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Topics - Rimfrost

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Art Gallery / ~?~ Rimfrost's art ~?~
« on: July 10, 2011, 11:07:36 pm »
Newest drawings will be on the top of this topic :3

Friends till the end


My main char and fursona Akina



Commissions, Trades, & Requests / Wanna draw a puppie? xD
« on: July 07, 2011, 07:49:12 pm »
I looking for someone who can draw my basic character Rim, shes a Siberian Husky pup who always is happy and like to talk xD
I would like to have the drawing/painting as she sitting next to a little sea with water lilys, and she have her head tilted. Her fringe cover her left eye (as you can see on the screenie) she have a long fur and her face will be like "Hello there, arent i cute, like an angel" if you know what I mean? xD

This is because  I need a fursona x)

If you would like to draw her please, send me a picture on how drawning by you looks like <:


Screenshots / Bonfire's 3 headed Hotdog xD
« on: July 05, 2011, 10:49:58 pm »
Ok, so I was totally bored so i created a hotdog, then my friend joined too, and we created a 3 headed hotdog xD

Eh, 2 headed? xD

Kaya is being hunted by Saylee's hotdog xD

The hotdog dance

Finished Maps / [V1.09] ~?~ Rimfrost's Maps ~?~ [Complete]
« on: July 02, 2011, 09:32:19 pm »
Zombia - Complete [Public]
Download here:

Divana Jungle Map Pack - Complete [Public]
Download here:

Read the READ ME! file after download :3

Dark Mountain - Complete [Public]
Download here:

This is my oldest map, and I forgot I had this one o3o. Anyway, it isnt the best map, it was actually my 4 map I think :3 But anyway, the map is kind of big, and empty xD

Sadies Love Corner - Complete [Public]
Download here:

Finished Maps / ~?~ Rimfrost's Map Pack (Complete) [V1.09] ~?~
« on: July 01, 2011, 11:29:29 pm »
Finally completed xD

Download here:

Read the READ ME! file after download :3

Game Help / Walkable meshes
« on: July 01, 2011, 12:07:49 am »
Some meshes are walkable so the char can go through the object, do someone know how to fix that?

Game Help / Like the sky have falling down..
« on: June 28, 2011, 10:53:10 am »
Ok, so I went to one of my maps and it was like the sky had falling down. Everything was 'half' and when I jumped I could see the top of the things. I went out and in again, but it was still like that. So I went to one of my other maps, but that one was normal.
So whats wrong with this map? x3

Screenshots / Don't rp when you are hyper xD
« on: June 21, 2011, 08:04:22 pm »
I friend of mine wanted to rp, and I was like hyper. She told me to create a new char, and my fantasy when im hyper is sick xD So the chars name become Ugly Kaka xD Kaka means cookie on swedish, and he get a glowing green mane and pink eyes xD lol, and my rp wasnt the best either.
So now, time for laugh xD

I comment the sky while we rping x)

Olala, food :3

And shes dead, YAY

Meh, she wasnt...

Ugly Kaka takes suicide? Or hes just clumsy?

Close screenshot to picture 1 x)

Close screenshot to picture 5 x)

I think Painful wanted to slap me, lol xD

Presets & Markings Tutorials / How to make a preset
« on: June 18, 2011, 10:53:24 am »
Another way to make a preset New
1. Open a file in photoshop or gimp, go to FeralHeart --> Media --> Textures and chose cheadShade, ctailShade, cbodyShade if you want to do a canine preset. If you want to a feline chose the fheadShade, ftailShade, fbodyShade.

2. Do a new layer and multiply (This does so you can use FH's pelt texture)

3. Color the preset as you want it to look

4. Save it in My_Preset and some of the Preset_1-10. Name it to preset_1body, preset_1head, preset_1tail. Remember, if you are putting the image file in folder 1, name it to preset_1, if you put it in folder 2 name it to preset_2 and so on. And save it as jpg file.

5. If you want marking on one side, and other markings on the other side name the right side to presetright_1body, and the left side to presetleft_1body.
Then open the materialfile in that folde. Open as notepad.

6. Now you have to change the codes, its pretty simple, just add left in end of preset, and right in the other one, save and click yes when it ask if you want to overwrite.
You doing the same with head and eyes too.

7. Then simply open the game, go to Tools and Preset Maker and export your preset. After that, sign in and edit a char/or create a new. Click on IV and Use Preset.

You need photoshop or gimp, (or any other programs) if you not have these program you can download gimp for free here:

Notice: I using photoshop elements 7.0
Open a file in gimp/photoshop, go to FeralHeart --> my_presets --> reference

Open both body_legend and cbody_UV, if the preset is to a feline open fbody_UV. The body_legen file showing what who is what.

Have this to pictures beside each other, so you can look at body_legend so you know where the color/markings will land.

Do a new layer on cbody_UV

Choose colors and start to paint over there you want have the color.

When you are finish its time to save it. Click on save as and save it in FeralHeart folder --> my presets and save it in someone of the preset1-preset10.
If you saving your preset in preset_1 you most name it to preset_1body (if the preset is to the body)
If the preset is to the head you name it to preset_1head, same if its to the tail or eye, preset_1eye , preset_1tail.
And dont delete the file preset_number.material

Save your preset as JPEG file.

Then open your game, go to tools and Preset Maker and click on the number the folder you saved your preset in have.
Export your preset!

Then log in, choose the char you want to have the preset. Go to IV, click on Use Preset and choose the one you wanna have. Then just click on OK

Now you have a preset :)

Mapping Tutorials / How to get custom objects in your map!
« on: June 17, 2011, 11:49:12 am »
1. Download the objects and put the material, mesh and image files in My_Objects.

2. Go to tools and object maker in game and create a new group if you dont have one. Example Username Default. Then save it.

3. Click on "Mesh" and type the mesh's name in the box Mesh: box. Example theobjectsname.mesh. Then click Add New

Also, if you want your object to not be walk able click on the Own Collision. If it's red the object is walk able, if its green its not walk able.

4. Then click back to Object, type what name you want on the object, and the group name on the group there you want to save the mesh in. Then click on Save and the objects name should appear in the group you saved it in.

5. Then export your objectt, it asks if you want to overwrite, click OK and wait while it exporting.

Done ^^

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