Author Topic: Fixed Registration Times + Maybe the Return of General  (Read 14101 times)


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Re: Fixed Registration Times + Maybe the Return of General
« Reply #30 on: September 28, 2018, 07:45:39 pm »
I’d have to agree with Azura. Nowadays we have roughly 200-300 in the community, and I feel general chat would be a lot easier to manage.

Perhaps it would be more helpful if you assigned a certain few to watch the chat to make sure it doesn’t get out of hand. Perhaps setting a limit to how many posts people can make in general chat in a certain amount of time could also help with that. Nowadays, it’ll be easier to manage. However, opening registration could probably raise our member count and general could get a bit hectic, but it doesn’t hurt to do it!

Regardless if we had it back or not the same issues will arise with people miss-using Gen again, there may be 200-300 but what if we start getting more members and maybe 800 a day, it will not work and it's impossible to manage all that on multiple maps- the only outcome i can see it working is if we have a timer on the chat, which I don't know is possible to implement.

That’s true to say the least. It’s like having one or the other, because it’s nearly impossible to have both. I’m unsure if a timer could be implemented into the chat, but there has to be one sort of solution, aye? I’m sure we’d figure it out.

I would enjoy having registration be similar to Flight Rising. However, I know a lot of players are often turned away by the login page. For me, as well, I struggle a lot with it and it’s an added nuisance when trying to play. Maybe removing it would do players some good?
As for general chat, if it was kept, a timer or a limit on how many posts go in per minute or two would really help cut back on general chat spam.


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Re: Fixed Registration Times + Maybe the Return of General
« Reply #31 on: September 28, 2018, 07:56:37 pm »
That’s true to say the least. It’s like having one or the other, because it’s nearly impossible to have both. I’m unsure if a timer could be implemented into the chat, but there has to be one sort of solution, aye? I’m sure we’d figure it out.

I would enjoy having registration be similar to Flight Rising. However, I know a lot of players are often turned away by the login page. For me, as well, I struggle a lot with it and it’s an added nuisance when trying to play. Maybe removing it would do players some good?
As for general chat, if it was kept, a timer or a limit on how many posts go in per minute or two would really help cut back on general chat spam.

The log-in page is purely to deter hackers, if it was removed it would open the server back up which we don't want to happen again. I would like to see it more accessible through the registration as new players probably don't realize it exists.

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Re: Fixed Registration Times + Maybe the Return of General
« Reply #32 on: September 28, 2018, 10:00:23 pm »
That’s true to say the least. It’s like having one or the other, because it’s nearly impossible to have both. I’m unsure if a timer could be implemented into the chat, but there has to be one sort of solution, aye? I’m sure we’d figure it out.

I would enjoy having registration be similar to Flight Rising. However, I know a lot of players are often turned away by the login page. For me, as well, I struggle a lot with it and it’s an added nuisance when trying to play. Maybe removing it would do players some good?
As for general chat, if it was kept, a timer or a limit on how many posts go in per minute or two would really help cut back on general chat spam.

The log-in page is purely to deter hackers, if it was removed it would open the server back up which we don't want to happen again. I would like to see it more accessible through the registration as new players probably don't realize it exists.

A timer between posting in general can probably be done easily enough serve side (i don't know for sure, but probably)

But the part i agree with most is the log in page, and a simple explanation of why there's a log in page being rather accessible.  Kind of 'In your face link"
The amount of help threads i've seen by people who don't know it exists...
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Re: Fixed Registration Times + Maybe the Return of General
« Reply #33 on: September 29, 2018, 02:42:49 am »
It would be all on Raz really if he could manage to find a good way through server side code to do so. I know this cooldown was briefly spoken about in the past regarding gen but wasn't a priority due to other things going on and it already being removed. A cooldown for movie clips were also suggested but I'm honestly not sure how hard or easy it would be for him to add such.

The thing is I'd also like to see the server send out a message in the players chat box every time they'd hit that cooldown so they know that whatever they sent will not show, otherwise frustration is bound to happen and it's the game's or admins fault. xD
Former community manager of FeralHeart


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Re: Fixed Registration Times + Maybe the Return of General
« Reply #34 on: September 29, 2018, 03:38:29 am »
That’s true to say the least. It’s like having one or the other, because it’s nearly impossible to have both. I’m unsure if a timer could be implemented into the chat, but there has to be one sort of solution, aye? I’m sure we’d figure it out.

I would enjoy having registration be similar to Flight Rising. However, I know a lot of players are often turned away by the login page. For me, as well, I struggle a lot with it and it’s an added nuisance when trying to play. Maybe removing it would do players some good?
As for general chat, if it was kept, a timer or a limit on how many posts go in per minute or two would really help cut back on general chat spam.

The log-in page is purely to deter hackers, if it was removed it would open the server back up which we don't want to happen again. I would like to see it more accessible through the registration as new players probably don't realize it exists.

A timer between posting in general can probably be done easily enough serve side (i don't know for sure, but probably)

But the part i agree with most is the log in page, and a simple explanation of why there's a log in page being rather accessible.  Kind of 'In your face link"
The amount of help threads i've seen by people who don't know it exists...

I can't say enough how much of a nuisance the login page is. I get it's a way to keep us all safe, but at this point, it's doing more harm than good for every player. When the log in page came out, that is where we lost a majority of our community, because either people were too frustrated by it, or they eventually got tired of it, or they couldn't even get into the game with it.

It would be all on Raz really if he could manage to find a good way through server side code to do so. I know this cooldown was briefly spoken about in the past regarding gen but wasn't a priority due to other things going on and it already being removed. A cooldown for movie clips were also suggested but I'm honestly not sure how hard or easy it would be for him to add such.

The thing is I'd also like to see the server send out a message in the players chat box every time they'd hit that cooldown so they know that whatever they sent will not show, otherwise frustration is bound to happen and it's the game's or admins fault. xD

I agree with that as well. I'd love to see something implemented. Maybe not a timer exactly, but a set limit on how many posts you can put in per minute or so. Otherwise, people will spam their ads all day with no consequence. Setting that limit and having a warning to stop them or else their messages wont send, I'd really love to see that put in.

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Re: Fixed Registration Times + Maybe the Return of General
« Reply #35 on: September 29, 2018, 03:58:05 am »
I personally believe one post for x minutes is the way to do it over x amount of posts within a set limit of time for both general and movie clips as it has been proven that it takes just a few users to go over board.
Former community manager of FeralHeart


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Re: Fixed Registration Times + Maybe the Return of General
« Reply #36 on: September 29, 2018, 04:02:45 am »
I personally believe one post for x minutes is the way to do it over x amount of posts within a set limit of time for both general and movie clips as it has been proven that it takes just a few users to go over board.

That does make a bit more sense. Perhaps I worded it the wrong way, but it's truly something to consider if possible! Rather than keeping a steady watch on ever user in the General chat, it would be nice to have that sort of system implemented to take the load off of the team's back so they can tend to other matters.
Hopefully it's something that could be introduced, given everyone enjoys the idea.