Author Topic: ~Paxen's Story~  (Read 5964 times)


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~Paxen's Story~
« on: February 20, 2011, 06:04:07 pm »
Paxen, the male orange/red wolf from the south.

Paxen was a nice little wolf pup. He was the only child of Narlene and Kalou. They all lived peacefully in a large den in the woods in the far south. Together with the pack ''Lava Blood'' they got all the love that they needed. Untild one day.. A big hunting spree started by the humans broke out in the woods. There were guns and traps all over the place and they all had to evacuate without losing anyone. One of the human hunters lit up a fire to keep warm, and this ended as a huge fire. Ulrika, Paxen's best friend got stuck inside her den because of the fire. Paxen ran towards the den to try to save her.
''Paxen! You can't go in there!'' his mother shouted in panic.
''I have to! Ulrika is stuck in there, I have no choice!'' he shouted back as he tried to get past the flames, but he did not success. The last thing he remembered was a loud BOOOOOOOOOOM and lots of light. That's when everything turned black..

He woke up the following day with a small tree over him. He got out and walked up the small hill in front of him. Just to find small fires everywhere. The whole wood was black and destroyed. He searched around, shouting for his parents, but coulds't find anyone. He also went to what was left of Ulrika and her family's den and saw her snow-white body laying there.
''Ulrika! Ulrika! Please, answer me!'' he poked her but she didn't move one bit. He took a closer look at her and noticed a small bloody hole with a black shiny bullet in it on her stomach. He felt the tears fall and sank down next to her and cried for a long long time.


Now Paxen is an adult loner that usually walks around by himself. He gets upset and angry easily and rarely talks to others. He has flashbacks daily but he can't really remember much of it. He never knew if his parents died or if they escaped.

Paxen was walking by the lake and passed several other wolves that looked at him in a strange way. Probably because his head was hanging down and he was walking quite slow.
''HEY YOU! RED THING! What's with the head? Looks like it's not part of your body!'' a male black wolf said and laughed loudly with the rest of his friends.
''Just shut the hell up.'' Paxen replied in an angry way. He ran over to a bunch of rocks and fell layed down to rest.


Want more of this story? Comment! :D

Offline Avani

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Re: ~Paxen's Story~
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2011, 06:08:23 pm »
This story is amazing <33
Its really sad too :c

I want more of this story <33


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Re: ~Paxen's Story~
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2011, 06:11:27 pm »
Aww, thanks Ava <3333

I'll continue when I have time for it :3
Luv ya <3

Offline Avani

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Re: ~Paxen's Story~
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2011, 06:13:54 pm »
Yay cant wait <3
Luv ya too <33


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Re: ~Paxen's Story~
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2011, 12:40:02 am »
Paxen woke up to a loud scream. He looked around, but no one were there. The moon shined down at him and the stars were sparkling like diamonds. He got up and went to the water to drink something. In the water he saw the reflection of himself.
''Why me? What did I do to deserve this?'' he asked himself.
''That's a good question my son.'' answered an angelic voice. He looked into the reflection again and saw two other wolves standing behind him. When he turned around, they were not there. One of them were big and red/brown with deep green eyes, while the other was orange/red like Paxen.
''Mom? Dad?'' he asked in shock.
''Yes, my son. We come here with a message to you.'' said the orange/red wolf, Narlene, his mother.
''Of course mother, anything!'' Paxen answered.
''Ulrika is still alive. But she is wounded, weak and lost. You need to find her, help her and save her. The only thing we know about her location is that she is one week away from you. It will take you one week to find her. No matter what direction you choose. This is not as easy as it sounds, my son. You will meet danger from time to time. Please, be careful.'' said the brown/red wolf, Kalou, his father.
''I will father. But please, tell me.. Are you two real?'' Paxen asked.
''No my son. We are not. We died in the fire. We only have this one time to speak to you. You will never see us again.'' replied his mother. Paxen felt the tears in his eyes.
''We love you, my son. We will never stop thinking about you, and we will always watch over you wherever you go. But right now, you need to fink Ulrika. Before it's too late!'' his father said.
''I love you too. Both of you. I miss you two dearly. I will find Ulrika, I will not give up.'' Paxen said and let the tears fall down onto the reflection, and as they hit it, his parents dissappeared..


EPIC, hell yeah! Want more? ;)

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Re: ~Paxen's Story~
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2011, 11:30:53 am »
Love it <3
More : D <3


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Re: ~Paxen's Story~
« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2011, 12:48:34 pm »
Of course Ava <3 I just need to think about what's going to happen next :D <3

Offline Avani

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Re: ~Paxen's Story~
« Reply #7 on: March 31, 2011, 10:17:57 am »
Oki :D <333


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Re: ~Paxen's Story~
« Reply #8 on: April 09, 2011, 08:18:59 pm »
Paxen was tired, lonely and moodsick. It was pouring down and his fur felt heavy and his mane kept getting in the way. That's when he heard a growl behind him.
''Who's there?!'' he asked angrily without turning around.
''I am asking myself the same thing about you.'' answered the deep male voice behind him.
Paxen turned his head around just enough to see the strangers face. It was a feracal. With brown/red-ish fur and black stripes on his backlegs. He had a black mane going down on his back and his chest. He looked proud and strong and his body-complexion was amazing. Paxen couldn't take his eyes away from the stranger.
''Well.. I am Paxen. And I am only passing through, you have nothing to worry about.'' Paxen answered with respect to the feracal. The feracal laughed softly.
''Nice to meet you, Paxen. My name is Xray. And I do not own these lands, so your business here does not affect me in any way. Roam as you please.''
''Nice to meet you too, Xray. You sure scared me for a while there. I thought I was at the leader's area. I am glad to hear that your just a citizen'' Paxen said, shaking in his voice.
''You need to relax, Paxen. I can see that you are nervous. I am not going to harm you. But why, if you dont mind me asking, are you roaming this area? No one comes by here anymore.'' asked Xray curious.
''Well.. I have a childhood friend, that I have not seen since I was just a pup, and I am looking for her, because I have been told that she is lost and wounded. I need to help her. Have you seen anyone passing through before me?''
The great feracal frowned, but not in an angry way.
''Why, yes. I accually have. At least I think it is her that you seek. Fur white as snow, eyes blue as the midday sky... Hm.. Ulrika was her name. Is it her?''
Paxen turned fully around to Xray, laid down and crossed his paws resting his head on them.
''Tell me everything you know.''


FINALLY! I accually updated this XD Btw, Xray is Avani's character. Xray and Paxen kinda have an affair in-game also XD Heehee :B Want more, stay tuned!
« Last Edit: April 15, 2011, 06:20:29 pm by Siren »

Offline Avani

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Re: ~Paxen's Story~
« Reply #9 on: April 11, 2011, 06:42:06 pm »
ooOooo <3
Luv <333
Your story ish pawsome and amazing hun <333
Paxen and Xray ; D <3