« on: September 28, 2018, 07:45:42 am »
In theory an old, really big, empty map with some glitchy rock slabs could be added for people to roleplay in, but if it's not a plain copy of an old map like Fluorite plains(with some potential sparkles) on top of it, no one would care for it in the same way as an old Fluorite plains would, even if you used the same textures or same objects. There would be no "new" place like stone bridge unless it was a copy of that too, and with all the newer maps in the game now and how they are laid out I'm not sure people would be willing to run that far and truly start populating those areas again.
There is no point in making two different FH worlds one old and unmodified and one new, and have two copies of something like lonely cave when one of them is visually a disaster and bring nothing worthwhile to the game, truly the only purpose lonely cave was made to begin with was to move the spawn out of the old Bonfire Island and get people to split out a bit more to other maps, south pole really just appear like a last minute effort, and even when it was new people thought it was a complete disappointment, but people grew to like it since it was the only real snow map in the game for all those years.
It truly is a problem that there were no true standard for maps back then, and that the game had to go for so long without any proper updates to them, left a lot of people shocked from change that should've been good. It's an amusing thought if FH would've had these new maps from day one, and then instead get scrapped and get all the old ones as an "update", I doubt it would've had anywhere near a good reception and I'm sure people know this even if they might not feel it in their hearts.
There's a small more functional obstacle too, that could be worth mentioning even though it has been posted in the past. The old maps were made with old object groups thrown together in haste with what I could assume being the actual game creator himself, these are object names that are not compatible well with the new ones I put together myself that is used for mapping and that you guys can even use yourself in the map maker(the way it should've been from the start), importing the old maps they probably would either not have all the objects or they wouldn't be placed correctly or interfere with names of the new ones, which essentially means you'd need to re-decorate them, and in that case you might as well make a better map as a whole.
There's a second thing to, and that is that all maps had no thought of actual location to them or where the destination was. You ran through portals and gates and it never faced you in the right direction, there were no sense of heading or where you were going. Minimap was not used properly, and really it was just random worlds connected by some black portals, not an actual world you ran through like it is now. If you head east, you end up east, if you go north, you end up north, that was not the case before. If these old maps were added that would also need to be taken into account, and somehow in a frankenstein creation way placed inside to make sense with the rest, not to mention how every single map except ficho or last cave, being caves, had super visible "invisible" walls where the world ended just like it was flat, or you could see the ground get cut off into nothingness, all the maps present now have some sort of distant landscape to cut of the maps and hills around them to give some sort of sense of a world for a player running through, but it also has the effect of feeling small, even though they are sometimes much bigger than their counter parts(with an exception of fluorite plains).
A snow map was always planned from the starting gate for the patch, same thing goes for climbing maps like AI as well, it just that time started to really tick and instead of throwing out rushed or empty maps it was put on hold until a future update that sadly has taken staff a lot longer than I at least intended it for. It's just that the design was really a seamless world that slowly changed in look to colder or different climates instead of a random teleport to a random universe every time you went through a gate like in the old game, to give a sense of travel and exploration. I'm sad to see we still haven't managed to get people that, just as well as I'm still longing for an actual Savannah map that was planned as well to be released in a future patch.
At most I could see to see a re-worked version of something like FP as a throwback to old times with maybe some iconic locations like a stone bridge in it, but then it wouldn't truly be FP. But there's no use throwing in an old map like that unless it had the same old spotlight like it did in the old game, where most maps were quite empty and the layout of the world didn't have much paths for exploration.
There's many reasons why some of the old maps never made it into the the patch that happened many years ago, and it always haunted the update that it didn't hold the same nostalgia. From a technical standpoint I have personally no issues with bigger maps, snow maps, maps looking like FP or based on ideas around the old ones, but they were empty, had little to no detail and connected in a broken way along with disorganized object groups that just added extra clutter to bring with the new clean game. The biggest problem I really feel now with the new game is The grounds and how possibly I should've made it more simple and made in such a way that people don't want to sit right next to the portal, and instead more flat space in the middle to appear more like old bonfire. And appeal to that kind of playerbase.
It could be worth to bring back some features that people really liked or remember, but certainly not whole maps similar to what it was.