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Messages - TheFeral10

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 9
Introduction / Re: Back
« on: April 08, 2014, 05:30:58 pm »
Thank you all for the kind words guys. So nice to be greeted that heartily.

Introduction / Back
« on: April 05, 2014, 07:49:32 pm »
Greetings to ya'll!
A little part of you may remember me. I'm here to announce my return to the forums.
I will be active only on the forums due to connection issues with my game. I've tried everything to get my game working fine, but I need a new router in order to play freely and I'm not sure if I can get it. I've been away from both the game and forums, but the frustration is too deep and I decided to get back at least on the forums. Not sure when I'll be able to stay in-game again, which makes me sad.
So, yeah, that's what I wanted to say, you may see my track in the topics.
Happy to be around the forums again.

Forum Discussion / Re: Is FeralHeart your Secret?
« on: January 31, 2014, 01:23:03 pm »
1) I do, and I don't. None of my friends or acquaintances play Feral Heart or are interested in it. My family /well, my mother and my sister/ know about my 'life' in Feral Heart, but they don't really care and my sis always does 'facepalm' when I'm trying to share something from FH with her. B| I've told my best friends about my addiction, I've tried to get them playing Feral Heart as well, but they don't have the patience to learn roleplaying /none of my friends knows what roleplaying actually is/ and they give up on it. I'm lucky to have one of my best friends to be a girl from Latvia who is also addicted to FH, and she's the only close friend of mine who I could roleplay and talk about Feral Heart with. I'm tending to share the awesomeness of Feral Heart with many people, but none of them is interested, so I guess I'mma be the only person in my city /or even country?/ who plays Feral Heart. At least I have you, guys. <3

2) Same as Lady Alizarin, I don't really have fursonas, just a few favorite characters who I mostly roleplay as. But oh well, I'd be amazed if someone IRL refers to me as any of those characters' names. I would most likely immediately turn my head in direction of the voice and be like: "Wut?" :D But yeah, I guess I'd response to the person if they really called me using this name.

Leaving / Re: Forcibly...
« on: January 31, 2014, 12:49:08 pm »
Awww, I appreciate your words, really. I actually have good news, tomorrow a person, who understands computers, is coming to fix our internet and my laptop. Hopefully that'll be the final visit by a hacker.

Leaving / Re: Forcibly...
« on: January 25, 2014, 11:54:12 pm »
Thank you both for the kind words. I hope my internet is soon fixed as well.

Leaving / Forcibly...
« on: January 21, 2014, 08:35:33 pm »
Hello there, guys!
Not many of you know me, nor do you really care, but I just feel obliged to announce that I'll unfortunately have to leave Feral Heart for awhile.
It's due to irritating connection issues that I'm forced to last and I basically can't do nothing to fix my problems, at least for now.
Plus that, a very important school year has started and I have to study hard.
I hope to get my internet working fine soon so I could enjoy all of FH again.
So.. That's it, my friends. I'll keep getting on the forums, but not in-game.


Forum Games / Re: Girls! Lets count to 40 before a Guy post!
« on: January 05, 2014, 12:29:44 am »
I believe that once the count is interrupted by a boy, a girl starts all over again.


Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Feral Heart Yearbook(Need Opinions)
« on: January 03, 2014, 10:57:57 pm »
Cool! Can't wait till it's done. :3

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Feral Heart Yearbook(Need Opinions)
« on: January 03, 2014, 01:18:04 pm »
The Yearbook would be amazing :3 Here are some of my suggestions:
- Character section, which includes the story, personality, picture and etc. of people's characters. There would be a limit for the amount of characters though, and every player could share only one character.
- Member-made literary stories regarding animals.
- Amazing facts about animals.
- Maybe some fun quizzes?
That's what I can think of for now. You have the right to disapprove my ideas. (:

Forum Games / Re: How well known are you on FeralHeart? ---
« on: January 02, 2014, 03:01:19 am »

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