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Messages - WingedWhiteWolf

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Game Help / Feral Heart stops working when it lags a little
« on: February 04, 2018, 10:12:05 pm »
Ok, when I'm in an area with a lot of users, it lags a little but no big deal, then it say Feral Heart has stopped working. It also crashes right away when using GL and Direct3D9 works fine. I tried to run as administrator, I let fire wall allow it to run, and yes, I did get mods and those would be, legendary items, legendary markings, and claws for feline and canine. Now if I were in lonely cave or an area with little users, it works fine, I tried different characters same result, resetting computer, all game files are there, (although I'd would like it if someone showed a list just to be safe), I think you have to completely move the file from LocalDisk(C:) and which I did.

Thank you

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