Author Topic: Posting off-topic?  (Read 1841 times)

Offline OreoHeroz

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Posting off-topic?
« on: October 22, 2013, 01:37:23 am »
Have you ever came across a newly bumped thread, checked the first post, noted that it was about wolves and foxes, and looked at the last post? You realize that the last post it something about FH not downloading, and how it keeps on saying that it's blah blah blah blah blah.

Excuse me, but this is way off topic. Please post a new thread in the Help section.

Off topic posts. They bug me so much. I don't get why people just randomly fly all over the place and post something like "I can't change my avatar" when the thread is about necro old threads. Uh, why not just head over to the Help section and post what you need help there?

It's not always the "Help-!" stuff, it could be anything it, but the main one is mostly "Help-!" from what I know.

So what are your feelings towards people posting off-topic? What is your reaction to this?

Offline LordSuragaha

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Re: Posting off-topic?
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2013, 02:28:35 am »
It's a little annoying sometimes most especially when a user bumps up an old and irrelevant thread to ask for help and doesn't even specify what they need help with. I don't recall doing that when I first started using the forum. I had enough sense to either message a staff or search for a help section. Maybe some users are just young and anxious I don't know or they are just derps ^^' lol

Offline Jango_Fett

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Re: Posting off-topic?
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2013, 04:33:42 pm »
Ergh, I hate it when they do this, and then spout random things when we re-direct them to the help page, 'Y U NO HELP ME?' or, 'U R MEAN!' and more literate things but these are examples.
IT can be annoying, but if they are in it for the derps, then they just annoy people like me -.-'! 

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Offline Vespian

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Re: Posting off-topic?
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2013, 05:05:40 pm »
Little have I witnessed an individual necro-thread an old thread or get off-topic just to be like, "Trololo, herp derp." However that doesn't mean I have witnessed it happen before. It does generally annoy me, but not as much if I see the member do it only once. I keep in mind that the Feralheart forums are one of the most active forums I've seen in an extremely long time. Therefore, a bit of confusion can happen to those who are new forum-wise. I have to admit, it took me a bit of observing here and there to understand how things ran before I began to dedicate myself.
The point is, if an individual gets off-topic or necro-threads once, then I can be a bit more tolerable. However when I see an individual do it over and over, that's when I get agitated. What I don't get is why some individuals feel the need to post in a thread that's been silent for over a year. Why not stick to the most recent? They'll more likely have a response quicker that way. Then again, there's also the possibility that they do it in order to get more post counts added to their name.
When it comes to being off-topic, I can understand when an individual is new and needs a little nudge. But some of them get off-topic and post their situation right in the middle of something completely irrelevant, like Oreo has stated. It may be because they know not of how the forum is set up and established, or because they're impatient and wants an immediate answer.
All in all, it varies to me how I feel about the ordeal. It generally depends on the experience and attitude of the poster.