Author Topic: A couple of notes  (Read 42838 times)

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Re: A couple of notes
« Reply #60 on: September 26, 2018, 05:52:16 pm »
I personally don't think so lolzcupcake. If anything I just think people are realizing that it's going to be what it's going to be, and there's no point in being angry anymore. It's just best to sit back and watch the show. I know I'm going to sit here and see if something amazing or horrible happens, and it's probably best we all just do the same. Let's all sit back and watch. I don't like how things are going, but hey, what can we really do honestly? Raz will do what Raz wants and there's nothing any of us can really do but watch and wait.
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Re: A couple of notes
« Reply #61 on: September 26, 2018, 06:15:32 pm »
I'm honestly with a few people. There is nothing we can do but wait and see what happens. We can't keep doing this, it's just going to lead to more trouble. I don't agree with what Raz is doing but until we see how it works well...

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Re: A couple of notes
« Reply #62 on: September 26, 2018, 06:16:06 pm »
No matter what hostility was shown in whatever FeralHeart-dedicated server, it should not and will not effect Razmirz and the work he must prioritise for FH's continuity and it is unlikely he will put into consideration what vile insults people throw at him. Raz certainly made a mistake and he is most definitely aware of how the community feels about his actions and decisions. However, what people must realise is that showing hostility towards someone isn't going to resolve anything.
Anyone who threatens or insults Razmirz with no point to be put across other than to try and degrade him of his choices, should most definitely be given the blind eye to. The only problem is knowing what is very down-to-earth criticism and what is just downright disrespect. I find it very mature of Razmirz to have chosen to not react to those given him empty, pointless threats that will not benefit them in the long-run, nor him.
Even in servers.

However, what should not be done is to point fingers at every server within discord and saying, "this is pathetic and just insulting Razmirz." I am even in FeralHeart Discord servers and have looked through what has been said - I have indeed seen some profanity and opinions I've had to disregard simply because it is only aimed at insulting Razmirz or the opinions of other members. But for the majority,
it is people of this community who are only seeking answers to the questions they've already asked, but have not received a direct reply to from the person the question is aimed at. A lot of it is also discussion - people wondering, what on earth is going to happen next? There's no Staff and with the No Mod October event, is the community even going to remain active after presumed 31 days of self-moderation and free will to rule-break as they please?

People who have offered to 'remake FeralHeart', it simply will not work.
It will just turn out to be like another Impressive Title server, or the new FeralHeart will probably not be as successful while people are still trying to hold onto the hope of FeralHeart recovering from the event(s) taking place. I respect views on how people think it is wrong to try and remake the game, and simply support it for the fact that no one can duplicate the success and the love, family-like community that once was.

Whatever happened between the Staff and Razmirz, should and will stay between the Staff and Razmirz. Although it hurts the community to not be able to help in this aspect, the best we can do is keep our hopes up and bring up a positive attitude to convince people to stay and see how the river flows.

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Re: A couple of notes
« Reply #63 on: September 26, 2018, 06:21:14 pm »

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Re: A couple of notes
« Reply #64 on: September 26, 2018, 06:28:02 pm »
Most of the Feralheart community and its community discord: We want answers! Give us answers or we will will make up our own then spread these lies to others! We shall rant, because most of us are so passionate about this community we want everyone to hear what we have to say even though only those that read our posts will hear our outcry! Raz, give us more information about what's going on.

My community, friends, and a few other people: Okay, you guys do what you want while we wait for official word and reliable information from the previous staff members or raz himself instead of coming up with conspiracy theories that'll end in more hatred and flame wars. By the way, do you people realize Raz will possibly not listen to people that aren't taking this calmly?

This is a post to point out how senseless some of you people are acting. If this keeps up, Feralheart isn't going to die "because of Raz" (you know who you are who said this), it will die from you people corrupting it from the inside out. On a side note, I'm sure Raz will continue to give us more information, even if all of it isn't truthful, as this catastrophe progresses so can you people please stop making this worse than it already is. If ANY of you try to make false claims against my post, because everything I say is the harsh truth, then you're adding onto this huge conniption fit people are throwing. Seriously, grow up people.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2018, 06:32:34 pm by NKM9 »

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Re: A couple of notes
« Reply #65 on: September 26, 2018, 06:49:04 pm »
Couldn't have said it better myself lol

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Re: A couple of notes
« Reply #66 on: September 26, 2018, 06:59:38 pm »
to Raz:
 Give it up. If your plan is going that bad to where even your staff leave you. Consider leaving the game as it SHOULD BE. either that, or we call in the HK-Alliance of Italy to take the source code from you, as the rest of us nominate and inaugurate a leader who will actually RESPECT THE RANK of Game master.

Because you my dear, had so many people look up to you despite your silence. but really you came out with something more sinister than we thought.

This plan of yours is quite tyrannical. so please revert your plans and leave the game alone.

 Good luck hiring the staff back and hope this would all blow over.

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Re: A couple of notes
« Reply #67 on: September 26, 2018, 07:09:03 pm »
This whole thing is giving me big DD vibes but worse.

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Re: A couple of notes
« Reply #68 on: September 26, 2018, 07:11:30 pm »
Thank you for the update, Raz. I agree with you that everyone over-reacted and oversimplified, myself included. I let myself get swept up in the riot-inciting that others were engaging in, which I regret. Not having staff yesterday honestly made FH feel the chillest and most relaxed it's been in a really long time.

I'd definitely appreciate a little more explanation as to how the block/ban process will work, but I trust it won't be super easy to manipulate, which is what I know myself and many others are probably fearing. I appreciate you giving us even this much, because I didn't expect it.

Before anyone decides to disagree with me about "over-reacting," please remember that over the course of 24 hours, people decided to incite riots in the names of staff members who weren't even entirely innocent in this entire ordeal. They threw a fit, and like a blind mob, you (and I, to some extent) followed. You guys made a Discord server that has essentially become a rant and rave server where you guys THINK you're going to somehow create your own game over the course of 72 hours. Go ahead and make a new game, then, if you want to defend a lame duck staff team's honor. I'm not saying that this entire situation is perfect, and I don't necessarily agree with the moves Raz has taken. But that sure as heck doesn't mean that the staff does not have their own faults, either. (Not all of the staff has been bad, though, I'll be clear. Several of them are reasonable human beings.) Either stay and test this out, or don't. It's that simple.

I will have to agree and disagree with you on a few things.
First of all, yes, I am one of the people who did call Raz names on my current post here; I don't agree with my behaviour but it was out of rage regardless yes it is not justified. What is justified however, is the outrage of every member that has been lied to, tricked, used and/or manipulated for this game cause of Raz's poor skills of leadership. Do you know how many people volunteered to help with the patch maps and then get denied the last minute because of Raz's irresponsibility? The whole 'looking for map and mesh makers' recruitment was up for a long while and I'm sure the mods can't take actions on this without Raz's approval. Every patch, update, addon by mods etc. must be reported to the game master first before taking action. And now he's trying to blame everything on the mods 'not every link given is Feral-Heart related' as if he wanted to say Nynx gave us something bad. Also no staff wanted to leave and obviously, Staff October was his own idea and he announced it without informing his team, hence why the staff left. This is why we're mad and it's justified.

Don't get me wrong, the discord was made for every feral-heart members to express discomfort and find out what has happened. There is no rant just spectating things of what happened, why it happened and how it happened. We're uncertain of what the ban system means because everyone has a different prespective on it and Raz's lack of careness to explain himself is making the situation even more complex. He was never there to get close to the community no matter what he was always 'busy' with God knows why. Yes he has a life, yes he has his own problems, I agree with you but he has a game to take care of and if he couldn't handle it he should've given it to someone who could manage it.

 I don't disagree most of us take it to the limits but the rage to the purpose can be justified. So many were hurt, yes it's still immature to do and wrong but it's justified. Look how many people, most of the minors, are sad, hurt and angry one of their beloved childhood games is going to die possibly. The discord was not made to spread hate or call names but find a solution and work together as a community. Don't missjudge.

And since you co-operated to the riot you can't bash at people with the trap card 'make your own game then' game making is not an easy task for sure but to keep it alive you need teamwork. You need to be dedicated to the game because you will have a host server, yoou will be in charge of coding, approve or disapprove ideas, listen to every idea and every member, listen to complains, requests, reports, hire a team to help with unique models, animations, ideas, maps, mods etc. and yes it's not easy. But Raz doesn't seem to keep up with any of the requirments a game master has; he has to be everywhere including the game while he has his own life, he has to work on the game. He is only active on site and leaves one or two posts every now and then. A game master must be close to the community of their game to know what the base of people need to keep the game alive. It's not easy but even minors can understand that what Raz is doing right now is wrong and bashing at them with this is really wrong. And it comes from me, a really immature person.

Not all of the fun was mature, and yes, people were cursing. As I also mentioned in a later post, I do think that if that conduct is going to be free and rampant, the game should come with a warning then for minors or people who are easily offended.

Raz is not perfect either. I personally don't think he's stable, and I feel like his behavior over this is deplorable. Hopefully you can read and see that I don't condone his actions. I'm just not going to call him a "bitch ass" or tell him to go kill himself, because that's not acceptable behavior either. You can rage all you want and continue to call me "cute" for speaking my mind. I just think cussing and further agitating the situation when it's been barely 48 hours isn't going to accomplish much.

Also I think you are kind of wrong here. At this rate we can assume people who 'bash' at Raz on that discord joke too, there were plenty of memes created thanks to these unfortunate events and I'm sure nobody acctually wants to see Raz dead or vent on him or hate him. Yes we're mad but we're joking too. But you said not every humor has to be mature and people cuss but to joke. Then it's safe to say cussing at Raz and calling him a bitch ass or telling him to go kys is just a joke made from these old memes on facebook and it's just a mature/dark way of joking. You can't really bash at them since you said people can cuss and people have have an immature/mature way of fun, which is usually dark humor. There is no different in cussing, cussing is still cussing where's the fun in it?

Don't get me wrong but I find it kind of odd to say people that cuss are having an immature way of having fun but when they joke with cusses against Raz (like plenty of people called him a 'bitch boy' for fun) is wrong because he may did something wrong but we're the good people who must forgive and forget. If a certain way of cussing is a joke, it's a joke. If not then it was never a joke so you kind of confused me, sorry if I got it wrong.

Also, while I do agree plenty of staff were not doing the job they should, the current staff tried their best and got treated unfairly. This Mod october thing was decided by Raz behind their backs and their whole effort by merging their creativity and skills with the members went in vain because the maps were cancelled on the latest patch. Nobody is perfect. We know. But there's a fine line on making a mistake and  doing this on purpose and Raz is doing the latter.

You know, I feel people are slowly starting to kiss up to Raz so they can get that modding good good.

What are you smoking exactly? Because I never knew having an objective opinion instead of an one-sided, close-minded one was kissing up to Raz.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2018, 08:03:12 pm by Skat »
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Re: A couple of notes
« Reply #69 on: September 26, 2018, 07:14:30 pm »

People are trying to buy the server from you because they're AFRAID of what you will do to the server. So far, you've done nothing but cause everyone to feel anger, pain and distress, INCLUDING the staff!

People are skeptical about you, some feeling even more negative than that, and I will repeat as I said before; you DO NOT have many people on your side.

Also, Mod-Free October being a precursor to the staff's departure? Are you kidding me? None of us wanted the staff to leave, and THEY didn't want to go either! Had you listened to any of us, perhaps you would understand that??

Or hell, maybe you DO understand it and just don't care. Considering how lighthearted you're behaving about this entire incident, that seems most likely. And I have a feeling you haven't got the best intentions for FeralHeart's future, either...