Author Topic: A Wall Of Text (Using pre-exported files and such)  (Read 3211 times)

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A Wall Of Text (Using pre-exported files and such)
« on: August 05, 2016, 03:33:07 am »
Hey guys! Since this thread is going to become a wall of text in creation, I'm not going to be applying too much fanciness to save myself some sanity. Now that the disclaimer is out of the way, let's get to business!

What will this thread cover?
I plan on covering things not already addressed in other threads. AKA, I will not be covering any preset codes that aren't covered in Ruby123's thread. For any codes I do not cover, go here--->
I'll also be addressing some common issues that tend to pop up in the second half of the thread.

Preset Making

Pre-exported files
As a preset creator, whenever I am tasked with making someone a preset, I pre-export the file so that I can be assured that they won't resell or give it away. Afterall, I made it for them and them alone. Though, in all the times I've done this, it seems a few people are so dumbfounded at what to do with it that they end up asking me for the files. I hope to solve your confusion with pictures and text and possibly some red arrows.

1. Put the file in FeralHeart>presets. NOT my_presets. FeralHeart>presets is where the file would end up if you exported it yourself.

2. Open up FeralHeart and select "Creative Den," then select "Preset Creator."

3. Scroll down through the preset options until the "preset #" becomes "<yourusernamehere> #" and select the file you downloaded. In my case, it's "narwalpanda54321 7."

4. Nothing further is needed! Step 3 was just to make sure you put the preset where it belongs. You can go back to Character Creator and use your preset!

Changing the preset's folder
So, you just downloaded a public preset, but it's in preset 3! You want it in preset 1. How do you go about changing it?

1. Change the names of all the files to the folder you want. For example, "preset_3body" turns into "preset_1body."

2. Open up the material file. If you've never opened a material file, just click on the file and your computer will ask you "What app do you want to use to open this?" Select Notepad, and check off "Always use this app." It should look something like this once you open it:

3. Replacing the numbers. Go to the top bar "Edit," and select "Replace."

4. A pop-up will ask what you want to replace, and what you want to replace it with. Type in "_#", replacing "#" with whatever folder the preset is currently set up for in "Find what," and in "Replace with" type "_#," replacing "#" with the folder you want to set up for. I will be using "_3" and "_1." Click "Replace All."

5. Save the material file and exit! It should look like this:

6. Go into "Creative Den," "Preset Creator," select your folder, and export the preset. I'm sure you don't need a repetition of the previous images to show you where these options are.

Using Textures in Gimp
I've already covered textures in Gimp, so I'm gonna go find that thread and copy-past it here. #LazinessWIN

Step one-- design your preset. This is important. I'll use a simple pink preset.

Step two-- drag the texture you want to use onto the image. In Gimp, this creates a new layer.

Step three-- Well, look how opaque that is! We don't want that! Click the tab "Layer", select "transparency", then "colour to alpha"

Step four-- this screen should come up. Just click "OK", and then you've got your texture! Have fun preset-making!

Here's what it should look like in the end--

Reflective Pupils Code
Finally! Some cool tricks to do with your preset! This code is what I usually apply to a preset's eyes, though it can also be used for other metallic needs on your preset. This tutorial is assuming you aren't terrified or get terribly frustrated when something doesn't look right after five tries, and that you know all functions of your art program.

1. Start out with the glowing markings code.
Code: [Select]
material preset_#_eyeMatL
ambient 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0
texture preset_#eye.jpg
emissive 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
scene_blend alpha_blend
texture preset_#eyeglow.png

2. Ditch the ambient part. You won't be needing that, unless there are glowing parts to your preset.
Code: [Select]
material preset_#_eyeMatL
texture preset_#eye.jpg
emissive 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
scene_blend alpha_blend
texture preset_#eyeglow.png

3. Next, swap out emissive for specular.
Code: [Select]
material preset_#_eyeMatL
texture preset_#eye.jpg
specular 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
scene_blend alpha_blend
texture preset_#eyeglow.png

4. Lastly, change the texture name for the pupil to whatever you want, and play around with the numbers. Find what you think looks best! I'll be leaving it as is, though changing the name of the texture to "pupil."
Code: [Select]
material preset_#_eyeMatL
texture preset_#eye.jpg
specular 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
scene_blend alpha_blend
texture pupil.png

5. Open your preset's eye texture with your art program of choice, duplicate the layer. Erase everything on the duplicate layer except the pupil. Save it as "<insertyourtexturenamehere>.png".

6. You're done! This code can be applied to any other part of your preset, so go have fun! I just found this trick through some experimentation.

Other Tips and Tricks

1. Changing the colour of the ambient code is a relatively simple trick to add a glow-outline effect without the export-less code. It's not exactly the same, but it can really add to a preset. Another colour you can change is the cartoon-outline. Both will take experimentation to get right, but don't give up!

2. Asymmetrical isn't as hard as some people make it out to be. Just change the texture on one side of the preset to something else. For example, if the body is asymmetrical, I can name one body "preset_#bodyR" and the other "preset_#bodyL". It's really that easy!

3. Start out simple. Don't do anything too fancy on your first try at preset making, or you might get overwhelmed very quickly. A good thing to start with is the feline UV, as it's not as difficult to work with in my experience.

4. Get out of your comfort zone. Instead of making your 155th lion preset today, try a dragon. Make it glow. Give it some scrolling textures. Be creative! (Cue the DHMIS references!)


My preset isn't exporting. What's wrong?
Most likely, it's a problem in the coding. Usually it's the "material preset_#body/head/eye/tail/maneMatR/L" line's number not corresponding with the folder.
Another issue I've encountered are the glow-outline and cell-shading codes being present. They look cool in preview, but don't export.

My preset's all white!
Usually, this is because you're missing a texture labeled in the coding, or make a typo in the name of a file or coding. The game is trying to find a texture that doesn't exist, so just whites out your preset. Go into your material code and make sure there aren't any typos in the "texture <insertimagenamehere>.png/.jpg" lines, and that they match up with the files.

How do I get my friend to see my preset?
Simple! Go into your FeralHeart>preset folder and look for the file corrosponding to the one you use in game. If you want to send multiple at once, compress them into a .zip or .rar. Either way, upload the file to Mediafire or Dropbox and send them the download link. They have to put the file into FeralHeart>presets, and then voila! They can see your preset.

Got a question that this thread didn't answer? Don't understand one of the tutorials? Shoot me a PM and we'll work it out!
At worst, if I can't answer your question, I suggest making a help thread. Or, y'know, just start with the help thread. I'm not omnipotent, afterall.

[size=12]More will be added as I feel like it.[/size]
« Last Edit: August 05, 2016, 11:30:26 pm by narwalpanda54321 »


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Re: A Wall Of Text (Using pre-exported files and such)
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2016, 03:48:16 am »
Holy cow, I never knew the replace thing in Notepad. xD Always hated going through the whole thing manually and change the numbers. This guide is wonderful though! Great job!

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Re: A Wall Of Text (Using pre-exported files and such)
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2016, 04:34:37 am »
Great guide! It was really nice of you to make this. :3

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Re: A Wall Of Text (Using pre-exported files and such)
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2016, 04:42:14 pm »
Thanks for putting this together, I'm sure it will be super helpful to many users!<3
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