Author Topic: Supernatural Beings  (Read 17981 times)

Offline akemi1999

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Re: Supernatural Beings
« Reply #10 on: December 31, 2012, 12:18:08 am »
 Xanders breathing picked up as he hauled himself off the locker and toward the exit.
 "Xander" Derek yelled from the hallway.
 Xander didn't slow he ran outside and down the sidewalk. When he reached his house he slammed into the door and fiddled with the door handle. Sweat was dripping off of his skin and it wasent because of running. He threw the door open and fell onto the floor. His head was pounding and he felt like he was going to pass out. He pulled himself up with the table and he slammed the door shut. He collapsed on the floor again and screamed in pain.
 He drug himself into the bathroom and into the tub. He curled himself into a ball and reached behind himself. He pulled off his shirt and threw it into the corner. With little difficulty her reached behind and turned the cold water on high.
 The water bursted out of the shower faucet and poured onto his bare back. He shivered from the cold water, but for some reason he was super hot. He felt like he was going to melt and his head was still pounding. He screamed and gripped a section of his hair tightly.
 "Xander, are you okay" a deep voice yelled from the front door. "It's Derek" he yelled and started knocking louder "I'm coming in" he yelled and opened the front door. He ventured inside and clicked the door shut. He could hear running water so he creeper closer to the bathroom. He jumped when he heard Xander scream. He ran into the bathroom and busted the door open......


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Re: Supernatural Beings
« Reply #11 on: December 31, 2012, 12:33:25 am »
[To continue]
The teacher turned around with shock, "D-done.. you k-kidding me? Let me see that!" he yelled, grabbing the paper, and checking the problems. Becca was there looking around, and not feeling a thing. The teacher looked at Becca then to class. "Wow.. This is fantastic! Every single one correct!" he said, putting an A! The class cheered. Becca blushed, but her thoart started to hurt, Becca looked at the teacher. "Uh can I go to the bathroom" she said, and walked quickly to the girl's bathroom. She was hungry, she looked around for anything simple, until something beyond smelled delightful, Becca hissed, and dashed to the smell.
(Question.. Can I kill a teacher or a principal in your college?)

Offline akemi1999

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Re: Supernatural Beings
« Reply #12 on: December 31, 2012, 01:15:59 am »
 (yeah, actually that would be perfect)
 Derek gasped and ran up next to the tub.
 Xander was curled in a ball, on his side. He would scream every now and then sending tremors through his body.
 Derek keeled by the tub and grabbed Xanders arm.
 "Get away from me" He growled while clutching onto the side of the tub.
 Dereks eyes widened as he stared at xanders not nails..claws. That were digging into the side of the tub. He gripped onto his arm harder "Xander, snap out of it" he yelled.
 Xander grabbed onto Dereks arm and threw him out of the bathroom.
 Derek landed on the ground with a thud. he sat up slightly and stared at the open bathroom door.
 He stood up and launched himself into the air, a white wolf stood in his place and landed gracefully. He stalked forward, a feral growl erupting from his chest. His eyes were glowing a amber color as he stalked closer to Derek. His jaws snapping  faster with each step.
 Derek gasped and scooted back up against a dresser, he covered his face. He paused for a second and he no longer heard growling. He looked at where a white wolf should have been standing.
 Xander was his normal self and he was lying on the floor, knocked out.
 Derek sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, in relief.


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Re: Supernatural Beings
« Reply #13 on: December 31, 2012, 01:27:13 am »
From miles away, Becca smelled fresh blood, she smiled, and zoomed to a college. Becca looked around for a window, she looked and saw one wide open, she smiled and jumped and landed on the edged, the teacher didnt saw Becca because her back was turn. Becca knew this was the perfect time, and dashed over to her neck, and sank her fangs into it. The blood tasted so fresh, it was hell to her. The teacher yelled in pain and fall to ground, dead. Becca hissed and licked her lips, and drag her body, so no one can see what happen to her. Becca looked outside the windows and found the perfect place the body, and zoom there in a second, and fly away, pretend noting happen

Offline akemi1999

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Re: Supernatural Beings
« Reply #14 on: December 31, 2012, 01:50:17 am »
 Xander woke up on his bed with no shirt on. He sat up and stared at Derek weirdly.
 "Dude, I'm not gay" Derek insisted and stood up off his chair.
 Xander smiled and scratched his head "What happened?" He asked.
 "Oh, nothing.....except you tried to eat my face" He stated while grabbing Xander a shirt and threw it at him.
 His brow curled and he reached up and snatched his shirt from the air. He slipped it on and stared at Derek "What?"
 "Look, ill explain later. We need to get back to class" Derek stated while starting to walk out the door.
 Xander pulled himself off the bed and out the door "What about the whole Logan thing?"
 "Oh, so you can remember that, but you cant remember trying to eat my face."
 Xander chuckled as he continued walking down the street "Well, all I remember is pain and hatred coursing through my body."
 Derek looked at him wearily "well, that's peaceful."
 Xander smiled and looked at the ground "So what about Logan" He asked.
 Derek stopped and stared forward "I think we have bigger problems than that" He mumbled.
 He looked forward and gasped. There were many police cars encircling the collage and there was two ambulances parked outside.


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Re: Supernatural Beings
« Reply #15 on: December 31, 2012, 01:59:49 am »
 Becca looked at policies that gather, and looking for the missing teacher. She quietly hissed, then looked at Xander and growled. Then disappeared into the woods. Becca climbed a tree, so no one can see her. Becca looked at herself, and noticed she had a short shirt, and changed to jeans.
(Sorry short)

Offline akemi1999

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Re: Supernatural Beings
« Reply #16 on: December 31, 2012, 02:25:29 am »
 Xander heard a hiss and a growl and he looked around alertly.
 "What?" Derek asked while looking around clumsily.
 "There's something else in these woods" Xander said while turning his head to the right.
 "Something else...We haven't even figured out what you are yet" Derek accused loudly.
 "Shhhh......I think that that's not a very normal thing to say out loud."
 "You think?" Derek said sarcastically "Well, lets look at the facts." He said while turning to Xander so only he could hear.
 Xander looked at him nervously and tugged at the bottom of his shirt "Okay....."
 Derek clapped his hands together "You can hear things that no one else can, um...your eyes glow bright yellow. You growl at people which is really quite odd, and you basically turn into a man eating dog."
 Derek thought for a second "Oh, wait let me correct myself a huge wolf with freaking golden eyes that stare into your SOUL" He stated while demonstrating with his own eyes.
 Xander smiled and rolled his eyes "Oh and you know Sarah."
 "Oh yeah, where is your girlfriend I haven't seen her today" Derek teased.
 "Well, that's what I wanted to talk about, She left this note in her place" Xander stated and reached into his pocket.  


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Re: Supernatural Beings
« Reply #17 on: December 31, 2012, 12:55:49 pm »
Becca thoart was still burning, she was still hungry.Becca growled and jumped down off the tree, and looked back to the College, she smiled evily, but instead she moan because the policies were there. Then she almost forgot that her father was also a police officer, she grin. She ran back to get her car, and drove back to the college. The policies looked at Becca car and ran over to her father. Becca parked the car and walked over to father, her eyes changed color, from Red to Light Brown. Matin looked at Becca, "Becca what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in school?"
"Ya but my thorat was killing me"
"Okay..I let you stay home.. -Becca cheered- ONLY ONCE"
"Ya..So..What happened here?" she asked. Matin looked around, then finally answered. "Someone got killed..-" Becca paused him, "Wait how do you know that someone got killed?" she asked
"Uh Becca you ever since cameras here! And well the securities saw  the teacher- that was killed.. Jumped out the window.. By herself... Weird.. But anyway you should go home and get some rest" he said, going inside the building. Becca rolled her eyes, and went over to her car to sit and waits. While Becca was waiting, Becca went on Facebook.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2012, 05:22:43 pm by Thrillex »

Offline akemi1999

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Re: Supernatural Beings
« Reply #18 on: December 31, 2012, 06:05:07 pm »
 Xander handed  Derek the note.
 He looked at it weirdly "put your skills to good use.....what the hell does that mean?" He asked.
 "Well, frankly I don't know" he stated but then he heard a car door shut. He glanced over, which was a little bit away. He glared at the girl that was in the car.
 "Why are you staring at her like you want to kill her?" Derek asked while looked at Xander wierdly.
 "She smells distinct, her scent is different then the rest of the humans" he said while sniffing in the outside air.


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Re: Supernatural Beings
« Reply #19 on: December 31, 2012, 06:15:34 pm »
While Becca was looking at her phone, she felt someone starring at her, she raised her head.Then looked at Xander, her eyes glowed in the car, then looked away, looking back into her phone. Martin came back out with noting, "Well the killer isn't in the school.." he said, looking at the woods, "Someone check the woods, the killer must be there!" he reported. Then looked over at Becca.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2012, 06:27:51 pm by Thrillex »