Author Topic: Dovah Sinka (Open&Accepting!)  (Read 15053 times)

Offline AbbyJoyce

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Dovah Sinka (Open&Accepting!)
« on: August 17, 2014, 06:59:16 pm »
Born of the Gods, a soul shared by two. Dovah and man will rise, Fod hi xkhatic mu.

"Hush now. Remain still, I am aware you must be skittish and afraid." The voice you hear is loud and deep, but you have just awoken in such a strange place, you remain cautious, and continue frantically looking about for danger. "Now, hush!" A sudden crack of the man's staff upon the golden floor pulls you to a stop, and you face him, for the first time you truly take in your surroundings.

It's a beautiful place. A castle of gold, a dream of sorts you've never had before. But that's what this is right? A dream..

The man before you seems older, much older. He sports white hair that is royally pulled back, and facial hair to match. He is much larger than you expected, inhumanly large compared to you, but your dreams have never been too normal before now have they. His fist remains tightly clenched around his staff, which seems to carry an odd aura of magic about it. He is leaning forward within a large, golden throne. He must be a king of sorts. Your eyes flicker to his one eye patch, but other than that, you remain still.

"Brush this off as a dream, dovah sinak, that is something I can accept. But there is much you must know. Now listen, your time is coming along with countless others. You are much more than a mere midguardian, you are something of legends. Find your dovah, find your path, and take it. I cannot permit anymore obstacles to stand between Asgard's heroes and it's fate. We will perish soon without an army, now go!" You step forward to yell a question when he raises his hand and waves you away. Before you can react, you sit up in bed, a thin glaze of sweat covering your body as your chest heaves. Your dreams have grown weirder and weirder as you aged. With a sudden sigh, You raise a brow, "What the heck is a dovah sinak?"

"Welcome dovah sinak to your new and terrible life!" You frown and take a step back as a small, knee-high creature appears before you. He sports long ears and a teddy-bear like body. He opens his mouth to continue when another being appears, a woman. She sends small kick the creature's way before smiling gently at you. "Ignore your kiprife. They are not all this way." She apologizes. The 'Kiprife' growls lowly at the woman, before receiving a sharp glare from her. "Sit!" She barks, and with a hesitant groan, the kiprife does so. "Now, do forgive my distraction. Shall we?" She steps aside, holding a hand out for you to walk beside her. You do exactly that as you begin strolling down the long, golden hallway before you. It's walls are littered with artworks unlike any discovered before. "You must be very confused, I am aware that my husband visited you just nights before. This however, is not like that, this is no dream, dear child. This is a vision, sent by me. You may call me Frigg."

You pause, furrowing you brow at the woman, before continuing. "You see, humans have spent their existence on the brink of another realm. They believe in things they cannot see, yet they turn an cold shoulder when we attempt to show ourselves. There are things beyond your world that you could not imagine." Her hands wave at a painting as you pass it. It sports a large, solar-system in the shape of a tree. "There are realms and creatures beyond your comprehension. Yet, you stem from it all. You are no simple human, my child. You are a dovah sinka. A dragon soul." You freeze, you eyes staring skeptically at the woman. "This has got to be the weirdest dream yet.." You mutter, but you don't remember falling asleep, matter afact, you remember heading for the market when this all began,..but how is that possible.

"I understand you will grow skeptic, this must be a lot to take in. Please, just come." She beckons your forward, and hesitantly you follow. "Dovah Sinka's are legends within our realm. Legends within all realms, actually. Though you midguardian's have come to call them dragon riders. Sadly, you have dumbed the legend down much. You are much more than a simple rider, my child." You stare at the paintings around you, this has got to be the result of some sort of drug a friend must have slipped you. Dragons? Realms? "Dovah Sinka's are demigods bred by a god, birthed by a human. Since you were not birthed here on Asgard, you remained on Midguard. Yet, you always were something different than those around you, whether it was you smarts, your reaction time, you speed, etc. You are part god, part man. This, results in your being something far stronger than any human. But, Odin couldn't allow such a powerful creature to live among humans, but you weren't permitted to live upon gods either."

You have tuned the woman out considerably due to the breath taking artwork around you, but they seem to match her words perfectly. Paintings of realms and dragons, the golden castle from your dreams, etc. "So, to take away potential threats of you revealing Asgard's true form to the humans, he split all the dovah sinka's souls at birth. You've felt alone all your life, as if you have lacked a certain aspect of yourself..well that is a result of your soul's shattered pieces. You only possess half of your true self. The other, was placed within what you humans refer to as dragons, but we call them Dovah. The legends are true, this your world knows, but what you lacked knowledge of, is that Odin places part of your soul and power within an egg when you a birthed. As you age, so does the dragon. Only to hatch when it comes into contact with the power within your body."

You pause at the painting before you. It is a person, much like you, standing before a dragon who seems peaceful and calm which is something your world is not used to. "Midguardian's deem dovah as dangerous creatures, when they react only on instinct. You see, Asgard isn't all that it once was. We have been through two wars with the Jotun's and yet here we are again on the brink of another war. This time, much different. Titans are creatures even Odin shows fear to. Large, monstrous beings that live within all the realms. Different types, and they have banded together beneath the ruling of on of Asgard's greatest enemies. Hel.." You begin to recognize much of the words she says, you've heard of them from a certain mythology. Norse perhaps..

"Isn't she the daughter of-"

"No." Frigg cuts you off quickly, "My son did not birth that beast, that is a legend I do not wish to speak of." You pause, but nod. "Hel is the goddess of death within our realm, and she has raised an army to overthrow Odin. With Asgard's throne in her possession, all the realms will surely fall to her will." You raise a hand, "Pardon me, but I have on question If I'm going to play along with this weird dream. What does this have to do with me?" Frigg smiles, "Pardon my storytelling. Child, you are a dovah sinka, you are destined to save Asgard within the dragon army. You will save us when it comes to it, now go."

You are a teenager within the ancient times of villages and cities made of stone. Horses are modes of transportation and dragons were once legends..but are now known to be real. People fear them, and rely on their beliefs to save them. Many believe in greek, and roman, some even norse mythology. King Arthur rules over all of Albion, which is the large section of the world you live in. There are four different cities within Albion; Oakvale, the second largest city just south of the castle, The Fade, the worst and the poorest section of Albion, West of the castle, Marshpit, East of Albion, a decent city, and Bridgestone, the largest and richest city containing the castle. Albion is made up of rivers and mountains, streams and rolling hills.

You are also, a dovah sinka, a dragon soul. You are part god, part human, or demigod for short. For this, you are powerful. Far to powerful to live among humans as a whole, to sedate your power, your soul was split in two and shared amongst yourself and a dragon egg. Dragons are fearsome creatures that all of humanity wishes were gone. No recordings of humans have been able to approach a dragon and live to tell the tale. But you, have a much deeper destiny. The dragon egg will only hatch once it comes into contact with you, and once it does, you will begin to realize that this dragon is much more than a simple reptile. It is a part of your true self. The creature will, despite personality differences and all else, become your best friend. It's power stems for your own as a demi-god and the dragon will grow to adolescence but only mature once both you and your dragon's powers are fully grown.

Asgard, Norse mythology's main realm, has fallen into war with the titans. Their legends say the Dovah Sinka's will rise as an army and save Asgard as a whole. Will the story's rain true, or remain a simple legend?

Oakvale; the largest of the three smaller cities, Oakvale is beautiful and large.

The Fade; the poorest of the cities, The Fade has the highest crime rates and everyone lives within small houses.

MarshPit; a small village located within the midst of a marsh. They have a deep belief that no one should be outside at night due to the dangers of the marsh.

Bridgestone; Largest in all of Albion, contains the castle and the richest of the rich.


There are several different types of dragons in Albion.

Light Dragon eggs are anywhere between golden and
light cream. They glow with a slight electric hue.
Rarely, there will be blueish eggs due to their power
dealing with blue lightening.

Light Hatchlings are not colored dependent upon their
power. They can be any color, but show a significant
fascination with electricity. They eyes almost always
show a bright spark of white or gold. Their wings do
not quite work well yet.

At adolescence, the dragons wings begin
to allow them to actually fly. As their power matures,
they will dramatically grow and show signs of power.
Light dragons deal with electricity and light and have some
amazing powers.

Nature dragon eggs are always a hue
from brown to green. They are commonly found within the
forest or in rocky nests and are often covered in vines or

Nature dragon hatchlings will bring a trail of foliage
and beauty behind them. Their birth literally brings life as they
show a fascination to secluded, untouched by humans, areas.

Nature dragons mature and often have vines or foliage
growing about their body despite their color. They are large, brutish
beasts with much strength.

Fire dragon eggs are hues between brownish red and dark crimson.
 They are always warm to the touch.

Fire dragon hatchlings are truly cute and tender despite
their flaming temperament when they get angry. They are
adventurous and often get into mishap. They also have a hot body temperature.

Fire dragons are the most fearsome looking and dangerous
of the dragons. They live in the hottest regions and often can cause damage
unlike any other.

Water dragon eggs are always white or blueish. They
usually remain stuck to the bottom of a body of water until the weight of the dragon baby
breaks the mold holding them and they float to the surface where they hatch.

Water dragon hatchlings often hatch in caves or on beaches.
They love water and often break pipes just to find it. They usually fear fire.

Water dragons can swim beneath the water for an unlimited
amount of time. They retreat to bodies of water when upset or scared.

Wind dragon eggs are white to silver and usually are nested atop the highest mountains where the wind is strongest.

Wind dragon hatchlings have wings that work far better than other dragons
at their age. They enjoy running to feel the wind hit their face.

Wind dragons are the best flyers of the dragon race.
They are the fastest when flying but lack speed on foot and strength.

Healing Dragon eggs are always purple to blue to grey.
They glow with a magic hue.
Healing dragon hatchlings often enjoy treasure and will
steal when others aren't looking.

Healing dragons are the most magical of all. They possess
a special ability to heal others. Sadly, the greatest tails of the dragons come
from these dragons as when they're rider dies, they attempt to heal them
only to use their life force in the process. Most riders will only live shortly after their
dragon does this, for they take their life in guilt and remorse.

Dark dragon eggs are always silver to black. They may
have different designs on them of different colors. They always seem to
be nested in the oddest of places, and carry a dark aura about them.

Dark dragon hatchlings often enjoy getting into trouble.
They show a deeper connection to their riders than any other species of dragon.
They usually sleep during the day and are awake at night, causing much trouble.

Dark dragons usually have the most unique patterns and colors of
all the dragons. They are the most intelligent and speedy, but have been known
to have their wild, dark nature cloud their judgement along with their rider's.

Things to know
-Dragons only hatch when the egg comes into contact with the rider
-Dragons are all hatched white. They can be any color despite the species, the color depends on what food they eat as they age.
-Dragons eyes remain the same color from birth to adulthood. (ex: All dragons are born white, but may have any color eyes)
-As your dragon's magic advances so does yours
-This is based on Norse Mythology, if you are unsure of it, just google ^^
-All NPC's will be played by me unless you create one of your own!
-This is back in the day when horses were the only mode of transportation and knights existed and castles
-Dragons are real, everyone knows this, so you fear them.
-Mother dragons can sense when one of their eggs have been chosen to be one of the dovah sinka's so they usually abandon those eggs making them easier to find..usually.
-There is a secret society dedicated to training these chosen humans and dragons, though this is just a legend of course..but they say the only way to find it is for them to find you.
-You may chose to live in any of the cities.
-You are a demigod of one of the Norse-god's or goddesses. So, chose a human as a parent and a god from the mythology.
-In the legend, every Dovah Sinak is gifted with a servant-like creature called a kiprife. They are small and gremlin like, but can be very cute. See picture below
-(I will add more if they come up)


-No godmodding, powerplaying, etc.
-Do not multi-post. Await for others to reply before you post please, if they do not reply within two days, you may post again.
-Do not go crazy with your powers.
-Odin and Frigg may not be your parents they are married so you must choose a lesser god or goddess.
-Your dragon will not age right away, give it time and enjoy the roleplay as the story unwinds
-Cussing is allowed, but keep it minimal
-Romance is allowed, but no sex or birth or anything like that, you may have children and do such stuff, but do not roleplay it on the board.
-I wish for this to be a long term roleplay so take your time with the storyline, I will not let this roleplay die out, so enjoy it.
-Posts must be atleast five sentences.
-If your grammer is constantly wrong and you continue to mess up, you will be warned.


Code: [Select]
[i]"Quote, song lyrics, etc."[/i][/size][/b]

Description (optional)
History (optional)
Godly Connection (Which god is your parent and what are they the god of)
Relationships (friends, family, etc)
Powers (Try to relate them to your parent)
Dragon Species
Flaws (Every person has atleast 3 flaws whether it be disease, physical, or mental)

[b][size=20pt]Dragons name
[i]"Quotes, song lyrics, etc."[/i][/size][/b]

Flaws (Yes, even dragons have flaws)
Fear (Every dragon is brave but has only one main fear)

Roleplay Sample


I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

Offline AbbyJoyce

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Re: Dovah Sinka (Open&Accepting!)
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2014, 07:52:04 pm »

Princess Kyra Pottinger
"I'm stronger than you think."

Nicknames; Princess, Potti
Age; 17
Gender; Female
Description; A petite girl, with bright blue eyes.
Personality; Kyra is always displaying a high degree of leadership among her friends. Beautiful and chic, she was also very strong and determined, much like her mother, Queen Luna. She is extremely loyal and protective of her friends. She has a sensitive and loving nature. Despite having a confident exterior and high social prestige, underneath it all Kyra was very insecure, neurotic, and upset that she could never say the right thing to make guys fall for her. This tended to make her an overachiever at times, creating flaws and complexities in her character, leading to various matters that factor into her development as she overcomes them.
History; Born as the youngest of King Arthur and Queen Luna, Kyra always looked up to her elder brother. She was the wisest in all of Bridgestone as far as her parents were concerned. She was able to figure a problem within seconds. She contains knowledge of dozens of useless facts of everything and anything. Despite the fact that her brother is set to take throne and not her, she loves him no less.
Godly Connection; Mother is Snotra; Goddess of Wisdom
Relationships; Father-King Arthuer
Mother- Queen Luna
Brother- ??
Powers; Unlimited amount of wisdom, very skilled in combat and fast. Has the capability of using magic if she learned it.
Dragon Species; Dark Dragon
Flaws; -Kyra is terrified of electricity and lightening
-Kyra has ADHD
-Kyra passes out at the sight of too much blood.
Kiprife; A stubborn, sarcastic being. Mikey is rude but deep down is loyal to Kyra. He is brown.

"Quotes, song lyrics, etc."

Nicknames; Oni, Kaan
Gender; Male
Personality; Oni is incredibly disobedient, and like all Dragons very selfish and ungrateful, he is nonetheless quite attached to Kyra. He even has a usual sleeping place beneath Kyra's arm and across her lap when he is smaller. While he doesn't always listen, Oni always manages to come through in the end. Whenever Kyra is in trouble, he takes it upon himself to save his human. When Kyra struggles to train Oni, his disobedience causes Kyra's many attempts to fail, eventually forcing her to resort to pampering Oni. He proves himself to be a very capable fighter. Oni is very intelligent and seems to have a dry sense of humor. He doesn't take kindly to being offended or anyone offending or endangering his human friend but is usually playful, docile, maybe even a little teasing when not threatened. He also shows a great curiosity, imitating Kyra's actions and mannerisms often. He actually can get display a bit of an attitude. Oni clearly understands his own strength, and is not always humble about it. Kyra and Oni share an unrivaled bond of friendship with one another. He is protective, supporting, and caring towards his rider.
Species; Dark Dragon
Rider; Kyra Pottinger
Powers; Able to conjure a blue flame-like aura that decays the enemy, able to create a sonic charge that can destroy anything within 500 yards, etc.
Flaws- Using his powers drains his magic well, which is a defect some dragons are born with where they have a limited amount of magic that has to recharge, using it all can kill them
-Has a long scar across his lip due to an accident during hatching
-Sometimes has a clouded judgement
Fear- Worms

I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

Offline AbbyJoyce

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Re: Dovah Sinka (Open&Accepting!)
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2014, 09:38:00 pm »
(You may now post.! Also, feel free for anyone to be the prince, or Kyra's elder brother who will take the throne!)
I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

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Re: Dovah Sinka (Open&Accepting!)
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2014, 06:42:53 am »

Nathan Arthur Stone
"Listen to the silence, and learn from it."

Nicknames: Aurthur
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Description: A slim, tall 19 year old male with golden eyes. He has a strange black marking under his left eye, which he often covers with his dark brown hair. He is also seen to wear a lot of brown and black hoods.
Personality: Nathan is a perfect example of 'Don't judge a book by its cover'. Many people see him as dangerous, quiet, and mysterious. But behind that mask that the public has put on him, Nathan is one of the kindest people you'd ever know. He's naturally a quiter person, but not because he's shy or timid. He is just naturally not that talkative. Nathan had a big sense of humor, and occasionally cracks a few witty jokes. He is very articulate, and is able to talk his way out of almost any situation. Nathan is very intelligent, and often spends his free time reading any books he can get his hands on. Also, he is known to be a incredibly hard worker, and usually very generous. Nathan is naturally very gentle and loving to those he cares about. Unfortunately, most people will say he's dangerous, silent, and strange.
History: Never knew either of his parents, and was left on the doorstep of a young couple who owned a farm. They took him in and raised him well. The farm was a little ways off from the town, and on the edge of a forest. People always looked at Nathan funny whenever he went into town. As a small child, kids his age would hide from him whenever he came into town to do some errands. His mom said it was just because they weren't used to seeing such a unique marking. Kids his age would also like to pick on him and/or beat him up. He endured it, since he knew he had to be the better person. He grew up like this until he was 13, then people started to avoid him more. Nathan worked hard on his parents farm, helping tend for the animals and grow crops. As he grew, people became more fearful that he was dangerous. Townspeople would go out of their way to step out of his way. So he often made hoods to wear so nobody could see his face. Now he still lives with his parents, helping provide for them. He has also been secretly dabbling in magic in a barn in the farm ever since he found a magic spell book in his fathers room.
Godly Connection: Father is Thor ; God of lightning/thunder
Father- Thomas Stone
Mother- Elizabeth Stone
(Only can use once learned) Able to control lightning and thunder. Also able to use magic once learned.
Dragon Species: Light
-Bad up-close reading vision
-Strange marking on his face- making others avoid him
-Terribly afraid of Spiders
Kiprife: A talkative, sarcastic, yet helpful beast that often hits on women. Royal blue color.
Other: -


"All it takes it a spark"

Nicknames: Lux
Gender: Male
Personality: Luxor is a very obediant and loyal dragon, and is usually rather serious towards others. He is very wise, and incredibly protective. He can appear like a stick-in-the-mud at first, but can actually be a very big risk-taker. Luxor will do anything and everything to protect his rider, and feels bound to them in an inseparable way. He is also incredibly intelligent, and he knows it too. He often out smarts Nathan in any games they might play. When with Nathan, he is very kind and gentle, and incredibly playful. Luxor is also a naturally curious dragon, and often likes to explore and inspect things that are unfamiliar to him. Luxor had never and never will take kindly to anyone who insults or threatens Nathan in any way. He won't attack the person(unless instructed), but will usually intimidate them. Luxor is naturally very intimidating, and will normally scare the person half to death. Luxor usually does seen very serious at times, and can be a very stubborn being. However, will always have a big soft spot for his rider.
Species: Light Dragon
Rider: Nathan
Powers: The ability to control lightning, has a sonic roar, and several other powers
Description: A very slim, tall black and emerald dragon. His eyes are naturally golden like Nathan's, and he also has the same black marking under his left eye. If Nathan stood up tall, he reaches JUST below Luxor's shoulder. (Does not have the lightning pads on as shown in the pictures)
-Has two scars on his left hind leg from a tree branch when learning to fly
-Not the best sense of smell
-Occasionally selfish
Fear: Snakes

Roleplay Sample

A gentle midnight rain pattered on the dirt ground as Nathan silently walked across the farm. He reached a hand up and tugged on his hood to make sure it wouldn't fall. The soggy crunch of pebbles and hay creaked below him as he walked to the barn across his parents farm. His golden eyes seemed to shine in the dark of the night. As he finally reached the barn, the rain was dropping down a bit harder now. Giving a small grunt of effort, Nathan tugged on the barn door and slowly rolled it open enough for him to slip through. Nathan squeezed himself in and closed the door behind him, giving a sigh before turning around. A large beautiful creature lay on a small pile of hay, breathing heavy with sleep. As soon as Nathan shut the door, the dragons head was up and alert. "Hey, Lux," Nathan said with a small sigh, pushing his hood down to show his face. Luxor made a small growling sound, standing and slinkily walking towards Nathan. Nathan smiled and sat criss-cross on the ground. As soon as Luxor reached him he collapsed on the ground with his head on Nathan's lap. Giving a small chuckle, Nathan rubbed Luxor's head kindly. "Ready to go for a midnight ride, Lux?"
« Last Edit: August 19, 2014, 03:26:07 pm by Vask »

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Re: Dovah Sinka (Open&Accepting!)
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2014, 09:00:23 am »
I did this via mobile, so sorry if it's short, messed up, etc.

Aslaug Greene
"I may not look tough, but I can reassure you that I'm well-prepared for anything."

She likes people to refer to her as "As" (pronouced "ous"), though also responds towards "Greene".
Aslaug has short, choppy brown hair, which she cut herself. Her eyes are a soft brown color, though will sometimes appear hazel. Her face is a round heart-shape, giving her features a more feminine touch.
Aslaug has likes things to remain peaceful and non-hectic, though if things get out of hand, she's not scared to rough up some of those who don't listen to her - though, she'd rather use her mouth rather than her fists. She has a slight temper, though manages to keep it under control, most of the time. She's really gutsy, though doesn't show it too often. Being superficial, she'd seem simple and petite, often finding herself lost in her own mind.
Aslaug was born pretty normally,
Tyr - the god of hand-to-hand combat
She's very courageous and tends to worm her way into situations
* Her temper, though she manages it to keep it low
* She can often be found in a situation she doesn't mean to be
* Huge fear of any sharp object (i.e.: knife, needle, sword, etc.)
A quiet lime green one, whom is often the one to talk her out of doing something reckless

(Just without the front legs)

"If it's old, it doesn't mean it's junk!"

Only Aslaug can call him "Al", the others have to suffice with calling him by his name
Alistair is heavily stubborn and seems almost always displeased. He also has a temper, though one that can be remotely uncontrollable. He's loyal towards only Aslaug, often throwing others to the side. He can be considered "rude" and "cruel", though once you get passed his hard outer shell, he's a big softie. He's never exactly hurt anyone, excluding whiplash from his wings, tail, and/or neck, though will often try to intimidate anyone he even steps close to Aslaug without his permission - though, it's pretty tough to get through him.
Fire Wyvern
Often has smoke flowing through his nose or mouth, due to the flames he's able to ignite.
A soft crimson red color, with steel-cold amber eyes; more often than not, he has smoke or flames come out of his nose or mouth.
* He's a slow flyer
* Too stubborn to really do anything, even if Aslaug tries to help out
* Heavy temper which is hard to control
* He has to constantly keep the smoke out of his system, hence the smoke from his nose/mouth, or else it will catch in his lungs and he will die
* He can become overexcited, and will sometimes create a mess around him
Loud noises frighten him more than they should, especially if it's somewhere he can't see or hide from it.

The soft beat of a dragon's wings were heard from a distance, Aslaug could see the large, red cloud right in the sky. The fumes coming from his nose and mouth were obvious to the eyes, though became more noticable when he grew closer; a small package in the girl's hand made the dragon's intrest pique - quite obviously.
"Alistair," She called, beckoning him downwards. "I got you a present~" Once the dragon landed, with a loud Thud! and a huge gust of wind, he made his winged arms give a few flaps, his amber eyes wide. Alistair made a soft purr-like noise, laying on his stomach, waiting for her to open it for him.
He wasn't exactly happy with the "present" she gave him; a small ham. His tail swished sadly as he lowered his long neck onto the ground with a slight huff. "Oh, cheer up! It's still something new - not to mention, it's edible~"

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Re: Dovah Sinka (Open&Accepting!)
« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2014, 04:56:20 pm »

Alexys Melody Wright
"Sometimes it's better to stay quiet and smile to yourself. You're not the one doing wrong."

Nicknames; Alex, Al, Melody. Open to suggestions.
Age; 20 years old.
Gender; Female
Description; Alexys has medium-long very fair hair cascading down in soft curls that often fall into her eyes. She has very soft, but not rounded, features that give her a very angelic appearance. Her eyes are surprisingly green in contrast to her light hair, framed by thick-yet-light lashes and brows. She has a very pale complexion, but often holds a rosy glow on her cheeks. She wears a faded green dress accompanied by a black robe to keep warm.

Personality; Possibly one of the sweetest and kindest of people you will ever meet, Alexys is viewed as perfect by some and even too perfect by others at first glance. Her manners are impeccable when around strangers of a higher rank. She looks for the good in everyone, often being able to find it. Her gentle impressions cause people to be easily deceived and most have come to believe that this girl is vulnerable. She can be naive, something that others use to their advantage quite a lot. What they don't know, however, is Melody underneath her pleases and thank yous.

When around those she trusts, Alex is chatty and quite funny when she wants to be. She has an incredible strength of will, her determination verging on stubbornness. Despite being so sweet, her high intelligence aids her in using sharp remarks only if needed. She is not always quick to apologise justified or not and isn't quick to forgive. Above all, Alexys is extremely loyal and will die for those she loves no matter what.

Godly Connection; Freyja, Goddess of war and beauty.

Father- Gerard Wright, deceased.

- She is extremely agile and has above-average speed.
- Alex has the ability to hypnotise a person with her eyes when she wants to, she can only use once learned.
- She has the ability to use magic if learned.

Dragon Species; Wind

- She is afraid of any type of open water.
- Alex is very easy to trick.
- She has got a scary temper if one crosses the line, but it is rarely seen

Kiprife; A deep purple, almost black, creature that only talks to Alex. Thomas is very cheeky and shy.
Other; N/A

"It's only an offence if you get caught doing it."

Nicknames; Ky. Not very open to suggestions, but will answer to nicknames.
Gender; Female.
Personality; The complete opposite of her companion, Kyna is seen as intimidating, daring and even crazy by most others. Her love for fun is endless and she enjoys making people laugh and laughing herself. Her optimistic attitude is something most grow fond of, but to some is annoyingly unnecessary. She isn't afraid to put out her opinion, so would rather speak the truth and hurt someone than tell lies to avoid that. She is extremely protective over Alexys, willing to use her class against someone that lays a finger on her.

Species; Wind Dragon
Rider; Alexys Wright.
Powers; Extreme skills is fast-flying and agility. Her scales can also vary different shades of blue to match the colour of the sky in order for her to blend in.

Description; Usually deep ocean-blue in colour, green eyes that match Alex's and beautiful strong wings. Kyna's claws are long and abnormally razor-sharp, something she likes to use to her advantage.
- Often lets her pride get in the way of things.
- Has a habit of saying the worst of things at the worst of times.
- A rip in one of her ears damaging her hearing only slightly.

Fear; Dark, enclosed spaces. Only Alex knows about it.
Other; N/A

Roleplay Sample;
The sun was low, casting streaks of different shades of orange and pink across the sky. Alexys always loved sunsets. They promised a crisp new morning and a beautiful night. She sat, leaning on her elbows, on top of a small hill that provided her with a great view of the landscape. Ky's head rested on her shoulder, enough for it to be comfy, but not too much as to weigh her down. Alex was savouring the fact that this was one of the rare times that Kyna was willing to lie still and let her companion rest. That time seemed to be over. Ky was pushing her head against Alex's cheek, pushing her over onto her side. "Alright, alright, you oversized lizard." She chuckled, jumping up off of the ground and brushing the dirt and grass from her robe. "Let's go for a ride."
« Last Edit: August 24, 2014, 08:24:45 am by Sherlolly »
;;I'm so sorry for my recent unexplained absence. It hasn't been a good year for me so far, but I'd like to say that I'm back for good now;;

If you need any help around the forums, feel free to PM me :3

Offline AbbyJoyce

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Re: Dovah Sinka (Open&Accepting!)
« Reply #6 on: August 19, 2014, 09:57:23 pm »
(All accepted so far, I'll allow Sherlolly to finish before we begin!)
I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

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Re: Dovah Sinka (Open&Accepting!)
« Reply #7 on: August 20, 2014, 10:43:47 pm »
(We will wait an hour or two more before we begin if sherlolly doesn't finish by then, than she can finish and begin when she is ready.(: )
I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

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Re: Dovah Sinka (Open&Accepting!)
« Reply #8 on: August 21, 2014, 03:34:57 pm »
This Rp looks so detailed! >.<
At first I was like: "I will join this Rp later, when I get to PC."
After that, I was like: "Nah...."
Now here I am! xD ))


Prince Leon Pottinger

"Think before doing anything."


Leo, Lion, Charming.


22 Y/O




A healthy and strong guy, with greenish blue eyes.


Leon, at first might look just a minare guy, but actually, he is kind of a loyal and great friend.
Like said, "If you betray me, I betray you. But it depends on the betrayiel type."
All the girls might fall out and get all crazy from him, but actually, he doesn't just fall for one girl he sees, unless he thinks he likes her.
Being an elder brother and the one to the throne, Leon, actually doesn't really care about it much, but what he does care is, about his family and friends.


Being born the first, Leon, took on much of responcebility as he grew up with his little sister.
His father knew he was the one to take on the throne and of course, Leon, gave out the sight of the leadership men. His father was impressed by both of his children, but sadly, Leon's mother haven't took much of attention to him, other then his sister.
At first, he though he done something wrong, but then he reliezed that his mother wanted more of a first born girl, then a boy.
Of cours, Leon, didn't put in much of hope for his mother, but he still tries to do his best, just to try and cheer his mother up, after all these years.

Godly Connection (Which god is your parent and what are they the god of)

Mousai - was the goddesses of music, song and dance, and the source of inspiration to poets. They were also goddesses of knowledge, who remembered all things that had come to pass.

Relationships (friends, family, etc)

Connection~ Mother~ Queen Luna ~ Father~ Father-King Arthuer ~ Sister~ Princess Kyra Pottinger

Powers (Try to relate them to your parent)

He is known to have a leadership men, (as the king would have) and is also known to be gifted with the knowledge power.

Dragon Species

Light Dragon

Flaws (Every person has atleast 3 flaws whether it be disease, physical, or mental)

Leon, doesn't like very crowded places, but like 30-40 people are okay, unless 50.
He just sometimes hates sounds and wishes to be left alone, no matter what.


A loyal and fearsom creatur. His name is~ Rimford.


Dragons name


"Mercy is shown by great honnour. But can also be shown by the evil itself."


Barrel, Rion, Bale, Bareli.




Bale, can be cocky at times, but when it comes to thinking what to do. He is the best at it!
Bale, is a representive of his rider, but has it's own way of solving problems.
He is known to be the best lightining shooter, in other words said, the best electricity wielder.
While, he is impressed by his powers, he is more likely to impress others at times, but can also be a very good destroyer of things.
At first, he might look dangerous and scary, but when you get to know him, he is a pretty good friend.
If Bale, sees that you are the enemy of Leon, he will attack you when gotten the chance.


Light Dragon


Prince Leon  Pottinger


Can summon all the powerful lightnings when in need. But when simply just showing off to someone he likes, he only shoots simple lightning.


Bale, is a dark coloured male dragon, with blue sightings passing true his body, as seen in the picture of his full grown form.
His eyes from the hatch time, is seen to have a gold eyesight, but when he grows up, he will give out a small sight of his golden eyes, with a slightly brown colour.

Flaws (Yes, even dragons have flaws)

When in contact with water, he cannot use his lightning powers for an hour.

Fear (Every dragon is brave but has only one main fear)

Bale, is terrified of water.



Roleplay Sample

The prince was walking down the hall way, as he noticed something strange. He heard voices. A lot of voices. He was getting intence, until he walked closer and looked with his one eyes to see what was going on.
As usual, if something new and special happened, his father always ended up making a feast.
He huffed and turned to start walking away. He needed some time alone, he hated crowed places, it gave him off some unpleasent feelings.
Arriving at his room, Leon, opened the door to the balcony, and entered it. He observed the light that was given away by the people of Azerate Kingdom dwell. He placed his hands behinde his back and closed his eyes, as he was breathing in and out the calm wind.
He felt that like some part of him was missing, but what?
Was it about his mother not giving attention to him, or was it something else? If it was, what exacly was it?
He thinked a little, before his questioned was blown away, as the wind blew pass him. He shivered and turned to walk back to his room.
It was night of course, and he neded to rest his muscles if his father was to give him some lessons about ruling. He huffed.
Being reddy to sleep, Leon, lyied down in his bed and closed his eyes.

(About the Azureta, I made it up. Yes, I know it is called something else, but I was just too lazy to try and find it. xD Lol.
Sorry, for the lame RP Sample, I'm not a very good RPer with human's. But hey! At least I'm learning. ;) )
« Last Edit: August 22, 2014, 12:57:03 pm by TinyTail »

Profile picture by me! ^.^

Offline AbbyJoyce

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Re: Dovah Sinka (Open&Accepting!)
« Reply #9 on: August 22, 2014, 12:15:27 pm »
(I will begin with a post this tomorrow due to work, school, and dance. Sherlolly is accepted, and tiny tail I like it so far!)
I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.