Author Topic: Life story #1  (Read 1593 times)

Offline Sunpaw

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Life story #1
« on: October 02, 2011, 05:56:35 am »
Yes, this happened in real life, the narrator is me. Well here we go, enjoy my crummy little story lol. :3

What else could I do? I only sat there, my face grew hotter with every second, though I kept a straight face. I refused to give them the pleasure they desired so badly, they were only trying to get to me and make me snap. I sat there, I could see just out of the corner of my eye, the sick morons staring right through me with their smug faces, snickering and cackling like little children who had just received a bucket full of sweet candy. That's what all this was to them. Candy. A treat for them, but torture for me. I kept trying to push the horrible thoughts away, the thoughts that were rapidly flooding my mind. Horrible thoughts, thoughts so dreadful, so depressing, thoughts that haunted me everyday. I found myself staring off at the table, lost in thought as usual, reviewing how my day had been so far. I shook my head a little bit. I was trying to keep myself awake, but recently I had just been feeling so distant from the rest of the world. I felt dazed slightly, all the time, even though I had slept well the past few days. Could this be the reason why stress and added pressure from my peers be causing the strange feeling I had in my head? My eyes felt like they needed a good rest. Once again I managed to catch myself from becoming totally lost, I shifted my attention back to my sketchbook. After a few minutes of scribbling, a happy type personality girl came up to where I sat. So sweet and innocent, she looked so nice, so harmless with her bright cheery eyes. The calm tone in her voice and the way she had almost a laugh that went along with the words that came from her mouth. Surely she wouldn't stare at me with disgust and annoyance the way most people did whenever they gazed at me. She peeked over my shoulders and I became uneasy as usual. "So. Watcha' drawin' there?" she finally spoke up and said. I emitted a short, quiet sigh before responding , "I dunno. I just got bored. Started sketchin'." I waited for her to reply. She did reply. She replied with a different tone in her voice this time, sounding as if she was having a conversation with a five year old child who lacked the ability to comprehend the slightest thing that a toddler could easily accomplish. "Really?" She giggled, giggling in some girly-girl type giggle. I wanted to cover my ears and just be left in peace. "Yes. Really." My voice was still steady, still tired sounding. The brown haired, freckle faced girl continued to stare at my paper, and a grin spread slowly across her round face. I closed my eyes for a second, wanting her to just go away, but I jerked a little bit after getting the sensation of falling. I didn't dare move my head, I didn't dare move one little bit and hint my frustration. I saw the other girls behind her with their red uniforms. The typical average "preps". I saw them gaze at me with wide eyes, waiting for something interesting to happen. What were they waiting for? For me to snap? For me to lose it right then and there and get up and walk to a different location? I didn't know. I switched my attention back to the girl who had been questioning me. "Uhm..." I didn't know what to say, though I searched for the right words. Seconds seemed to be minutes, and finally she spoke up again after quickly visiting the girls behind her. "So what exactly is it? Let me guess it's a wolf!" She said. I let out a gust of air through my nostrils, a sure sign of me becoming agitated. Why do people always assume I am drawing a wolf? Is it so wrong to like wolves? Why do people insist on labeling me something that I am not no matter how many times I state it. I wanted to let my anger out, I wanted to turn and yell out the harshest words I had to offer to someone, but I fortunately stopped myself before I did. I couldn't say anything stern to her, after all she was just curious and searching for answers, I might as well answer her several questions. "No, it's not a wolf. I draw more than just wolves, y'know?" I said, my facial expression still unchanged. "Then what is it?" She pressed on with the same question as before. "I have no idea, honestly. Half of what I draw I have no idea what on earth it is. Let's just say it's a combination of a camel,horse,moose,and rhino being ridden by a monkey while spirit wolves run alongside it accompanying it on the hunt for a Russian boar. Will that work?" My eyes widened, I was starting to become even more irritated as I heard people in the background scoot around and murmur to the people around them. "I wanna see!" Exclaimed another girl who sat not too far from where I was. I closed my sketchbook and put my pens and pencils away, I wanted people to just leave me alone and quit questioning me. Sadly the brown haired freckle face girl managed to catch a glimpse of what I was scribbling. "Is that a wolf?" she said. I didn't respond. Yet another person came strutting up to us. "You're that girl that likes wolves right?" I sat there, I took in a deep breath and let out a loud sigh. Stupid questions don't deserve answers, especially when they already know exactly what the answer is. I liked wolves, no doubt about it. People seem to find issues with that, and have to find fault in everything and everyone. No one is perfect in my opinion, and people need to learn to be accepting of others. I layed my head down on the desk, closed my eyes, and felt bliss as I finally allowed my mind to take over and dart around from image to image, thought to thought, and the falling sensation finally ended as I slipped slowly into a much needed sleep. My eyes flashed open, there goes the second bell. I groan. In a sarcastic tone I say under my breath, "This is gonna be one lovely day, I can already tell."
-Insert clever signature that most likely includes an overused quote that everyone has heard on YouTube-