Author Topic: ?Blooming Creek Dog Park - Open and accepting - accepting literate roleplayers!?  (Read 16295 times)

Offline LasVagas

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(.....Me first!)

The young labrador streatched in his sleep as the early morning rays shone through the window pannel to beam on him. The day was looking to be quite good, and the great thing about mornings for young Bullet was that there was always something tasty left in his feeding bowl from the night before. Peeling open a sleep crusted eye, Bullet's tounge streached as he yawned, ending in a small squeek and he bit down accidently on his tounge. He rolled off his side from which he had slept on all night, and getting up was very painful because lots off pressure had been put onto one place, and the dinky little dog bed he had in the living room did not help with the soothing at all. Shaking his thick coat of blonde fur, Bullet walked for a while, heading for the kitchen in search of leftovers, his nails clicking on the laminet flooring as he went. Reaching the sun filled room, he bent his head down over the bowl to eat, but there were only a few scraps of raw meat left here and there, but all the same, he devoured them. Looking up, he licked his maw happily whilst looking around at the cupboards, cupboards most likely filled with food. He bounced towards them, looking up at how high they were, and no normal dog would have attempted this, but Bullet was not normal. He raised his front paws and placed them on the granite counter, shuffling along to a breakfast stool and bounding his hind legs upon the comfy seating. The lab swiveled for a while, as the chair could spin, and Bullet got highly sick at this. He closed his eyes and reached out to the counter top, stopping hemself but knocking over the chair with a loud clang. He manged to climb on the counter before he could fall aswell. His nose worked around a large silver cupboard knob as he tried to prise it open. He was quite succsesful at opening it, but the clang of the chair could not have gone unoticed. A young girl by the name of Dora had ran to the kitchen with a teddy bear in a tight hug to see Bullet, greedily munching away at some cereal. Bullet turned his glowing blonde face to Dora and wagged his tail under his legs, ashamed of what he had done to wake up his little girl. Please don't tell dad-- He thought, but the father quickly looked into the kitchen with a threatening look in his eyes. He walked upto Bullet, who cowerd, and grabbed him by the scruff of his neck, (since at night they took his collar off) and pulled him down. The young dog quickly obayed to avoid any pain and followed the tugging of his neck fur to the garden. He was thrown outside and Dora quickly followed, throwing her arms around the Labrador and crying. 'Why do you have to be so mean, Daddy?!' She yelled, hugging Bullet around the neck. Her father did not reply but went through to the kitchen to clean the mess up. Dora's mother sighed and looked through the window at the pair. Bullet whined and hung his head over Dora's shoulder in misery as the mother came out bering his worn collar. 'Honey, Daddy wants little Bully (Bullet's family nickname) to grow up a good dog. I know this is the wrong way but Daddy gets frustrated sometimes.' She said soothingly to Dora, clipping on the leather collar. 'It's best if we take him out of Daddys way for now, to the park maybe?' She asked, going over to the thrown teddy bear and whiping off some blades of grass and settling down besides her daughter. Dora sniffled a 'Okay' whilst her mother directed her to get dressed for school, and Dora took Bullet inside and clipped him upto his leash and upstairs to her bedroom to change for school. She was only six years and she could get very emotional, and Bullet felt more for her rather than himself. Bullet mother (He calls the girls parents his own mother and father) was fully dressed and ready to go out. His father seemed to have left for work in a storm, because his work car was not there, but the more stylish Jaguar was left for house wife mom so she could drive to the places she wants. She unlocked the car and opend up the boot, and which Bullet shot into it and barked enthusiasticly as he was tied to a built in pole for dog leashes. The boot closed and his mother went back inside to collect Dora's school books and bag, aswell as Dora herself.

Once all in the car, the engin rose and they were off on the road, Bullet watching out of the back window at the trees, school children pointing and waving at him and other people in there cars getting distracted by his barking. The young male waved his tail back and forth as they were directed past the turning to the dog park and a half a mile away to the childrens school. Dora got out and so did mother. Dora waved to Bullet and enterd the school with her mom to be checked on the register as  attended. The mom came out of the school gates and got back into the car, drove off the car park and towards the dog park. It was now around nine O'clock as the arrived the the park. The car died down with the roars and his mistress got out, closed the door behind her, opend up the boot, untied bullet, locked the car and enterd the park together. Bullet wagged his tail as the park had only a few dogs, and he preferd his this way rather than being packed. His mother walked him around a spot of the tree's as he sniffed it, the Alpha's scent spread clearly on most the tree's to tell him it was his park. He can't have all the tree's! He barked softly, so he cocked his leg and urinated over the Alpha's scent. He was then let off the leash and his mother had exit the park, but not got into the car. She walked around the corner directing to a coffee shop were Bullet presumed she would go. Heaving out his chest, he trotted forwards towards a dry patch of grass under a large oak and layed down on his belly, searching his eyes around the Alpha's park.

(I would really appreciate it if you read this. I  have put a long time into it and i would be greatful for your time to read it.)
« Last Edit: October 15, 2012, 02:11:10 pm by *~?RainbowPass?~* »



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((Whoa. That's one long post. O_O
Anyways, posting soon.))

Offline Celeyan

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Zalayax and Tara are probably goin' to be frands. ;{D

Offline heartsgirl99

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((am I accepted? I think hope and lady would be friends with Evielena since they are both small. XD))
Avatar drawn by CosmoFursi
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Tara's in the park, btw. ;{D Oh and half that post was for someone's character to meet Tara.

Tara heard a soft padding noise from where she had just been. Her ears flickered in the direction in which the sound was coming from, her brown eyes observing everything that was moving and making sounds. The tri colored female adjusted herself of the rock so she was more comfortable, her long, silky fur covering most of the top rock as she laid down. Tara's two front paws dangling off the front, crossing them neatly.


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((Yes, you are accepted.))


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Crys-Crys post cho rp. xD


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I got permission to RP Blake. ;{D Just so you know.

Name: Blake
Gender: Male
Age: Two Years Old

Blake is just like his sister Tara, someone you would not want to come in contact with. He is a real jerk and not afraid to show it. You never want to get in his way when he's upset. Blake has a very fiery passion that can change his feelings in a heartbeat and will amplify them. Blake has been known to lash out and snap when stressed, his over emotional side collapsing under the weight of life. But these times rarely come around him and when they do you can notice a pattern. Blake is a charmer, beware of his looks and the way he talks, soothing compliments that make some go wild. He will always be there to help a pretty lady and is quite a gentleman to them, it is only for his benefit. But, even with all this talk about loving Blake finds himself not feeling love. It is more like a game to toy with emotions and he just can really ignore a female when not in the mood. Again just like Tara, Blake can be an angel when he decides to be, or could be a completely different moron at the same time. You never want to double cross these twins, or they will hunt you down and they never give up, even if it means blood and sometimes to their pleasure.

Devil In Disguise
Blake is a devil, a very charming devil you should be aware of. Watch out. Blake is very manipulative and gets what he wants when he wants, only because he learned how from Tara. Blake tends to get along better with his own gender, males rather than females. Blake finds most dreadful, especially the country type. The only females Blake will ever hang out with long enough are his sister, femmes that catch his eye, and those who he has lived with for a while which would be none other than Tara. Blake absolutely adores his sister. He loves her to bits and pieces, in thick and thin, and will always be there for her. He is very protective over her when she isn’t protecting him and wants nothing but the best for Tara. Tara has a very controlling personality and is always making sure Blake will submit to her which he does. Of the twins, Blake is less dominant and forceful but still very much is. Sometimes, with both of their strong personalities, they occasionally clash. Blake always makes sure it turns out fine as well does Tara so they get along better than any normal siblings. They have to stick together because no one else understands. Blake often feels like an outsider with his condition and that mainly is why he pushes others away and has such a personality. Overall, Blake is one charming, rude, clever, sly, dominant brute who loves his sister and his owner.

Like he would tell you!

Breed: Australian Shepherd
Purebred: Yes
Rank: Newbie (Same as his Sister, Tara)
Mate: None
Crush: None
Offspring: None
Theme song: