Author Topic: The Fallon (Fantasy rp/Open&Accepting)  (Read 11296 times)

Offline AbbyJoyce

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Re: The Fallon (Fantasy rp/Open&Accepting)
« Reply #20 on: June 04, 2014, 07:45:25 am »
(Awaiting Taylor to post.(: )
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Re: The Fallon (Fantasy rp/Open&Accepting)
« Reply #21 on: June 04, 2014, 04:12:11 pm »
[[Alright, thanks for letting me know]]

Princess of Nisroc

"ou don't need to see the whole staircase, just take the first step. You can't be a master of your future if you're still a slave to your past."

Early hours of the morning the young Princess had carried out her regular routine; getting up theb getting bathed and washed, afterwards she would get dressed. Always visiting her horse Stanton and giving him the care he needed, and often taking him on morning rides through the villages and through the fields - where she would have the odd conversation with him, although despite this being a gift she rarely used it as most seen her as 'crazy' when she spoke to the unhuman kind. But today was a day when she needed to rush, her father had ordered everyone to a meeting where she had rushed back.

Standing on the large balcony Analyse kept her posture straight - hands behind her back as her hands interlocked, he long hair falling over the front of her shoulders as she watched her felllow family members join her and her father. A smile had quickly crept across the young womans face as she dipped her head in greeting to her brothers - she rarely seen them in the mornings as she was always out early seeining to her equine friend. Her multi-coloured looking eyes rested upon the woman her father had recently married - her little sister Venessa closely behind. Smiling she bend down ever so slightly and waved at her younger sister who took a place beside her, one hand still behind her back and the other over Ven's shoulder. Her father had begun to speak.

As she quietly listened the 20-year old began to glance around, examining many people who were stood in the crowd, especially someone she knew rather well - Melody. A close friend to the royal family. A smile stretched across her lips as she dipped her head at the light-haired girl, but her eyes slowly faded off as she glanced around the vast lands of Nosric, her fathers words continuing to venture into her early as most listened quietly. But once Samuel stepped up, it appeared Nathaniel and him had a small situation on their hands - and outrage browk. The balcony had slowly began to crumble and the two brothers stormed inside, their father chasing after them and it appeared Karina and Venessa were already gone - she hurried after with her eyes narrowed.

With her eyes narrowed, Anna had stormed inside after the family - a dissappointed look across her face, her blue dress trailing ever so slightly across the floor as she entered the room of the bickering brothers, but although things had esculated quickly they also seemed to do the same calming down. Letting out a sigh she took seat on a wooden cushioned chair in the room - her back straight up and her legs crossed as she listened. She would usualy have butted in, but she decided to let her father handle it - besides it had gotten out of hand, which made her often block it out.

But, a familiar voice soon echoed up the corridors, a once she recognised rather well - turning she glanced at her father as he spoke, he deep voice slightly overpowering the visitors. "Can we just get along for one? The ball's later and I'm sure everyone wants to see us 'all' there!" she spoke up glancing at everyone, and the singing voice soon got louder "Here's Melody.." she spoke - sitting up, and as she sensed the young gurl entered the room.

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Re: The Fallon (Fantasy rp/Open&Accepting)
« Reply #22 on: June 04, 2014, 04:15:58 pm »
Hey guys, just informing you that I won't be able to post for a few days, due to a camp I have going on. However, I'll be back by three days, and will try to catch up soon! :3 Thanks for understanding.)

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Re: The Fallon (Fantasy rp/Open&Accepting)
« Reply #23 on: June 04, 2014, 07:48:49 pm »
I couldn't find a better picture of Liza's wings so I figured I'd just kind of describe them until I could find a different picture. They are black as shown in the picture and they have a light blue and green hue on the tips of each feather you could say.))

Liza Frost
"Dreams can only come true if you truly believe."

Liza stood crowded in a group of people as the meeting had progressed. Her hood was down but her wings were still covered. Everybody likely knew she was an outsider though, but she had cared less what they knew. She brushed pass a few people to get  better look at what was going on on the balcony. She didn't get to see anything besides the two princes storming off with the other members of the royal family going after them. She shook her head and began to back out of the crowd, accidentally bumping into a middle-class. She was shoved rather rudely and she turned around to face the woman. "My apologies." She said and brushed by her. She hated to get into any quarrels and didn't need one today. It was clear it was already a tough day for everyone, what with their royal family disappearing into the castle. Liza managed to get past everyone and cut into an alley of sorts. Her eyes were glued ahead as she cut into another alley. She had made it near the outskirts of the kingdom soon enough and had entered a small shack she called home. She removed her cloak to reveal her odd colored wings and rested it on a table before sitting near the small fire place and retrieving a leather backed book. She opened it up, without thinking about the mandatory meeting she was told to attend, and began to read the words written within it.

Sorry if I made any mistakes. I'm exhausted. I had band camp this morning, lol, and believe it or not I took a nap after wards.))

Offline AbbyJoyce

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Re: The Fallon (Fantasy rp/Open&Accepting)
« Reply #24 on: June 05, 2014, 02:23:13 am »

Status; Conscious and Upset

A low growl slipped past Samuel's lips. Of course he loved his brother, and half the time it was him who was left hurt after a fight. But it wasn't rare that he grew angry with his sibling. Nathaniel turned, exiting the room and no doubt heading to his chambers. With a step forward, Samuel intended to follow, only to freeze at his sister's familiar voice. With a hesitant sigh, Samuel let his shoulders fall in defeat, "You're right, Analyse. Let's just hope Nathaniel intends to attend as well." Muriel raised a brow, "I'm sure your brother has good intentions. He simply is wayward." Samuel opened his mouth, intending to reply when a soft hum interrupted. And as Analyse announced, The familiar Victorian slipped into the room. "Melody, How nice to see you." Karina smiled at the girl. "Yes," Muriel muttered, "It's been a few days. Our halls have been silent without your songs."

"Yes, perhaps you have a tune to soothe Nathaniel?" Samuel teased. A pregnant pause followed before Muriel questioned, "Indeed. Perhaps you could speak to the boy, Melody? He isn't in the sanest of moods and I fear anyone else would be in danger in his presence." Samuel frowned, "Yes. Melody always had a way of comfort. Plus, I doubt he'd strike a woman." Immediately after they left his mouth, he regretted his words. Muriel coughed in discomfort, "Do be careful, dear." He added.

Status; Buzzed and Upset

With a final growl, Nathaniel held Vanessa close, exiting the room hastily only to pull to a stop at the familiar figure before him. Melody, a well known victorian and a close friend of the family. He hesitated, unsure if he should speak, before choosing the lesser and pushing past. Upon entering his chambers, Vanessa wiggled from his grasp, climbing higher upon his shoulders. Nathaniel's chambers were vast and magnificent. An array of teals and blacks, tapestries draped about and glorious lights strewn about. A large wall possessed a book shelf, and upon passing it, Vanessa stood atop Nathaniel's shoulders, snatching a wooden sword from a shelf and sitting back down atop him as he approached a large mahogany desk. Atop the desk were papers and books. Vanessa waisted no time in agiley climbing down from Nathaniel's shoulders and pushing the items from the desk top, standing atop it herself and picking up two large items behind the desk. A small box, a hole carved into one side which she slipped into as armor before setting up the other box, an enemy. Nathaniel plopped down in the large black chair beside the desk, flipping open a book as Vanessa swished her sword at the box, screaming words in her soft voice, "Die fiend!!" Nathaniel was used to watching Vanessa, it was no surprise. The girl loved being with him,,and often allowed him to read whilst she played.
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Re: The Fallon (Fantasy rp/Open&Accepting)
« Reply #25 on: June 05, 2014, 02:14:58 pm »

Melody Hardwing

"It is a pleasure, as always, Karina." Melody responded to the older woman's greeting. Muriel was right, she hadn't been in the castle grounds in a while. The truth was that she had been dreadfully ill, she had not been able to leave her house in her weakened state for at least two weeks. It had been somewhat a miracle that she recovered enough to be able to attend the meeting. "Indeed. Perhaps you could speak to the boy, Melody? He isn't in the sanest of moods and I fear anyone else would be in danger in his presence." Although the words had been carefully chosen, all of it was scarily true. Nathaniel was unpredictable in his moods, and despite him never threatening or striking Melody, it was always a possibility. This side of him had never caused her to be truly afraid of him due to her knowledge that his softer side was always there to coax out. Melody began to side-step towards the door, managing a quiet chuckle at Samuel's unintentionally harsh comment. It was just like him to try and fail to lighten the mood. "Do be careful, dear." These words caused her to pause as she pulled open the door. "Am I not always?" She smiled and slipped out of the door and into the corridor.

Melody's light footsteps echoed through the hall as she made her way to the one place she knew Nathaniel would be. She bit her lower lip as she reached the prince's chambers. Her knuckles bounced off the door three times and pushed it open, taking a step inside, but so that her body was only half inside. "It's only me, so you don't have to throw a book on fire at me." A small smile appeared on her face as she fully entered his chambers. Her eyes drifted to Vanessa, her smile softening. She loved Vanessa like her own sister. "You probably think I came to sing you to your senses." She exaggerated on the word 'senses'. "But that wouldn't be fair on you. So I came to talk, catch up. Whatever you want to call it."
;;I'm so sorry for my recent unexplained absence. It hasn't been a good year for me so far, but I'd like to say that I'm back for good now;;

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Re: The Fallon (Fantasy rp/Open&Accepting)
« Reply #26 on: June 05, 2014, 07:30:45 pm »
[[Sorry no photos, my phones acting up]]

Princess of Nisroc

As Analyse had zoned out listeing to the beautiful sounds of Melody's singing coming from the halls her head quickly turned, watchig as the light haired woman entered, Nathaniel not even stopping to speak at the family friend and instead stormed out. Shaking her head, the Princess let out a sigh and shook her head in dissappointment - Nathaniel was prone to going into moods, which caused the brothers to have some falling out - she knew they were both at one anothers throats but she hated seeing both of them upset. Although, it was hard to tell with her older brother as he locked himself away in the chambers.

Letting out one more sigh her gazed had fixed upon her other brother - Samuel. Smiling, she nodded her head as he agreed to her hoping for her brother to come to the ball - but once again her father spoke reassuring words. Smiling, she heightened her posture once again "I do hope so father, it would be terrible for him to miss out. Hopefully this will loosen him up" she spoke in her familiar soft tone - glancing at the large doors watching as Nathaniel turned a corner and was now out of sight. Running her soft fingers through her hair she then began to play with the pendant on her neck.

Karina being the first to greet the victiorian who the royal family knew rather well her father and brother speaking soon after. She listened quietly as they suggested the young woman to go and speak to her brother, considering he often listened to female figures - especially Melody as she thought. "Hello, Melody." she greeted, deciding not to overwhelm the girl with questions or conversations - but she quickly left agreeing to the kind.

Rasining her hand Analyse had covered her mouth, her lips slightly parting as a burst of air rushed past her lips - a cough to clear her throat preventing her voice from going raspy. Turning on the wooden stool, she placed her hands on her lap then looked at her father with a smile "So, father - what time need be at the ball?" she questioned. Analyse needed to see to Stanton and take him for a run, she would then need to get ready for the ball - she was rather excited for the upcoming event, she had a chance to dress up in her best frock.

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Offline AbbyJoyce

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Re: The Fallon (Fantasy rp/Open&Accepting)
« Reply #27 on: June 08, 2014, 10:28:23 pm »
(I apologize my father has gone into the hospital and I will update as soon as I can)
I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.