Looking to join
Your character is best at?(Optional): Sense of smell
RP sample: The sun rose gently, as she was only beginning to grow tired. She lay resting in the dirt after feeding on the termites beneath. The aardwolf picked herself up and shook off her fur, and retired into a small underground den. Nuki peeked out of her den to gaze at the dawn, reminding her that she must not give up searching for a true home.

Looks good, but you forgot one thing, a passphrase you must post with you app to show you read everything.Once you edit that in, you're accepted. :3

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