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Topics - Kharress

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Request/Find Meshes / Not quite sure....
« on: September 03, 2015, 02:01:16 am »

if it's considered a mesh, but I saw quite a while ago something that I'd love to add to the map I'm currently making. I don't know how exactly to describe it, but it was kind of like a 'border' for your map so it wasn't like you were looking into nothingness for ages. :P I think there was a savannah one, a mountain one... and maybe one with snow? It was kind of like wallpaper I guess? Like a background that went all the way around the map? Sorry for the awful description ::) haha Anyway, if anyone knows where I could find the download for them and can direct me to it, I would be much obliged<3

Thanks a bunch! c:

Request a Preset/Marking / Pretty please? :3
« on: September 30, 2014, 08:53:54 pm »
Hello there!

Well here's the dealio, I've tried many a time to make presets of my OCs but they never come out looking acceptable. So I have turned to the general public for help!

I would really appreciate it if someone (or multiple someones) could help me by making me a few lovely presets of my characters. I'm willing to pay DA points and/or art. You can find my DA account here:

It would be great if this someone:

~Could make different-sided markings (two different eye colors, markings that are not the same on both sides)
~Could make the preset look realistic/have a nice fur pattern so it doesn't look flat or cartoon-ish
~Has some preset making experience already and is willing to show me an example of their work.

Now on to my lovely canines! These are the characters I'd love a preset for(:


Don't pay mind to the tan wolfie, Kha is the russet one(: For the preset can she have a naturally dark pink-ish tongue and a black nose? Thanks<3


Her paw pads are grey and pink, and her tongue is natural light pink with a dark grey patch(: Also, her base fur is cream colored not white.


Her leg, face, tail, and ear markings are all how I'd like them but her body markings are not symmetrical on both sides, they are random so you can draw them as you'd like. Please though, she is primarily white so not too many black patches and please make sure they aren't too large. Also, as a side note, she doesn't really have that mane-thing on her back but she does have a grey/black stripe that runs between her shoulders that tapers out about half way down her back. Thank you!

Linearts (c) SnowBody, KayFedewa, and THE -- bunny on deviantart.
Characters (c) Kharress

That's all for now folks! (I might add some more characters later on though lol)

Thanks so much for taking a look and please let me know if you're interested in helping me so we can discuss the details!

<3 Kha

Game Help / A couple map questions :3
« on: June 20, 2013, 01:10:11 am »
Hey guys!

I searched through the first few pages of this help area but didn't find a solution to my problem, so I figured I'd take a shot at asking for help  :P I'm sorry if this has already been asked/answered, I tend to miss some things  ::) lol

So, I'm in the process of putting together a map-pack, so to speak, for my African predator RP group and I need to add a few portals to a map that I've already exported. I found a video on how to do this, the only problem is... map-maker won't let me re-export the map. I've tried saving and exporting it under two other names and even changed the terrain on one of them. Nothing has worked, it keeps telling me that it fails to export.

Also, is there anyway that I can get rid of a few map portals at the Cape? I no longer want them there taking up space... but I don't know how to get rid of them.

Is there anything I can do? Anything you can suggest will be much appreciated! Thank you!  ;D


Praise / Praising my BFFs 8) <3
« on: June 18, 2011, 09:34:10 pm »
I want to praise these following people for being awesome and just really great friends and helpers to me!!








Thank you guys for everything you do for me and all of us in general!!!! <33333 ;D

btw this is also a very special post for me, because it's my 500th post on the FH forum!!! *dances* 8D You guys really deserve this honor! lol xD <3

Hey Guys! ;D 8D lol I'm Back!

As you probably already know, I have a RP going that is a Lion Pride/Outsiders/Big-Cat/Hyena RP. My main pride is the Acacia Pride. I am the leader, a lioness named Queen Nishari (my pride calls me Nishari). So far we have an amzing, active, creative pride basis set up. We have an amazing (custom made) website that Thunderheart (yes. thee Thunderheart) and myself have worked a long time to make and build up. We also have a map that is being made, yet again, by the amazing Thunderheart! *Lovies and Huggles and Karma to her ;D* Check out the map's status on our website or on our main thread:

Even though we have a great start to our pride we still need more:



~Any Other Big Cat Species (ex: cheetahs, tigers, leopards, etc...)***

~Pride Members*


*** - Really Needs
** - Needs some more
* - We have some but want more :)

Please visit our website and register! Then you can join us on our mission to spread epic, active, fun RPing to Feral Heart! ;D

Queen Nishari <333

P.S. If you join, please post here so i know, and so we can keep this thread active so others can see it :D Thanks!


Apocalypse Hills

Promotional Video:



Age: (pup, teen, adult, years)



Pack (Lacrymosa Wolves, Dark Iris Pack, Loner):



Picture: (if possible)

Role Play Sample: (one paragraph please)

Hi guys,

    I have decided to start my own Wolf Pack(s) RP! I play Kharress, Alpha of the Lacrymosa Wolves. I'm in need of pack members, loners, and any other wolves. This is a pretty realistic RP so please use mostly realistic colors. We have our own website that i made. I am looking for moderators to help me out by, well, moderating it. haha...  ::) When you join i will give you a rank based on your character, and i will set that as your group on the site so everyone can see what you are. We currently have 10 or so members and we are looking for as many more pretty experienced, active, creative RPers as we can get.

What We're Looking For:

Any level RPers to join the RP who are active and creative.

   I'm currently working on making a map for us with help from my close friend ThunderHeart, but we may need a little help. If anyone has made any cool objects that they want in the map, they can send me the files and i will find a way to add them. ex: trees, rocks, skies, grounds, random objects, dens, etc...)

Thank you!


P.S. I am also thinking about making this into a all canine RP eventually. So please vote on whether you want it to be just a wolf or an all canine RP. Thank you! <3

Commissions, Trades, & Requests / Kharress Taking Requests!! <3 ~OPEN~
« on: March 23, 2011, 09:22:09 pm »

So hi everyone,

 About Me:    

So i guess ill start off with a little about me and my style before i tell you about my requests....  I'm Kharress, i LOVE wolves. I'm totally obsessed! :P I love horses and big cats too!!! I consider two people my closest friends on FH (over-all, on the forum too. not just in-game.) They are *drum roll plz, for these amazing pplz :P) Avani and Thunderheart! I love ya guys <3 lol (like friends, Avani, like friends ;) )

My style:

I usually just color line art cuz i fail at drawing my own pixel art at the moment. But i can try if you REALLY want me to... I'm getting better but i don't think I'm good enough to start handing out my crap-art. ;) I can get you your picture usually within 24-48 hours of the time you request it. I can add words/lyrics/slogans and what not onto your picture as well if you want me too!
  I currently DO hand draw art, i draw and color wolves, horses, and lions. It will take me a while to get back to you on hand-drawn art. I now know how to scan my art into my computer, so i accept requests for hand drawn art as well. :D Click my DA gallery link to see my hand drawn art. Im uploading a lot of it :) ^.^

Ok so heres a few examples of my art:

~My Art Thread On FH~

~My DA (DeviantART) Gallery~

Ok so want some epic art to call your own!?!? :D x] :P ^.^

If you want to request please fill out the following....

(stealing application from Drifter.... btw.... >:D(evil grin)

Character Name x HERE
Picture (charrie ref) or Description x HERE
Position x HERE
Expression x HERE
Words On Picture (if you want) X HERE

I can accept between 5 and 10 at a time! So request quick!

Free Slots:

2. GEM (sorry)
3. Howl
4. ~Soul~

Waiting List:


~Finished Products!~

1. Hinamori Amu - <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http://i53BannedImageSite/a3ffpl.png" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>

2. Jazzz - <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http://i56BannedImageSite/o6cj8i.png" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>

3. Avani - <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http://i52BannedImageSite/mwct1w.png" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>

4. Saige (finally lmao) - <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http://i52BannedImageSite/2ytsoip.png" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>

5. Gem - (re-coming soon)

6. Nyshaviolet - <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http://i52BannedImageSite/2qnp4wx.jpg" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>

Ok so that seems about it! So request it up :D (in all seriousness... please do... im bored out of my mind!)

<3 Kharress

Other Games / Funny Wolf Thing ^.^
« on: March 17, 2011, 10:00:15 pm »
Lol i just wanted to share this, its a cute little "Make-your-own Wolf" game! x] I found it while exploring :D <3


Art Gallery / Kharress' Art ^.^ x] <3
« on: March 17, 2011, 08:58:39 pm »
So here's a lot of my Gimp pictures I've colored. I give credit to all the outlines i was allowed to use :D thanks <3 Id like to thank Avani for some help along the way <333  Hopefully ill be able to upload some of my own drawings and sketches soon! Enjoy and comment! Id love some critiques if you have any, as well! Some are just random pictures that I've drawn (but still credit to me lol since i created+colored them xD) oh! and none of my charries are for public use so please don't copy them! Much appreciated! :) One more thing, if you have a pose you want me to color for you or if you want me to color one of these poses as your charrie just post a picture of your charrie here and ill try my best!

(sorry the pictures are kind big :/ lol)

My Fursona Kharress:





....AForeShadowing.... (another of my charries)

Random Fox Thing.... lol

Cute Little Purple Fox (one of my faves) ^.^

Tiger!!! :P

Ill be updating as i go, because I'm doing more now ^.^ so keep an eye out for new pictures! x] :P


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