Author Topic: Hell-Eaters  (Read 1352 times)

Offline Skrillexx

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« on: February 09, 2013, 05:23:38 pm »

...Run when you see one..


The first, Karina , emerged from a pit full of lava and a ring of red and orange fire surronding, called. The Circle of Hell. When you see it, run for your life. As lords and demons rose from the Circle of Hell, the population from mortals in their hell-land decreased to zero, and the population of them went up to what they were.. As mortals are chased in and thrown into the circle.. And changed.


Now, the Hell-eaters can be 4 different species: Canine, Feline, Horse and Dragon. Just letting you know~

Canines~ The strongest of the Hell-Eaters {Next to the dragons}. Their bones are made of the tough ground in hell.

Felines~ The sturdiest of the Hell-Eaters {Next to the horses}. With razor claws made of smelted lava they can dig their claws into anything and throw themselves up the most steep mountains with no problem.

Horses~ The most agile of the Hell-Eaters. With hooves that are set alight with fire they can run on anything and can jump about 8 metres or further.

Dragons~ The fastest of the Hell-Eaters. Their wigs can cut right through the strongest trees and right through solid steel. Their roar is herd from 987 feet and could almost deafen someone.


Deathlord~ The highest rank EVER for Hell-Eaters, NO ONE can be this, the only deathlord is Karina. Thats why I put Deathlord not DeathlordS.

Lords~ The second highest rank, they can control the lower ranks.

Scourge~ Kind of like a... Omega?

Akio~ Pups. I made up the word :3

~..Extra Info..~

I. The ONLY thing that can kill the Hell-Eaters, is the Deathlord. Thats right, your immortal except to one. Ya master.
II. The group is W.I.P (Work in progress) so don't be saying: Wheres the group websiiiite? Its just annoying.
III. If you want to make a Hell-Eater, make it black, gray and dark shades of red and make it look demonic, I don't really want my work looking ugly, would you?
IIII. Derp x3

Group Website: II in Extra Info.
