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Messages - Fearlesswolf

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Game Discussion / Re: Mate Centers
« on: July 07, 2015, 02:45:33 am »
Oh my lord xD I dont know where to begin.

Since I am indeed a feline RolePlayer and hardly use my canine accounts, I havent had pne on one experiences with the 'Mate Centers.' But there arw some things Ive noticed when sitting around Bonfire.

I agree 100% with what everyone has said so far. Looks are judged, which is sad; yes I get you want a "beautiful mate," but inside you dont know what he/she is like.

Another thing I dislike about the Mate Centers ; someone doesnt get picked, no one steps forward and no intrest is shown. How do you think that player is feeling? Invisable. I find the responses of the MC's rude- always saying things like "Next time!"and So sorry! Next up is [name]!" Dont get me wrong, I have seen many Mate Centers with more courtasy than that, but they're rare. There's also the fact that you are sitting with players you do not know nor have you talked to, expecting to have some come up and fall in love with your character. It doesnt make sense to me.

So, to summarise:  Dont go to a Mate Center expecting to get one. The chances are a lot smaller than you think. You may get a mate, bit it might be hard to maintain the realationship because how little you know about each other.

Game Discussion / TKL RolePlayers?
« on: July 03, 2015, 04:56:10 pm »
Hey guys! c: TLK roleplayers; we've all seen them. What are your opinions and experiences with them?

To be completely honest, I enjoy seeing the TLK roleplayers. Yes, it can get dramatic. Espcially when theres a Scar and Simba there. Those who take part in the TLK RPs not only get Roleplay experince but meet some of their closest friends there. I myself have found myself playing as Scar lately and creating a pride, but thats not what this is about. Yes, it can get annoying when you're sitting around trying to talk and you can't becuse the extreme amount of posts that are flying through your chat. But it's all good fun, right? ^-^ Personally, I look at the TLK Roleplayers as a tight bunch of players that is growing daily. They don't care if you have the same character and will come over and talk with you.

I've had a blast Roleplaying with them; Ive met soooo many amazing Roleplayers and overall people because I decided to create a Scar character. Sometimes, the drama can get a little out of control but it fixes itself gradually.

So, whats your opinions? Experiences etc etc? Cant wait to hear back from you guys!

Ask Me / Re: Ask Avy c:
« on: July 02, 2015, 08:05:35 pm »
1. No, but I plan too.

2. Spaghetti c:

3. Sprimp all the way.

4. Hmmm. Would name you .... thats difficult... Emerald o_o i dont even know xc

5. Food is my favorite food c: Avy loves food.

6. Monster c:

Ask Me / Ask Avy c:
« on: July 02, 2015, 05:20:50 pm »
Hii c:

Ask away! I'll try to respond as soon as I can! :3

Introduction / Re: I'm New Here!
« on: June 30, 2015, 11:44:12 am »
Welcome to the game!

The registration waiting can be a little annoying, but it pays off! Cant give up; one day it'll be open and you'll get an account c:

Anywho, welcome, welcome! Enjoy your time here!

Introduction / Re: New (shy) Member!!
« on: June 30, 2015, 03:41:59 am »
Welcome to the game!

There are, just like the others stated above, tons of people who will be willing to Role-Play with you! (Including myself) Just jump into an ongoing RP and they"ll include you as best they can.Dont worry, you wont be alone for very long. c:

Hope to see you in-game!

Discussion Board / Re: Favorite Youtuber?
« on: June 30, 2015, 03:22:03 am »
Hmm... Difficult question...

Pewdiepie for sure; I also find myself watching Tosken, SideStraf, and Jenna Marbles.

Hmm.. Creepiest thing that has happened to me...

I was sitting in Bofire at the "Pridelands" as it is called. I was on my main character Avalon (like always), just talking to someone. Mind you, this was after a Role-Play.

Out of the blue I get a friend request and decided to accept it. Next thing I know, this neon lion is in front of me. I greet him and he says "I love your nosehair."

Its not that creepy I guess; just weirded me out.

Introduction / Newish Member
« on: June 30, 2015, 12:28:40 am »
Hello, hello 8D.

I've been playing FeralHeart for a couple years now but never posted here.

Soo, Im "Fearlesswolf" - I'm usually at Bonfire under the name "Avalon." I do RolePlay when asked.

Out of character, I'm a Fantasy Author (though i have yet to be published) and i spend my freetime outside doing Parkour.

So, yeah, that's it. I can't wait to meet more players. (Dont know what else to put)

Other Games / Re: Atri'Mori, new Wolf MMORPG in progress!
« on: August 28, 2013, 08:05:45 pm »

Sounds interesting!! I would love to help out, unfortunately, I am far to busy! I wish you the best of luck with the game!! I can't wait for it to be released as I am interested in playing it!

Good luck!!!  :D

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