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« on: August 31, 2013, 08:12:33 pm »
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Offline duna the killer

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« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2013, 08:40:13 pm »

Name: Thunder
Age: 3 years
Breed: Arabian
Gender: Male/Stallion
Foal(s): None
Mate(s): None
Crush(es): None
Extra: He is able to have foals, as he has not been fixed yet. Also Thunder believes in a mythical horse legend called the Skeleton Horse. He is scared of horse skeletons, and will freak out upon seeing one. He is a bit flirty, and tries to impressive mares.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2013, 11:30:06 pm by Dunastar »

Offline jazminj323

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« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2013, 10:19:26 pm »
Picture] (sorry taylor you have probably figured out by now that i dont do pics but i will give a nice long description.) rhaine is a mini/arabian cross and pretty much just looks like a small arabian although she ius not that much smaller she is maybe around 12 hands, she is a dapple gray with a white mane and tail. her eyes are a amber color and are fairly large. she has a slight roman nose but it is hardly noticaeble. she has a dish face. and a perfect plum line on her legs (look it up if you dont know what it means) her tail reaches down to her hooves which are an alnost gold color. more like hazel. she has a long mane and forelock.
Gender: female
Personality:rhaine is a new addition to the ranch and resists all attempts to be broken. she hates humans especially when they are on her back. she is a very wild and untamed mare. but to horses she is very kind and tries to be friends with most. she loves to frollock around playfully like a yearling and have fun with friends
Foal(s):none but she wants one
Mate:none but wants one
Extra: is a new addition to the ranch

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« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2013, 11:57:29 pm »

Name: Chico
Age: He's about 8 months old.
Breed: Mustang
Sub-breed: None, he's a pure feral mustang.
Gender: Colt/Male
Personality: Chico is a young cheeky chap and loves messing around, he will often leap and roll around throwing his hooves around. He's very playful and tends to not focus, but once he is focused he's there for a while. He can be stubborn hence his wild side, but the humans can over come that in time as he is still young. He can be mischevious so the humans keep a close eye on him.
Foal(s): None he's to young.
Mate: Nope
Crush: No, not yet anyway. :p
Extra: Nothing extra apart from hers been here since he was about 7 months old and they're still working on him.

Name: Flicka (just like the name from the movie..)
Age: She's about 4 years old.
Breed: Mustang
Sub-breed: Nope, no breeds mixed in.
Gender: Female/Mare
Personality: Flicks is a stubborn mare and can be really aggressive, her does throw her weight around and It is quite dangerous. Also she is quite brave and isn't afraid of much, well that's what she shows. This pinto mare is feisty and cocky with almost anyone so often isn't nice to be around. But once you get past her bitter attitude you'll find a forever friend. She is also very opinionated and can hurt others feelings and say her opinion when it isn't wanted.
Foal(s): Sadly none yet.
Mate: Nope
Crush: No one at the moment.
Extra: She's a new arrival.

((Of course you're both accepted!))
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Offline duna the killer

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« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2013, 12:21:05 am »
(I love the name Flicka ^^)

Thunder grazed in the pasture, his tail swatting flies that came too close. He had lived at the ranch since he was born, he was there for three years. He had his own rider, and he competed in jumping competitions. He gulped down a mouthful of grass. He looked over towards the stable. He occupied the forth one. He nearly smiled at the sight of the 1 blue ribbon on the door. He wasn't new to show-jumping, but he wasn't one to compete. Suddenly he heard his name. Turning, he galloped towards the call. He arrived at the fence, and a male human smiled and lead him out of the pasture.
The human led Thunder into his stable, and reached for a brush. Thunder stayed still. He felt the brush gently running down his side. The human told him something about 'practice'.  
After grooming Thunder stood with the human on his back at the start of the jumping course. His human kicked his flank. Thunder charged towards the first hurdle. He leapt and landed on the other side. He jumped many more, then he came to the last and hardest hurdle, 5 feet high. Thunder got all the speed and strength into his legs, and launched himself into the air. He had never fully completed this jump. But his leg got on it and he tumbled to the ground. He whinnied and lay on the ground, a scrape on his leg. The human took off his jacket, muttering quietly while examining his leg.

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« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2013, 12:36:55 am »
((Yeah i love the name!))

Chicho woke from a slumber in the stable as he heard a sharp whinne than many neighs, trying to peer over the larger door he let out few neights then lifting slightly onto hsi hind legs he peered over to see that stallion he assumbed was Thunder in the jump ring and laying on the ground raising a brown slightly he watched as the human slung off his jacket and ran towards the horse, his head then turning to see a large mare being dragged out the back of one of the more larger and more secure horse boxes. Tilting his head he assumed it was a new arrival. The young colt waited impatiently for his handler, Jake. To come and let him out into a pasutre. To pass time he decided he would grab a bite to eat so he did, lifting his head a little he began crunching hay from one of the higher points of the haynet.

Flicka let out a snort as she remained in the back of the trailer, her tail flicking to and fro and she slammed her sides slightly against the sides of the metal container and kicked at the small door that stopped her luning at the main car doors. Letting out many piercing neighs as the vehicle suddenly jerked to a stop. Snorting the large metal doors were slowly dragged open and blinding rays of light shone into the box, snorting once again she squinted her eyes slightly and kicked at the door. "Nicen' easy" one of the humans muttered as he grabbed the rope that was tied around her neck. Being led out the box she began rearing causing troubles for the human her hooves thudded the ground as another ran towards them. "Woah girl calm down!" he ordered in a calm tone patting her neck as she remained on all fours. Once being led into the pasture she kicked out her hind legs at the humans causing them to have to quckly lunge back and slam the gate shut. "Ok let her settle in first" one of the older men ordered as they walked away.
Snorting the black and white pinto mare began charging around the pasture, she noticed many other humans and horses around the ranch. But she didn't paw much attention. She was still practically wild since she had just been captured. She galloped around the pasture rearing, bucking and letting out deafaning neighs.
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« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2013, 12:51:57 am »
rhaine looked up as another mare was released into the same pasture as her. the mare was bucking and rearing and hadnt apeared to notice her yet. rhaine stood flicking her tail back and forth in the middle of the pasture. she also caught a glimpse of the foal and of thunder the black arabian who lived on the ranch. she turned her attention back to the new mare. rhaine herself had only arrived a few days before and she loathed the humans but she liked the other horse. she let out a whinny trying to catch the mares attention

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« Reply #7 on: September 01, 2013, 01:09:53 am »
Flicka came to a sudden stop at the sound of a whiine, snorting she whipped her head around in all directions. Soon spotting a horse smaller than herself not to far away. She let out a low whinne and bucked into the air, sending a metal bucket of water flying into the fence. The loud crash causing her to stop then flick her head. Stopping she shrugged slightly and turned back towards the mare in the distance, she also seemed to look a little wild. The pinto mares tail flicked to and fro as she swatted awy the annoying insects that had made an attempt to land on her. Flick looked at the other horse, a large black stallion who seemed to ne in another fenced in area, her gaze then on a small bay foal also with a human, snorting she fkung her head back neighing. Then turning the face the mare again.

The pattering of footsteps cause the bay foals head to whip up from the water bucket and he noticed it was Jake heading his way. Letting out a neigh the colt half reared in the stable as the bolt of the door was pulled along and in csme his human."Hey boy!" He smiled rubbing his hand down the foals neck, snorting he nodded his head and gently shoved the humans arm. "Ok, ok i'll take you over the jumps again" He smiled clipping the lead rope onto the foals harness, opening the gate and walking out, slightly slamming it behind them. The bay foal looked around and began prancing back and forth feeling sharp tugs he realized it was Jake trying to keep him in line but he was just to excited. Realizing they were heading towards the same course that Thunder was in he hoped he could watch the stallion jump also, maybe he could learn a thing or two.
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Offline jazminj323

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« Reply #8 on: September 01, 2013, 01:15:58 am »
rhaine whinnyed a greeting to the new mare. she trotted up, her long mane bouncing against her coat. "hello" she said as she gave another glance at the large black stallion. she had been watching him.

(can i make another character)

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« Reply #9 on: September 01, 2013, 01:24:04 am »
((Sure knock yourself out, make as many as you need..))

Flicka looked at the mare lowering a brow slightly she wasn't use to interacting with other horses much as she was usually thrown out herds for causing fights with the other mares. Gritting her teeth she backed away a little her tail flicking as she kept her posture tall and slightly dominant "Hello.." She muttered with another flick of her tail as she nodded her head slightly, then dragging her right front hoov across the grass causing small blades to shoot out. The pinto mares ears twitched as many unfamiliar sounds pierced through her ears, the only types of sound she could recognise were those of nature and other horses.
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