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Topics - TheGrimHarvester

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Game Suggestions & Ideas / Copy and pasting in FH and Saving Movies
« on: August 24, 2019, 10:54:53 pm »
I think the title explains itself for the first part, but if not;
Copying and pasting things from your clipboard into chat, bio's, etc. Everything, really. Whenever someone wants to join my roleplay group and ask for the lore, I have to type it all out, which is just annoying when I could be pasting it in- especially when they leave mid-typing... Movie makers could paste their speech dialogue in, so it's always the same and they don't have to type it out. Some people like to write roleplay posts on other websites and then paste them in case something happens, but you can't in FH. You can't send links to others (links to discords, sites, etc. for roleplays) nor copy and paste them into your browser. I'm sure there are plenty of more reasons why this would benefit a good number of players. Not being able to copy and paste into things was always annoying for me.

Saving movies; saving all your settings on a movie you made. From the speech dialogue to the emotes. Everything. Not too game-changing, just a convenience.

Thanks for probably wasting your time reading this. x)

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