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Topics - MoonRose12

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Game Help / I can log onto my character, but can't get into ANY maps?
« on: November 13, 2013, 08:03:27 pm »
Stupid, stupid, stupid. What've you done, Moon? Messing up your game and such. BC

Anyways, here's what happened:
I had just re-downloaded FeralHeart, and everything was going fine until I put in MM3 markings and my Rp's map.
I logged back on after I had done some map-making and got into the character selection part. I clicked on my character and it goes to the loading screen. I'm just sitting there when it says "Feralheart.exe has stopped working". So, I just make a new character and get on that. The same thing happens. So, I go onto my backup account and try. Same thing. Help? I'm stuck in my room for an hour with no T.V. and a hallway of wet paint separating me from sanity.

Game Help / FeralHeart.exe has stopped working! What did I do this time?
« on: November 13, 2013, 04:56:20 pm »
Hi again, everyone. This is like my 4th time doing this? Anyways, I was getting some of Glave's particles into my game and I realized that the Grasshopper, Flys, and the Butterflies didn't work but everything else did. I simply shrugged it off, no biggy. I'll just go see what happened. So, I pulled up my FeralHeart folder and went to the Particles sub-folder.
Oh, look! It's a Material file, why don't I just go put that in my Material folder! :D*Idiot, don't do it!*
So, I close down FeralHeart and restart, thinking everything's dandy. It's not. Nope. My game frezes and a message pops up "FeralHeart.exe has stopped working" with a gray background.
I combed through my files and couldn't find anything with _1/_2/etc.
I really don't want to delete it, because I've way to many files on there.
I've also tried running it as administrator, but that doesn't work either!

Game Help / Making mesh help
« on: September 29, 2013, 01:57:55 am »
Hi there. I just wanted to start making meshes, but I can never find a tut. that helps me. Yes, I've read Hammy's tutorial but I'm more of a visual learner than anything. If someone can make a video or a well-pictured tutorial on how to mesh, texturize, and export with the new version of Python, Blender, etc that'd be great!
Also, I've only dabbled in all of this stuff, so I don't know how to use ANYTHING but Blender. And I am only just getting use to that.
Thanks so much,

Game Help / New laptop can't download Fh
« on: September 03, 2013, 12:24:20 am »
Well, I just got a new laptop last night. -Windows 8 Dell laptop- I downloaded Feral Heart and it worked perfectly fine until this morning when I started downloading and working on my maps. I also downloaded August 22 and the Sky Nebula interface. I could get the game open, sure, but when I tried to get on ANY of my characters it crashed. So I deleted Feral Heart. I've spent all day combing through my files deleting anything entitled Feral-Heart. But, sadly, every time I try to download Feral Heart again it won't let me. I mean, it goes through the whole process but when it finishes and is about to open Direct blah blah it says there was an error or something. This is making me really mad and I've spent about $600 dollars -all my chore, birthday, gift, and art money combined- to buy this computer.
Thanks so much!

Miscellaneous Tutorials / .:Moony:.'s tutorial to: easy controls!
« on: August 01, 2013, 08:50:01 pm »
Hi! It's Moony here, and here comes my first tutorial! So one of my friends have a hard time with the controls on Feral Heart, so I decided to help! It took me a while to figure this out (and by a while I mean like a year) and I still haven't figured them all out!
So everyone knows the very simple controls - W, A, S, and D- to run. But the more simple thing to do is by pressing Q, you don't have to hold down W, A, S, or D. Use the arrow buttons to turn the camera. Here are what the arrows do:
Up arrow- to the sky
Down arrow- to the floor
Left arrow- turn to the left
Right arrow- turn to the right
Simple, isn't it?
Here are some easy combos instead of going through a whole mess just to crouch or walk!
Shift+Q(or W A S or D)= Walk
Left ctrl button+Q( or W A S or D)= Crawl
Right alt= Head stand-still
Press right alt again to unrfreeze the head
F1= First person view
F2= Second person view
F3= Thrid person view (Which means you can control the camera by leaving your character by using Q, W, A, S, or D and using the arrows to control it.)
So that's all I can think of right now! Feel free to post some of your own findings in the comments! Thanks for reading, .:Moony:.

Saved for edit

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Game Help / Weird Glitch! Help!
« on: June 01, 2013, 02:23:50 am »
Well I was trying to get to one of my main characters but it wouldn't let me go past my second character. So I tried to go backwards from my first character to the back very back of my characters it did the same thing. If you know what happened or you can help me please do! Thanks!

Game Help / I need the original CANINE fur texture!!
« on: May 30, 2013, 04:39:48 pm »
Does anyone have the original fur texture for the canine? I kinda got one thing mixed with another and messed my files up. Thanks!

Game Help / Map trouble?? Help please!
« on: March 15, 2013, 06:54:44 pm »
Okay, so I was in the process of getting rid of this FBI Moneypack Virus and when it was finally gone, I tried to go on Feralheart to finish my map, but this happened:

So if you could help, that'd be awesome!


Game Help / I know I am a total noob, but here I am again!
« on: March 01, 2013, 06:20:33 am »
I wanted to know how to make .cfg files. Everything, mostly the coding, is hard. If you know a thread or anything please tell me. Thanks!

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