Author Topic: "Beautiful" Characters: Everyone Has Different Tastes  (Read 22127 times)

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Re: "Beautiful" Characters: Everyone Has Different Tastes
« Reply #30 on: April 19, 2013, 04:30:03 pm »
Hugrf your chara is beautiful. How dare someone call you a giant blue easter bunny thing, I toataly adore that <33 Its down right adorable. And yes, Like many of the other people including myself have said that everyone has there own creations and people should learn to love others creativity once in a while *Huggles*

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Re: "Beautiful" Characters: Everyone Has Different Tastes
« Reply #31 on: April 19, 2013, 09:02:01 pm »
I really do love the designs of all your characters ^^ Kamaria really ain't beautiful to other people, especially who I rp with because of how her personality is dark and even a bit suicidal. But in OOC chat when you call someone's character "ugly" or "Gross" that's just plain rude.  And my earlier post:

Sometimes a character's appearance annoys me, but that's mostly when people have pink and blue characters named "WhateverKiarasDaughter" or etc. I find my character Kamaria to be pretty, but I can tell others don't. It's her own personality that's mixed in with her design.

While other people in OOC chat have different personalities, they may judge a character on how they feel it is. I, for example, might think a pink wolf is not very pretty. I don't like very unrealistic characters so much. And if the pink person saw my lions, they might think they're ugly because of their realism. It's still not a good idea to fight and yell at people because of their character, and it's just childish to fight over who's the prettiest.

I have yet to see someone with "hot" or "pretty" in their name, if you don't count people goofing off and naming a random neon character "PURDY PUPPY!" and trolling the mate center XD

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Re: "Beautiful" Characters: Everyone Has Different Tastes
« Reply #32 on: April 19, 2013, 10:18:04 pm »
I think your blue charra is wonderful. I was stunned when I saw the screenie. Everyone has an opinion, but bashing others for their style is just rude. Keep it to yourself.

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Re: "Beautiful" Characters: Everyone Has Different Tastes
« Reply #33 on: April 23, 2013, 09:29:12 pm »
I think the Posidon lion looks neat. He definatly looks like he is the god of the sea... and horses. ((Yes, in Greek mythology Posidon a.k.a Neptune was the god of the sea and horse. Not sea horses, but horses. How? I don't know, ask the Greeks.))
But anyway, I think he looks nice. He doesn't look like a big blue winged bunny to me.

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Re: "Beautiful" Characters: Everyone Has Different Tastes
« Reply #34 on: April 24, 2013, 01:47:59 pm »
I agree. Also, why do people say do they like somebody or not? If you like other mane or markings you don't have to be like:"OMG U SO UGLY! O.O". That's very mean if you ask me. ono So people, calm down and just continue. I only had problems when somebody enters RP with wrong size or color. Usually apperance is importnant for some RPs, so I tell them ~nice~. By the way, I usually like black characters, I don't know why. ^.^ I'm not the person that likes bright and colourfull that much sometimes. o3o'
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Re: "Beautiful" Characters: Everyone Has Different Tastes
« Reply #35 on: April 24, 2013, 02:54:53 pm »
I kind of like seeing different peoples' taste in character design- even if I'm not personally as fond of some colour combinations/markings as others, it leads to variety and makes things interesting. I've definitely gotten some very interesting and varied responses to Newton and his lavender eyeshadow look, though (he's in the sig).

One thing I'm sort of surprised hasn't come up is head proportions and manes/bangs. There seem to be a lot of very strong opinions about that. I have characters that have been called straight-up ugly a surprising number of times just because they don't have minimized chins/nose bridges. It's a similar deal with manes... I personally don't put bangs on characters (with the exception of lion manes) and more than once have been told that they would 'look better' if I did. And then there was one particularly interesting occasion where I was on a male leopard-like character, and a tiger with a half-mane came up and started RPing under the assumption I was female. I explained I wasn't (hapens a lot anyway, I tend to have fairly androgynous-looking characters), and he told me, as if informing me that I was breaking a rule, that all male characters had to have manes (he did say 'have to'). We had a slightly strange conversation where I tried to explain that I personally didn't like putting manes and hair on characters and everyone's entitled to design characters the way they like, and they kept insisting that all males look bad without manes and I needed to change it, and after a minute or so I jut walked away. XD

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Re: "Beautiful" Characters: Everyone Has Different Tastes
« Reply #36 on: April 25, 2013, 12:23:43 am »
One thing I'm sort of surprised hasn't come up is head proportions and manes/bangs.
Wow.. That's a good point, actually.
Regarding manes, I generally don't see any problems with bangs or whatnot, even on wolves (which most of my wolves have them) and traditionally non-maned characters.
I even have a female leopard who has a half-mane-- and, she kinda looks cute with it, I think. ^^ It's really all in your personal style. While an exception could be made for some 'realistic' roleplays, I've never had a problem with that.

As for head proportions, I've really been fine with any combination, although the muzzles have always been something I kinda tilt my head at.
It happens in canines and felines alike, but I often see people running around with maxed-out muzzles, which almost makes their head look like it's 65% muzzle, and 35% head, in my eyes. While I do appreciate all characters, and everyone's personal style, I have always wondered about that one. It usually occurs on 'scary characters', where the thinking must be along the lines of "Well, if the muzzle is biggest, my character will have more teeth, and be wayyy scarier than anybody that would try to mess with me."
Which, I know that's an exaggeration, but that's one thing I really have to look close to see the artistry behind. What's the appeal of it, if anyone can enlighten me? c:

As far as maxing out head proportions, I do usually max out the eye size, however. While it's usually on my wolves, I will occasionally do this on my felines as well, since I've always adored the eyes on characters, and I love them to be kind of the 'main show', in a way. It's almost like 'anime eyes', where they're just huge and cute and... That stuff. <3
« Last Edit: April 25, 2013, 12:27:57 am by WhiteLightHeart »
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Offline Tearless

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Re: "Beautiful" Characters: Everyone Has Different Tastes
« Reply #37 on: April 25, 2013, 03:06:57 am »
I've always thought the bigger muzzles on 'evil' or 'scary' characters are largely because of Disney. They stick to a pretty consistent and specific set of rules when designing their characters' facial proportions (take away ears/clothing/accesories and every cute character looks pretty much the same- not that that's necessarily a bad thing; it works). And as a result a lot of their evil animals, especially in The Lion King and Balto, which a lot of FH character designs take inspiration from, have big muzzles:

I mean, his nose along is bigger than his forehead. He should have been able to find Simba alive in the wilderness just by smelling him out. XD

I could be wrong, but that's what I assumed to be the case.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2013, 03:08:34 am by Tearless »

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Re: "Beautiful" Characters: Everyone Has Different Tastes
« Reply #38 on: April 26, 2013, 10:34:41 pm »
Being an artist and a character designer, I do tend to obsess over which colours look nice and subtle with each other, which markings make sense for the character, etc.
I'm afraid I do have a terrible habit of instantly judging a character if it has two colours that don't go together/markings that don't compliment each other/too many items... D: of course if the character is in my group or is a friend of my friend and we happen to be hanging out, I might change my opinion of them if their personality is well thought out and has a little depth to it. The tiniest things throw me off liking a character design however, it could be something as small as having the slightly "wrong" shade as an above-eye colour which doesn't quite fit with the pelt.
I dunno. I realise that I do pay a ridiculous amount of attention to tiny details like that, whereas a lot of other people might not give it a second(or maybe even a first) thought. While designing a character, I always spend the most time on colours, making sure they're just right because I know if I got that wrong I would go mad over it.

Wait a sec...that whole thing was just me calling myself out as a bit of a judgemental ho...this is awkward. I shall go back to my hidey-hole and draw now. Don't mind me. O3O
OH! Last teeny thing that always gets me: any character with a bright red/pink nose that doesn't match the rest of their pelt. *shudders*

Ok I'm done. Please don't hate me.

Offline WhiteLightHeart

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Re: "Beautiful" Characters: Everyone Has Different Tastes
« Reply #39 on: April 26, 2013, 11:01:51 pm »
Being an artist and a character designer, I do tend to obsess over which colours look nice and subtle with each other, which markings make sense for the character, etc.
I'm afraid I do have a terrible habit of instantly judging a character if it has two colours that don't go together/markings that don't compliment each other/too many items... D: of course if the character is in my group or is a friend of my friend and we happen to be hanging out, I might change my opinion of them if their personality is well thought out and has a little depth to it. The tiniest things throw me off liking a character design however, it could be something as small as having the slightly "wrong" shade as an above-eye colour which doesn't quite fit with the pelt.
I dunno. I realise that I do pay a ridiculous amount of attention to tiny details like that, whereas a lot of other people might not give it a second(or maybe even a first) thought. While designing a character, I always spend the most time on colours, making sure they're just right because I know if I got that wrong I would go mad over it.

Wait a sec...that whole thing was just me calling myself out as a bit of a judgemental ho...this is awkward. I shall go back to my hidey-hole and draw now. Don't mind me. O3O
OH! Last teeny thing that always gets me: any character with a bright red/pink nose that doesn't match the rest of their pelt. *shudders*

Ok I'm done. Please don't hate me.
Nuh, we don't hate you, floof. xD As Lady said, everybody's got their own taste in characters, and I too obsess over my characters' colors when I'm creating them. Usually, I end up revamping my characters 2-3 times after I first play them in-game before I feel it's 'perfect'. So I get that.

But, the way I look at it, I just think of flowers in a field-- there are SO many colors during some seasons, and when placed side by side, some might think certain colors don't go together just right. However, in nature, there are more color combinations than we could ever imagine, but it's still beautiful. I figure that's one of the best ways to appreciate others' ideas for character coloration. :3

@Tearless, that's brilliant, actually. I'd never even thought of that... But, it makes sense. Scar's design is a bit caricatured, so I could see someone modeling their character with such a large muzzle for that reason.
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