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Messages - Frenchfries271

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Characters / Frenchfries271's Entry
« on: April 05, 2019, 10:04:17 pm »
Name: Amiel

(Preset credits go to a friend)

Age: 23 years[human]

Gender: Male

Species: Feline, house cat | Calico

Appearance: A tall, mixed breed with calico like markings and forest green eyes, messy medium length fur. Multiple scars are littered on his front legs, chest and stomach area from a past relationship. He wears a high quality wool scarf to hide these scars, although the scarf is starting to get worn down.

Personality: Amiel here actually has 4 personalities, as he has dissociative identity disorder -
1) Amiel - The first one, the original. A shell of his former self, Amiel is a secluded tom who is struggling with his past and those around him. He doesn't trust easily and will take a while to let him open up. He talks in a hushed voice, as if he fears that someone is always listening to him. Turning to alcohol and writing to hide, Amiel is the pure definition of a debby downer. He is easily frightened by the smallest of things and often goes through depression periods, as well as panic attacks due to PTSD. Once getting to know him, however, he is an extremely caring tom who would do anything to protect his friends. However, this can be easily used..
2) Absolam - The oldest one out of the gang, Absolam is someone not to be messed with. A cunning and vicious tom, anything could set him off. Unlike the others, Absolam refuses to drink alcohol, and would rather turn to hot tea. With a history of gang fights, he is a strict believer of actions speak louder than words. This tom takes the place of a lost sense of aggression and a will to fight, something that Amiel refuses to do. With a history of gang activity, he is extremely dangerous and is easily set off by the drop of a pen. Absolam is the highest/strongest in the personality 'hierarchy'
3) Hezekiah - Hezekiah will do whatever it takes to accomplish his goal, whether it be through manipulation or force. Rather than Absolam, this tom uses his words to get his way and is known to have a silver tongue. A lady's man, Hezekiah came into Amiel's life after the incident, due to nobody talk to Amiel and needing someone to talk to. Like Absolam, Hezekiah replaces something that Amiel lost after the event: a social tom
4) Lavinia - The youngest and only female, Lavinia was once a mother figure to Amiel, due to his lack of parenting from his biological parents. However, as time went by, her personality shifted from a caring, sweet female to a harsh, almost dictator-like personality. She does not agree with how he lives his life, and is often critical over the smallest of things: such as his sexual orientation.

Background: -WARNING-  Sensitive material will be listed here, please read at your own risk.
Born to Zaccheus Godfrey and Azuba Criswell, Amiel has always had a name to uphold. His mother, being a skilled spell caster, was always tough on him but for a good reason: she didn’t want to see him fail. Born in Silverkeep, he has always been surrounded by a forest and has grown to love the scenery. Often found as a kit playing with his friends, especially Helmik and Sabrina, he had a generally normal upbringing. This would change once entering Kingswatch.

At the tender age of 3 years, 6 months, Amiel entered Kingswatch with Helmik and Sabrina, and met Margret and Volou. The five became a close group, inseparable. Being a careless trainee, the calico tom often flunked classes and would be found screwing around, or ditching class. His parents weren’t pleased when they found out, but they wouldn’t do anything. One day in a spell class, Amiel was in a group with Helmik and Sabrina when he messed up the words, and casted a spell. The spell would hit them both in the head, effectively mortally injuring them(with which they would pass away in time.) Being blamed for the accident, Amiel was shunned by his leftover friends and rumors began to spread about him in Kingswatch. His personality and demeanor changed, becoming more hesitant, nervous and perfectionist. As his personality changed, nobody would speak to him, and he wouldn’t speak to anyone(due to the fear of losing someone.) This is when the others came in.

One day while walking in the courtyard, a harsh sounding voice called out to him. But, he couldn’t see anyone. The voice introduced himself as Absolam and all the sudden, another voice chimed in, this time more manipulative. Hezekiah, he introduced himself. They offered to be his friends, to which Amiel slowly accepted. Nobody else could see them, so nobody could make fun of him. Once agreeing, the male’s personality continued to shift. If he began blinking a lot, or stuttering, his personality would completely change to a different one: either being Absolam’s aggressive personality or Hezekiah’s sly personality. Upon a number of conversations, an agreement was made: if either of them, Absolam or Hezekiah, would take control, Amiel would not be able to, and they would fix all of the mistakes that he had made. Amiel, wanting his friends and drowning in guilt, accepted, though had no idea what trouble and stress this would leave him with.

Due to the accident, Amiel wasn’t able to finish his training. He was sent home to his parents, who were understandably angry at him. They kicked him out of their house and he began to travel the areas, eventually ending up in Waterstep. While still in school, the idea of potions fascinated the tom and since Waterstep specialized in potions, perhaps he could learn more about them. The problem was he had no money to take classes. After two months living in the streets, Amiel ran into a male named Ephraim, who was mourning over the loss of his son. Feeling pity and seeing a similarity, Ephraim offered to take Amiel in as an apprentice. Of course, he accepted. Under the steady wing of Ephraim, the trainee excelled in potions, unlike in school, and enjoyed the topic. While being trained, the young male was introduced to alcohol, since Ephraim often drank at night. He’d take a sip here and there but his alcoholism wouldn’t fully develop until later. One day Amiel woke up to see Ephraim laying motionless on the floor with no pulse. He had passed away from alcohol poisoning. A will was stashed away in a locked draw and after officials found the will, it read that Ephraim would pass on all possessions to Amiel. Now having no where to go, he was back on the streets. Until, another voice called out to him, like from Kingswatch. However, this one was.. female? She had introduced herself as Lavinia, and seemed to be caring, sweet and almost motherly. Another deal was made, such as with Hezekiah and Absolam, and now there was four.

Amiel was drawn into nature and began to work on cures for certain ailments: like his DID, depression and anxiety. Always seen with a small book with notes, it would become his Bible and would sacrifice his life for the safety of it. One night at a local bar, a tan-hued tom named Jaxon Auxilies entered and the two began to talk. They hit it off and soon became a couple. But it wasn’t an exactly healthy relationship. Often being mentally and physically abused, this can be coined as the moments in his life when Amiel started to wear scarves or anything to cover up his chest and front leg area. During this time, he began to develop selective mutism, where he would not talk unless needed and this would take a strain on his voice that lasts up to even today.

As a year went on, the two were dating. Until the their year anniversary. Amiel was nervous as to what would happen, but they planned on meeting at a local bar. When the calico showed up, he waited for an hour, but no one came. Going to a different bar, he walked in to see Jaxon with a different tom, and it seemed to be more.. than a friendship. Effectively realizing that their relationship was over, he walked out, heartbroken. His personalities were screaming at him to do something other than walk away but.. he couldn't find himself to do anything other than walk. After everything that he went through.. for that? Lavinia, although, presented a solution. Why date toms? Why not go for females? And that, he tried.

Meeting a nice, gray female named Filomena, Amiel forced himself to like her in order to rid himself of his emotional trauma. While the relationship was healthy, something was missing and the love was not there. Filomena began to realize this, and rather than be angry, as the male had expected, she was concerned: something that Amiel had never seen before. Eventually, after two months of dating, they broke up but still remain close friends. Lavinia, unexpectedly, was angry and began to despise his sexual orientation. This can be marked as the beginning of her personality change from a caring mother, to a homophobic dictator.

Currently at his current age, Amiel is a shell of his former self. With 3 people living inside of him, it would be an understatement to say that his life is a mess. Suffering from dissociative identity disorder, major depression, moderate anxiety, moderate PTSD(from his past,) major alcoholism and a few other fears, he is shaken and hopeless.

Other Information (Optional): eeeeek that was a while lmao, but i hope y'all enjoyed him;; 'm always on him in TG if you wanna check 'im out

Game Help / Re: Preset Creator and Files
« on: June 07, 2018, 11:00:15 pm »
The problem was indeed the sizing, after I resized them to 512x512, the images came back. The only problem now is with the two different eyes and heads. I added the Rs and Ls where needed, but it's not showing back again. I think I can fix it on my own though, thanks for all your help the both of you ^^

Game Help / Re: Preset Creator and Files
« on: June 07, 2018, 10:02:20 pm »
The files are all 382x382, and of course:
Also, I tried both of the coding for png and jpg, the whole preset link just disappeared in the game
And sorry, I have absolutely no idea how to do the table scrolling for future preferences

material preset_10_bodyMatL
            texture preset_10body.jpg
material preset_10_bodyMatR
            texture preset_10body.jpg
material preset_10_headMatL
            texture preset_10headL.jpg
material preset_10_headMatR
            texture preset_10headR.jpg
material preset_10_eyeMatL
            texture preset_10eyeL.jpg
material preset_10_eyeMatR
            texture preset_10eyeR.jpg
material preset_10_tailMat
            texture preset_10tail.jpg
material preset_10_maneMat
         lighting off
         cull_hardware none
         cull_software none
         scene_blend alpha_blend
         depth_write off
            texture preset_10mane.png

Game Help / Re: Preset Creator and Files
« on: June 07, 2018, 02:03:24 am »
Try changing the files from like .png to .jpg or if they're already .jpg then switch it to .png and see how that goes. : o

Adding L and R shouldn't have any effect on the game.

Just tried it, no luck. I realized that I named the head files as the eye files, and I thought that could be the problem. Unfortunately after changing it, it still doesn't work

Game Help / Preset Creator and Files
« on: June 07, 2018, 01:42:21 am »
Heya, so my friend made me a preset and I'm having trouble exporting it.

Whenever I go to Preset Creator, and click on the appropriate preset, the game just freezes then shuts down. I think it may have something to do with having two different eye and head files, but I have another preset with the same thing, and it works perfectly fine. I changed the material file folder coding, whatever it's called, to accommodate for the L and R files, but it's still not working.
I've re downloaded the files, changed them to a different preset folder, and renamed them but it's still not working.

Any help or advice?


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