Author Topic: My characters.  (Read 1598 times)

Offline nerozero

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My characters.
« on: July 16, 2011, 08:54:16 pm »


Gender: Male
Age: 3 years
Orientation: Bisexual
Partner: N/A (Not looking for)
Species: Lion Hybritd
Parents: Deceased (He killed them)

Biography: Zero was born without a pride or group just some deconds after his older brother Nero (See next Bio). His parents were curious at his pelt and markings when he born. His father, Rathen, and mother, Nithasha, were almost all white. After all, it didnt matter too mutch for them. Zero was an cute little cub that grew to an curious young lion. His parents were getting more and more curious and sometimes also worried. Zero was too active, and always cold hearted. When he were 7 months old, he decided to take his first hunt. His parents agreeded and he ran away to the plains to catch something. Zero met 2 young lions aswell, that sayd they were kicked out of an stupid pride. Zero was curious and began to hang out with them. After some weeks he began to be more and more cold, freaky and strong. After a year he created his own pride. He was the leader, his old friends his soldiers and Zeros parents simple elders, even if they were still able to hunt and protect. Zero was too mean, cold and didnt mean too mutch about his parents like if they were wind. He began to hate his bother that was always distant, and he were jealous. Zero was always bad seen, at least he tought that. Nero got a nicer pelt. But Zero as too proud. After some months, zeros pride was attacked by another pride. But it was worsest when he discovered that his old friends, were in real spyes. They were part of the other pride. Zero were really bad hurt by the pride. He got blind in the fight with an large scar on his face. The pride left him almost dead. He was so angry and mad at everyone that when his parents, already weak and old, came to help him, he with his last power, attacked them and killed them. Blinded by the anger and the attack. He ran away to the nearest forest where he met accidently an kind of shaman lion. That lion asked him if he would like to see again. Of course he accepted, but the priece was his own body. After some kind of ritual, Zero were again able to see, of course. But just when it was dark. At the day light he were still almost blind. His eyes worked perfectly in the darkest dark. Any animal were able to see better as him. Also, his body were looking a little different. With an large 2m long furred tail, long ears and black mouth instead of pinkish, he turned into a beast. Seeking out for revenge and the wish of killing his older brother also. Zero became an assasin, cold hearted, killing everything on his way.